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The new biophysics
Posted on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 @ 16:48:03 UTC by vlad

From RegenerateProject.com: The New Biophysics: A Deep Dive into the Quantum Rabbit Hole of Esoteric Physiology

by By Sayer Ji / Founder of Greenmedinfo.com

What if everything you were told about how the cells of your body get their energy was wrong? What if the body could tap the relatively limitless resources of the Sun directly? Even more astounding, what if the body could tap the infinite energy density of the quantum vacuum and even turn that energy into matter, as well as transform elements into one another? Welcome to the electrifying implications of the New Biophysics.

[This is an exclusive, pre-launch release of Chapter 3 from REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience Through The New Biology — the most provocative of them all!]

The energy needs of the human body have long been envisioned as dependent upon physical “fuel” being fed to the glucose-burning furnaces within the mitochondria of our cells. Indeed, our fixation on the caloric content of food reflects this outdated and fundamentally inaccurate concept. Calories are simply a measurement of the amount of heat given off when we internally incinerate food, which is a crude metric when we consider the complexity, elegance, and mystery of human metabolism. 

Our bodies, in addition to utilizing ATP-based mechanisms of energy transfer, are capable of harnessing “free” energy directly from the sun through a variety of means, including water-, melanin-, and chlorophyll-mediated processes. No doubt, there are many other energy-generating processes at play yet to be discovered. But while examples of alternative energy sources based on EZ water or melanin may seem like a radical departure from conventional theories of cellular bioenergetics, they actually still aren’t radical enough to account for what is really going on. 

The truth is that our bodies can access, accumulate, and put to work immense quantities of free energy, or energy that does not need to be extracted from physical substances such as food. The body has an even more direct, limitless source of energy that it can, and does, continually access—one that may finally explain accounts of humans living without food or water for prolonged periods of time. Recent experiments reveal that, despite long-standing assumptions that cytosol, the aqueous part of a cell’s cytoplasm, has zero electric fields, it actually contains an electric field strength as high as 15 million volts per meter.48 (For comparison, high-voltage power lines typically operate at 155,000 to 765,000 volts per meter.) Even more astounding is the fact that the inner membrane of a single mitochondrion has an electric field strength of 30 million volts,49 which is comparable to the electrical field generated by the flares coming off the surface of the sun or a thunderbolt...

Full article here: https://regenerateproject.com/the-new-biophysics-a-deep-dive-into-the-quantum-rabbit-hole-of-esoteric-physiology/



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