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Never Give Up
Posted on Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 00:18:46 UTC by vlad

Returning from vacation, I was surprised by Frank Acland's latest post on his website, "E-Cat World" (Low Energy Nuclear Revolution). He, for some reason, felt it necessary to justify/clarify for his readers, why he continues (since 2011) his support for Andrea Rossi and his Energy Catalyzer (E-Cat), despite so much secrecy and so many disappointments (from Rossi, but not only). 

Well, this sounded very familiar to me! I have had to do it as well a few times since I started ZPEnergy.com, exactly a decade before the E-Cat World (in 2001!). At that time, there were no websites (except some online "discussion groups") dedicated to, somewhat "curated" News in the field of unconventional New-Energy research (the controversial Free-Energy [FE] or Over-Unity [O/U], mostly experimental research). ZPEnergy was/is not dedicated (mainly) to one technology (such as LENR) but reports on all technologies that, ultimately, manage somehow (by various clever means) to tap into that source of ubiquitous, permanent, nonzero (extremely dense) energy in the fabric of "space-time continuum", the energy of the Quantum Vacuum Field (or Vacuum Energy, a special case of the Zero-Point energy).

Despite numerous technologies we reported on over the years that claimed to have done just that, we have to admit our disappointment as well, since none of them made it into a "properly validated" technological breakthrough (as far as we - "the masses" - know)... in other words, into a desperately needed revolution of the current means by which humans generate their energy.

So, I can relate to Frank's following statement: "...Those who have been following this channel and E-Cat story for a long time now probably realize that I am an optimist. I have learned along the way that setbacks and disappointments are part of life, but success is rarely easy to attain. You have to have faith, believe in what you are doing, be persistent, have a positive attitude and to never give up...". To that I would add:  

Same as with the UFO enigma, there is more to the story of "Free Energy" than meets the eye. Despite the ridicule from the conventional science and the mainstream media, the very high quality of many people and their experimental research in this field, makes it impossible to ignore, especially given the urgency and the enormous stake such a breakthrough can have on the future of humanity on this planet and beyond. I feel it is one of our most important duties to contribute to keeping the public updated with valuable information on new, revolutionary energy research, whenever we come across it from a reliable source. I wish more people "in the know" would feel the same as I do and help. Please see our mission statement and even support my (old now) Xtreme Science Foundation (XSF) and the XS-NRG Prize proposals. If you want to learn more about  XSF/XS-NRG Prize proposals, please start with the summary posts: "Why support ZPEnergy and Xtreme Science Foundation? (Part One, Two and Three) and use search for "XSF" for other relevant posts and comments on the subject.



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ChatGTP on Rossi's patent (Score: 1)
by solaris on Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 23:27:07 UTC
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Here is an interesting comment posted by the user Steve Albers about Rossi's Australian patent (Filed on 12 Dec 2021). It proves again the limits (due to their training) of the LLMs type of AI (like ChatGPT is) in moving the science beyond what we currently think to be possible.

Patent Abstract:

...The creation of these virtual particles is favoured by the high density of allowable energy states in vacuum, while they are hindered by the relatively low number of permitted states in an ordinary metallic conductor. This difference may be exploited to generate a high efficiency electric energy generator and this is what this invention has been made for.
The objective is solved by an electricity generator set made by a conductive hollow enclosure, made by metals or quartz containing conductors, connected with a power source that powers an electron gun made by a tungsten-hafnium alloy, upon which is a grid, so that the electrons hit a target at the opposite side, while a magnet forces the electrons to run in straight line toward the target, and the enclosure is grounded until its hollow is saturated, so that when it is saturated MOSFET impedes the electrons to go to ground, and a diode has to allow the electrons go to a capacitor and from the capacitor to a load.

Steve Albers: I asked ChatGPT about this abstract and the response asks a good question about whether this would have a COP > 1 with the electron gun.

The described mechanism for generating electricity appears to involve several concepts from particle physics and electronics, but the way they are combined suggests a misunderstanding of physical principles. Here are some points to consider:

Virtual Particles and Energy Generation: Virtual particles are a concept from quantum field theory, describing temporary fluctuations in a field. They cannot be harnessed directly for energy production because they do not exist in the same sense as real particles. They are part of the mathematical formalism used to describe interactions in quantum fields and do not represent an available energy source that can be tapped into.

High Density of Allowable Energy States in Vacuum: While the vacuum does have a high density of quantum states due to virtual particles, this does not translate to a practical method for generating energy. Exploiting the vacuum energy would require violating fundamental conservation laws or finding a way to access zero-point energy, which remains purely theoretical and speculative.

Conductive Hollow Enclosure and Electron Gun: The use of an electron gun to fire electrons at a target is a well-understood technology used in devices like cathode ray tubes. However, this does not inherently generate more energy than it consumes. Electrons fired by an electron gun require an external power source, and typically, the process is not more efficient than the energy put into it.

Grounding and Saturation: The concept of a hollow enclosure being "saturated" with electrons does not correspond to any known physical phenomenon. Grounding and then un-grounding an enclosure to control electron flow through a MOSFET and diode arrangement to a capacitor and load might describe a form of charge storage and discharge system, but not an efficient energy generation mechanism.

Energy Conservation and Practicality: Any practical energy generation mechanism must adhere to the law of conservation of energy. This means the energy output cannot exceed the energy input. The described system does not explain how it would produce net energy gain without violating these principles.

In summary, the described mechanism does not align with established principles of physics and appears to misunderstand several fundamental concepts. It is not a valid or practical method for generating high-efficiency electric energy.

How Society Gets Trapped In Limiting Ideas (Score: 1)
by yru4 on Friday, June 28, 2024 @ 11:05:59 UTC
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An interesting discussion between Joe Martino (Collective Evolution/The Pulse) and Lubomir Arsov


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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