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NASA Designs Near Light Speed Engine That Breaks Laws Of Physics
Posted on Thursday, November 04, 2021 @ 22:01:49 UTC by vlad

From Daily Aviation YouTube channel: NASA Designs Near Light Speed Engine That Breaks Laws Of Physics.

Illustration: Casey Chin; Getty Images (via Wired)

Physics is the basis of natural science. If some phenomenon contradicts the laws of physics, then this  phenomenon does not exist.

Is it so?

In most cases, this is true. But history proves that the contradiction of physical laws sometimes means  that we simply do not know something. And then a new physics emerges.

In most cases, this is true. But history proves that the contradiction of physical laws sometimes means  that we simply do not know something. And then a new physics emerges.

On February 28, 1913, the Danish physicist Niels Bohr proposed a planetary model of the atomic  structure, which later became the basis of quantum mechanics. Bohr argued that an electron in an atom  does not obey the laws of classical physics.

However, many of Bohr's contemporaries, including the indisputable scientific authority Albert  Einstein, considered this theory untenable and even insane. Uncertainty – the term and exact science  seemed to be incompatible. “God does not play dice,” Albert Einstein told Niels Bohr in person. To  which Bohr calmly advised Einstein to stop telling God what to do.

Einstein did not believe in God. This phrase has become just a convenient metaphor. Einstein did not  want to accept randomness in the universe, and he was seriously mistaken.

Just think, Einstein - the smartest man among earthlings, made a mistake!
Yes, he did. Now even a schoolboy knows that the discovery of quantum mechanics gave humanity the  majority of modern technologies:

• nuclear weapon;
• lasers;
• particle accelerators;
• magnetic resonance imaging - MRI ...



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The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared Completely (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, November 04, 2021 @ 22:14:31 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

In the 90's a seemingly breakthrough in theoretical physics would be met with some skepticism. After various experiments would make certain discoveries hard to verify, a key scientist's disappearance may have been at the core of figuring out what is going on.

Ning Li's Papers.


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