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Power-plant scale Free Energy...
Posted on Thursday, February 15, 2018 @ 22:40:12 UTC by vlad

Science DMB writes: In this submission, we address the possibility of using tandem synchronous machines in a stabilized slipped-pole condition as a free energy prime mover for driving a third synchronous generator feeding the grid.

When I was an electrical engineering student in machines class, one of the students asked, "What happens when a synchronous machine slips a pole?" The answer was something like, "large torque pulsations occur, huge transients flow, and breakers trip..."

This was clearly an unstable slipped-pole condition whereas this document claims to investigate a stabilized slipped-pole condition. The questions arise "How do we achieve that, and what does it look like?"

The answer involves connecting two synchronous machines by one solid shaft with the desired slip-angle  appearing between the spinning open-circuit voltages. Then the phases are connected together A to A', B to B', and C to C' where the primed open-circuit voltages of one machine lag the unprimed voltages of the other by 60 degrees.

If interested parties construct the phasor diagrams for current and voltage and calculate the complex power for each machine, I believe you will find a net real positive power (Pnet) for both machines in sum, and thus a net positive driving torque, which can be used to drive the third generator feeding and synchronized to the grid.



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Re: Power-plant scale Free Energy... (Score: 1)
by DMB on Friday, February 16, 2018 @ 03:43:05 UTC
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This slipped-pole free energy configuration is nothing new. Evidence shows Tesla knew about it and referred to it when he talked of the 4-quadrant operation of synchronous machines. A friend solidified the notion to me, and mentioned that the slip between the open-circuit voltages of the two solidly connected machines enables the conversion of torque-neutral VAR's in one machine into real driving power (P) in the other. Thanks for your patience...

Re: Power-plant scale Free Energy... (Score: 1)
by DMB on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 @ 03:32:34 UTC
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I apoligize but I think I have been wasting your time with this submission. I was working without a scientific calulator and its astonishing how one can bend lines in phasor diagrams drawn freehand. Sorry. Humble pie squared.

Re: Power-plant scale Free Energy... (Score: 1)
by DMB on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 @ 08:59:33 UTC
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Once again, I am Mr. Retraction. This idea, likely originally Tesla's, may have validity after all. The key is getting torque-neutral VARs in one machine to appear as real driving power (P) in the second tandem machine. When I originally mentioned a 60 degree lagging slip angle, I was choosing an arbitrary angle that seemed to work. Perhaps a better demonstration of principle is to have a lagging slip angle of 90 degrees. In this case, assuming a purely inductive (and equal) impedance for each of the two tandem synchronous machines (jwL), three resistive loads equal in magnitude to 2wL must be added, one for each phase, in series with the connected, 90 degree slip machines. In theory, this gives a phaser digram where one synchronous machine has purely driving power and the other has purely reactive power.

It remains to say what configuration might be optimal in a practical situation. But perhaps worth investigating.

Re: Power-plant scale Free Energy... (Score: 1)
by DMB on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 @ 10:07:09 UTC
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Vlad, I am clearly barking up the wrong tree here. If you could see your way clear to, I ask that you delete the entire series of posts in this chain. Its just a distraction from the authentic free-energy work going on.

Actualy... (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Friday, February 23, 2018 @ 11:22:30 UTC
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Something like this could definitely work.   The key to making it work would be to add in a thermal engine, such as a nitinol engine or a sterling engine, in parallel with the generators so that the heat generated and wasted, due to the inefficiency of the generators, could be collected.   If the wasted heat were to be put into a medium, such as a pool of water, several nitinol engines could be placed into the pool to scale up efficiency even more.   Overunity could easily be achieved with this method.

While this is not Tesla's magnifying transmitter idea, it is practical, but only in a power-plant type setting.   If you are wanting to free yourself, or your home, from the grid, this will not work - at least, not very well.

235% Over-Unity Circuit easily analyzable in CircuitLab Simulator (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, May 08, 2024 @ 08:28:25 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
A series of post by DMB that I originally approved for the main page but then, decided to move them here, FYI:

DMB writes: Passive linear devices, like resistors, inductors and capacitors, are conservative, both in modeling and operation. Non-linear devices, like diodes, can, if engineered in the proper context, produce a net power energy gain in a circuit.


We have one such circuit engineered which clearly produces a net power gain of (minimum 235%). The input power had large spikes, so we added a pi-filter, and that seemed to clean things up in a second modeling. You are welcome to modify and work with your own copies of the publicly available circuits on CircuitLab, or to rebuild them in PSpice. Extensive discussion and rationale for their operation is found, along with the circuits themselves, at the following links:


Over-unity "Proto-Circuit" - Inductor Resistances Included - CircuitLab


Over-unity "Proto-Circuit" with Input Power Smoothing Added - CircuitLab






Also please see, and perhaps help with, the following circuit:


Over-unity "Proto-Circuit" with more realistic Capacitor sizes and different Power Compensation - CircuitLab





Working on automated power averaging for the three circuits listed earlier. Here's what I have:


Over-unity "Proto-Circuit" with Inductor Resistances, and Power Averaging - CircuitLab


Over-unity Circuit - with Power Filtration, realistic Capacitors, and Power Averaging - CircuitLab


Over-unity Circuit with Filtration, Compensation, and Power Averaging - CircuitLab


The last one may not be over-unity, as it has a good deal more inductor resistance, and is structured differently. I would appreciate any comments on flaws in my power averaging schema….


Proof of Concept Over-Unity Circuit easily analyzable in CircuitLab Simulator

In order to avoid distraction from the primary value as a Proof of Concept circuit, we have taken down all circuits but the first listed; it has power spikes, but those can be handled in time, and perhaps by others. Thanks….

Measure twice, cut once... 

I made an error, and now checking a second time it seems the over-unity percentage was only around 130%. Still significant as Proof of Concept….

Voyage of Discovery, not Invention...

Over-unity "Proto-Circuit" - Inductor Resistances Included - CircuitLab [www.zpenergy.com]

We recently simplified this circuit when we found one of the "legs" in the original was carrying no current at all under simulation. We also were playing around with the original so much after submitting our original news story that it was hard to "draw a bead" on where we were, or where we were headed.

The end result of our journeys is incredibly simple, but still simulates as over-unity. So simple in fact, that our work hardly qualifies as invention, and is more in the category of discovery... discovery of a hidden over-unity property of the simplest of loaded series RLC resonant tank circuits.

Even with Inductor Resistance included, this over-unity proto-circuit (see above link), at least as it simulates in CircuitLab, boasts a substantial (near 150%) Coefficient of Performance (COP). COP may normalized some if standardized components with approximate, rounded-off values are used. However, if optimal performance is still desired, variable inductors may be included such that resonance may be "tuned" to the ideal. The best we had with "perfect" resonance, and inductor resistances included, was around 150% COP, using conservative approximations. If in doubt, you are welcome to simulate the circuit yourself, and perform the relatively easy "eyeball" integration of the power-in (Pin) curve to calculate your own figure for COP.

The integration consists primarily of summing the area of triangle-shaped "spikes" which approximate the power curve, separated by large zero areas along the time axis, then dividing by the period of the 60Hz root waveform.

Again, as is, the power input includes momentary power spikes. Conditioning stages need to be added to the input, without affecting over-unity performance.

This work-in-progress is the ideal "proto-circuit" of circuits based on it that use more comprehensive (and realistic) models for inductors, capacitors and diodes, and voltage sources, as well as input power conditioning stages.

Linear components are "conservative," and as has been thought, can't seem to generate power of themselves, but non-linear components, however, are potentially "non-conservative," and if engineered in the proper context, can produce a net power gain in the output.

This circuit is based on the nonlinearity of the diode (D) creating "phantom" voltage or current sources comprised of Fourier series harmonics of a half-wave rectified sine-wave voltage. LC filtering seems to partially block the fundamental harmonic currents from fully manifesting in the load. Further "full" resonance of a different (double) frequency paves the way for 2nd harmonic currents originating in diode (D) to reach the load near completely unimpeded.

This "proto-circuit" is a Proof of Concept circuit to justify more research and, potentially, real world implementation. Home-scale units in the 10kW range could be developed for inverter and grid inter-tie connection, and the concept could also likely be scaled-up for large-scale generation on the order of Megawatts.



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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