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Working Together to Fix Our Broken Systems
Posted on Friday, September 13, 2024 @ 00:34:02 UTC by vlad

Working Together to Fix Our Broken Systems: Welcome to WantToKnow.info

Welcome to WantToKnow.info! Since 2003, we’ve been dedicated to educating the public about the powerful forces shaping our society from behind the scenes—using only the most reliable and verifiable information. This video is a preview of who we are, and our unique role in the media landscape.

WantToKnow.info was founded by Fred Burks, a White House interpreter for top presidents and government officials, who blew the whistle on significant levels of global deception and manipulation he witnessed while he was working for the State Department.

20 years later, our work continues to serve a dual purpose of exposing high level corruption and cover-ups and highlighting the best of humanity with solutions and stories that remind us of our innate goodness and collective power.

Our site serves as a useful research tool and comprehensive archive for a wide variety of topics. We save people time by summarizing important and revealing news articles, drawing from the most credible and verifiable sources across corporate and independent media. We now have a database of over 13,000 news article summaries and comprehensive information centers on corruption in government, medicine, food, national security, justice, technology, the financial industry, and UFO/UAP disclosure. We’re also on Substack where we write original investigations, and we host a variety of engaging video series on our social media platforms, which explore the news and controversial topics with uncensored investigation, nuance, and mindful inquiry.

Because we can choose to become more polarized, closed, and manipulated by the emotional reactivity in both alternative and mainstream media communities. Or, we can choose to be curious, open, and courageous in a world that rewards groupthink and conformity. Let’s stop the endless arguments with each other and work together to fix our broken systems.

We’re committed to shining a light into the darkest corners of the world, to transform this darkness for a more informed, free, and collaborative society. And there’s a place for everyone—no matter where you stand on the political aisle.

Disturbing information like this can paradoxically remind us of the greater good. It is the courage of the people and the love for the common good that bring these injustices to light—fueling uncensored dialogue and constructive action.

WTK is managed by PEERS (Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization.

WTK Website: https://www.wanttoknow.info/
Substack: https://peerservice.substack.com/
Twitter: @WantToKnowPEERS
Instagram: @wanttoknow.info


I [Vlad] highly recommend the WantToKnow.info New Energy Information Center
(A special note: we are currently in the process of updating this information center. Stay tuned!)

This page provides links to a variety of sources of information dealing with new energy technologies on the WantToKnow.info website. Our most basic material is listed first, followed by other resources which delve deeper for those interested in more.

We recommend reading through this entire page before exploring the links provided. WantToKnow.info presents this information on new energy technologies as an opportunity for you to educate yourself and others, and to inspire us to work together to strengthen democracy and build a brighter future for us all.

New Energy Technology Summaries

For the best, most concise introduction to new energy technologies, we highly recommend our new energy summaries. These fact-filled summaries provide revealing information on technologies which gives hope for a solution to the energy crisis we are facing, and even offers hope for overcoming environmental problems. Patent numbers are given with links to access the patents, as well as links to websites with more information.

Two-page new energy technology summary: https://www.WantToKnow.info/newenergysources

Ten-page new energy technology summary: https://www.WantToKnow.info/freeenergy

Best New Energy Information Videos (available for free viewing)

The War Against Cold Fusion, provides a thorough, professional examination of the incredible hidden potentials of cold fusion. With riveting video testimony of top scientists from around the world and footage of their amazing experiments, you will learn not only about the science and vast potential of cold fusion, but also about the powerful financial forces which systematically work to stop cheap energy from being developed. Free Energy – The Race to Zero Point is a fascinating, award-winning documentary which provides a groundbreaking and inspiring look at the leading theories and practical devices that tap into zero point energy – now acknowledged by physicists to exist in all space as a source of infinite and accessible electromagnetic energy.

https://www.WantToKnow.info/energycrisissolutionsvideodocumentary - War Against Cold Fusion

https://www.WantToKnow.info/060630newenergyvideodocumentary - The Race to Zero Point

Most Important New Energy Information Document

The 1908 Ford Model T boasted a fuel economy of 25 MPG, yet 100 years later, the EPA average for all cars was under 21 MPG. What happened? With the quantum technological leaps in computers, genetics, electronics, engineering, plastics, and almost every other industry in the same time period, does this make sense? Why is it that the fields of transportation and energy have progressed at a comparative snail's pace? Could it possibly be that corporate profit and greed keep technology from advancing in these critical sectors? Did you know that the world fuel efficiency record is well over 10,000 MPG? How can this be when the best cars sold today don't even get 100 MPG? Read about this and much more at the link below. Links are provided in this document to reliable media sources for easy verification of facts.


New Energy Technology Resources

Our new energy technology resource list contains one-paragraph summaries of the best videos, websites, and a scholarly magazine which provide reliable new energy information. Ratings are given on both interest and reliability for each resource listed. Links are always provided for purchase or free viewing.


Top New Energy Information News Articles

We have collected many news articles from highly respected media sources which contain eye-opening information exposing various aspects of the new energy cover-up. Links are always provided to the original sources for verification. The first link below contains one-paragraph excerpts from incredibly revealing news articles with the most important articles listed first. The second link provides the same article excerpts listed by order of date posted to WantToKnow.info, while the third lists them by the article date. The fourth link below contains a list of only headlines and links to some of the most important articles. Below these four links, headlines and links to the entire text of several of the very best articles are also provided.

https://www.WantToKnow.info/newenergynewsarticles - Highly revealing energy news excerpts

https://www.WantToKnow.info/newenergynewsstories - News excerpts by date posted to website

https://www.WantToKnow.info/newenergymediaarticles - News excerpts listed in reverse date order

https://www.WantToKnow.info/medianewsarticles#newenergy - Headlines and links only

Best Individual New Energy Information News Articles

Major Breakthrough in Car Engine Design and Mileage Reported in CBS News

100 MPG Car Reported by London Times in 2002 - Where is it now?

Abundance of Amazing New Energy Technologies Reported in Major Media Articles

Major Energy Scandals Caught on Tape - CBS

New Energy Technologies in the News

This astounding list of one-paragraph excerpts from major media articles reveals literally dozens of very promising new energy technologies. Some of these devices tap into the zero-point energy field producing abundant energy for very little cost. Links to the full articles on their major media websites are included.


Excellent Book on New Energy Technologies

The excellent and well researched book Hidden Energy takes you on a journey to encounter genius inventors from around the world who have discovered new energy technologies that go far beyond today's alternative energy sources. Tapping into radical new physics, these mavericks share with you in this book the theories and even some of the nuts and bolts of their breakthrough work. Talented authors Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich are leading voices in this exciting field.

read on amazon.com

New Energy Theories and Applications

Below are some highly intriguing theories and applications related to new energy technologies. The first is a link to the autobiography of the amazing inventor Nikola Tesla, in which he discusses some of his incredible theories and inventions. In the second, pioneering Canadian engineer Wilbur Smith describes highly esoteric, intriguing principles he learned about energy and the layering of dimensions in our universe. The final link reveals government experimentation with Tesla-like technology through the controversial HAARP program. Links to many reliable sources are provided to learn about the capabilities of HAARP to control weather and even be used as a weapon.

Nikola Tesla's Autobiography

Wilbur Smith: The New Science

HAARP and Weather Control as an Electromagnetic Warfare Weapon

Best Online Lesson on New Energy Technologies

A powerfully revealing online lesson brings together the best videos, quotes, essays, and much more on the important topic of energy and new energy sources. Developed by individuals involved with WantToKnow.info, this dynamic two-hour lesson provides a greater context with which to understand not only the cover-ups and manipulations going on in the energy industry, but how this directly affects our lives and world. This eye-opening lesson also gives ideas on what you can do to make a difference, and leaves you feeling a refreshing sense of hope for the future of our world.

read on insightcourse.net

What You Can Do About the Cover-up of New Energy Technologies

We have no doubt that by working together we can and will build a brighter future. When we step out of fear, secrecy, and polarization, we choose to join with the ever increasing numbers of people dedicated to working together for the good of all in our world. You can make a difference right now by sharing this information on new energy technologies with your family, friends, and colleagues. Click on the "share" link at the top or bottom of this or any page on this website to help spread this valuable information far and wide.

To contact your political representatives and the media, click here. All pages, especially our summaries, are also designed to print well so that you can copy and share the information given. If you would like to send a short email introducing powerful information on the cover-up of new energy technologies, click on the link below. And thanks for caring!





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"Working Together to Fix Our Broken Systems" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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"I am Exposing the Whole Damn Thing!" (MIND BLOWING!!!!) | Randall Carlson (Score: 1)
by yru4 on Friday, September 13, 2024 @ 01:51:14 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Randall Carlson: "I'm the biggest skeptic around and what I saw can't happen. What I saw is impossible, but I saw it."

I’m talking about technology that sounds like it's straight out of a Nikola Tesla fever dream, yet it's happening right now, and you won't believe it until you hear it all. This isn’t just another fringe idea—this is the real deal, something that could fundamentally change how we think about energy, the environment, and maybe even our place in the universe!!

Professor Malcolm Bendall et. al: Cold Fusion and Resonant Frequency in Energy Generation:


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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