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Vacuum Decay - The new "tool" for extracting energy from the vacuum
Posted on Friday, October 25, 2024 @ 18:19:28 UTC by vlad

As of today, science is "firm" on the impossibility of tapping directly the Zero-point (Vacuum) Energy for useful power (Zero Point Energy - Demystified). But if there is validity to some experimental evidence for fuel-less energy devices (ZPEnergy.com thinks so), we always assumed its ultimate possible source for the excess energy, must be the energetic vacuum! Well, it seems there is now a legitimate candidate for extracting some useful energy from the vacuum: False Vacuum Decay. 

Sabine: One of the most disturbing ideas in physics, or maybe *the most disturbing idea, is that space can fall apart. That’s because it could be what’s called “false” vacuum. A false vacuum can remain in this innocent reliable looking form for billions of years, but eventually a quantum fluctuation could be enough to cause it to decay. This would release enormous amounts of energy and kill all of us. Yes, cheerful thought.

So far, this has all been theory. But a new experiment has now for the first time observed that quantum fluctuations can actually trigger a transition like that, luckily not for the entire universe, but for a small and safe test-setting in the laboratory with ultracold gases.

Here are some more interesting comments about the vacuum decay phenomena by user Axil Axil from e-catworld and nextbigfuture websites (some related to A. Rossi device):

Axil Axil: The theory of vacuum decay, specifically the concept of a "false vacuum" which can decay into a true vacuum state, first emerged in the late 1970s, with key developments related to the electroweak interaction and the Higgs field, particularly in the work of physicists studying the stability criteria for these forces based on particle masses like the top quark and Higgs boson.

Key points about the timeline of vacuum decay theory:

Early development:
The foundational ideas related to quantum field theory and vacuum states were established in the early to mid-20th century, laying the groundwork for the concept of a "false vacuum."

Formalization of "false vacuum":
The stability criteria for the electroweak interaction, which is often considered the most likely candidate for a metastable "false vacuum," were first formulated in the late 1970s. The concept of a "false vacuum" is central to vacuum decay, where the current vacuum state is considered locally stable but not the absolute lowest energy state, allowing for a potential transition to a more stable "true vacuum".

Experimental verification:
The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 provided crucial experimental evidence supporting the possibility of a false vacuum in the electroweak interaction.

Recent advancements:
Recent experiments have produced what is considered the first experimental evidence of "false vacuum decay" by observing bubble formation in carefully controlled atomic systems, further validating the theory.

The theory of vacuum decay is primarily based on the field of quantum field theory within physics, as it describes the behaviour of the vacuum state at the quantum level and the potential for transitions between different energy states, including a hypothetical "false vacuum" that could decay into a more stable state.

Key points about vacuum decay and quantum field theory:

Cosmological implications:
Vacuum decay is often discussed in the context of cosmology since it has a determinative impact on early universe big bang processes and mechanisms, as it could have significant implications for the universe's origin, the way that the universe first evolved, and its ultimate fate.

Going forward, Dr. Rossi is destine to make a groundbreaking contribution to quantum field theory as well as many other fields of scientific study when science is able to expand on Dr. Rossi's work and integrate his seminal work into quantum field theory and particle physics...

The Rossi reaction made simple

The is no fuel required. The energy is derived from an imbalance in the vacuum that is setup by a fast rising high tension electrical spark. The vacuum reaction is vacuum decay.

Dr. Rossi builds a bubble of the vacuum that is different in its power from the vacuum of our universe. This new vacuum is a negative vacuum which is inherently unstable. This bubble will grow on its own by sucking in energy from around itself until it gets to a size that is unstable. This bubble will then explode whereupon the exploding bubble will produce energy that it has absorbed that Dr Rossi can use to produce electrical power.

See an explanation of the complicated science behind this hypothesis:

details about vacuum decay

Regarding: In the case of vacuum decay, does the new vacuum state convert what was in the old vacuum state into energy as seems to be the case when matter is ingested by the EVO during transmutation?

What is false vacuum decay?
False vacuum decay is a quantum field theory process where a metastable (false) vacuum state transforms into a true vacuum state. This process occurs when small localized bubbles of true vacuum form.

Here are some details about false vacuum decay:

What is a false vacuum?
A false vacuum is a locally stable state that is not the most stable possible ground state.

What happens during false vacuum decay?
The energy released from the Higgs field crashing into a lower energy state pushes the space around it over the barrier, releasing more potential energy. This creates a sphere of the negative vacuum where the Higgs field is not present that grows over time

How could false vacuum decay relate to the Big Bang?
Some believe that vacuum decay played a central role in the creation of space, time, and matter in the Big Bang.

Has false vacuum decay been observed?
Yes, physicists have observed false vacuum decay in a ferromagnetic superfluid.

The case where particles are absorbed into the EVO as follows

In vacuum decay, the new vacuum state essentially converts the energy contained within the old vacuum state into its own form of energy, effectively causing a transformation where the energy is redistributed as the system transitions to a lower energy state; essentially, the difference in energy between the old "false" vacuum and the new "true" vacuum becomes available as energy that can be used to create new particles or manifest in other forms.

Key points to remember:

False vacuum:
The idea of vacuum decay is based on the concept of a "false vacuum," which is a metastable state that, while seemingly stable, is not the lowest possible energy state. This is the state of our universe.

True vacuum:
This is the state of the negative vacuum inside the EVO. This vacuum state is lower than the false vacuum state.

Bubble nucleation:
When a "true" vacuum state appears within a false vacuum, it can expand like a bubble, converting the energy of the old vacuum into the new one as it spreads. This is the EVO.

Potential consequences:
If our universe is currently in a false vacuum state, a vacuum decay event could have drastic consequences, potentially causing the universe to radically change or even destroy all matter as we know it unless the nucleated bubble is unstable and decays.

As an example, the underlying assumption is that some process in the very early universe stored energy in a false vacuum state. This energy is then released when the false vacuum state decays. So the decay of the false vacuum state does not create energy, it simply releases energy that was already stored as potential energy in the false vacuum state. A complete accounting of the energy in the universe would have included this potential energy.

By analogy, a ball rolling down a hill does not create energy, it simply converts potential energy into kinetic energy - and this potential energy was previously stored in the state of the ball/hill by pushing the ball up the hill in the first place.

The case where no particles are absorbed into the EVO upon decay of the true vacuum.

In vacuum decay, when a false vacuum transitions to a true vacuum state, the energy difference between the two states is released as energy, essentially converting the "potential energy" stored in the false vacuum into other forms of energy, even though the false vacuum itself might not contain any matter particles; it's the energy density of the vacuum state that changes, not necessarily the presence of matter particles.

Key points to remember:
The case of no matter conversion:
While the transition might appear like matter is converted to energy, in reality, it's the energy stored within the false vacuum state that is released as the system moves to a lower energy state (the true vacuum).

Bubble nucleation:
The process of vacuum decay is often described as "bubble nucleation," where a small region of space spontaneously transitions to the true vacuum state, and this bubble then expands outward.

False vacuum decay is a temporary situation that occurs when a low vacuum state is created (EVO created). Energy from our spacetime is then transferred to the lower vacuum state (EVO). Upon decay of the EVO, energy is transferred back to the previously higher vacuum state (our universe)...

Axil Axil (from nextbigfuture.com): The mechanism that generates energy in the reaction occurs when a Bose-Einstein condensate of electron polaritons explodes in a “bosenova,” the energy released is not given a specific unique name, but is essentially referred to as the “explosion energy” of the bosenova, which arises from the sudden release of potential energy stored within the disintegrating condensate due to the change in coherence interactions within the BEC.

Key points about the bosenova energy:
This energy is generated by the rapid collapse of the BEC, which occurs when the coherence between polaritons within the condensate become dominant, causing a sudden implosion followed by an outward explosion.

Small scale:
Although called a “nova,” the total energy released in a bosenova is very small compared to a stellar supernova, but is significant on the atomic scale.

The energy content of the BEC is generated by the natural growth an expansion of the BEC over time that is a result of vacuum decay when two vacuum states produce an unstable imbalance in vacuum potential.

I want to show you what the core of Rossi’s reactor might look like. The first video shows an experiment that was intended to replicate the SAFIRE system that was called VEGA. The Video shows in slow motion at 36 seconds in the bosenova of the EVOs produced by the reaction in slow motion. Run the video at .25 speed to see more details of the bosenova explosions. The popping sounds that you hear come from an AM radio tuned between stations to pick up the radio waves that are being produced by the bosenova explosions. Here electrons and photons are decoupling.


The second video comes from Rossi’s demo of his first micro computer that he called “QUARKX” or “QX”.

You see on the scope the signals that were produced which includes both the pumping RF signal and interspersed voltage spikes produced by the exploding bosenova.

You first see the initiating fast rising spark, then a 3 second pumping signal with the interspersed bosenova voltage spikes. The power cycle is 8.3 seconds long but a lot of the cycle is not pumped so that the reactor could run at 20% of maximum power.


If we want to violate the conservation of energy, we need to adjust our system's level perspective to the cosmological level. The method that violates conservation of energy must involve a cosmological level process.


We need to involve dark energy and the vacuum.

In general relativity, the concept of "conservation of energy" is not directly applicable in the same way as in classical physics because energy is not generally conserved in curved spacetime; instead, the closest equivalent is referred to as the conservation of the stress-energy tensor which represents the distribution of energy, momentum, and stress within spacetime.

Key points about energy conservation in general relativity:

No global energy conservation:
Due to the curvature of spacetime, there is no globally defined "total energy" that remains constant across a system, meaning energy is not conserved in the same way as in Newtonian mechanics.

Stress-energy tensor:
The conservation of energy is expressed through the stress-energy tensor, which is a mathematical object that describes the distribution of energy, momentum, and stress in spacetime.

Local conservation:
While global energy conservation may not hold, the stress-energy tensor is locally conserved, meaning that in any infinitesimal region of spacetime, energy is conserved.

Vacuum decay is a process that has cosmological significance and impact.

Rossi is not producing energy from zero point vacuum. Zero point energy does not have the power density to produce useful energy. He is actually setting up a condition of vacuum decay from which he extracts electrons and photons that he formats into an electric current. His modified (true) vacuum is unstable so there is no danger that the universe is at risk. Read his theory paper for more details.

The engineer who interfaced the Ecat to the car and drove it in the demo said that the Ecat maintained a constant 12 volts DC output throughout the demo from beginning of the demo to its end. A battery cannot maintain such a constant voltage through discharge. Also, the car’s onboard battery’s charge increased by 20% during the 6 hour demo.



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More on virtual particles and Zero Point/Vacuum energies (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, October 28, 2024 @ 16:31:33 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
I'll use again some comments made by Axil Axil to try to clarify, for all of us here who do not possess a higher degree in physics, the very difficult concepts of virtual particles and Zero Point/Vacuum energies, and the eventual possibility to "tap" them for useful work (as Andrea Rossi states his e-Cat device is doing). Here are extracts from some of Axil's posts on e-catworld.com website:

Dr. Rossi states that the Ecat system derives its energy from zero point energy. This theory paper has received a tremendous amount of attention since it was published, but it has yet to be peer reviewed by science. Now that the reaction has been shown to be real in the recent successful demonstration of the Rossi effect, let us prepare for such a peer review.

So what is zero point energy?

Zero point energy arises from the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, specifically the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that a particle can never have both a perfectly known position and momentum, resulting in a minimum, non-zero energy level even at absolute zero temperature; essentially, it's the inherent energy fluctuations present in all quantum systems, even in a "vacuum" state, due to the wave-like nature of particles.

Key points about zero point energy:

Quantum mechanics origin:
It's a direct consequence of quantum mechanics and not a classical physics concept where a system can theoretically reach zero energy at absolute zero.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle:

This principle is crucial to understanding zero point energy as it dictates that even in the lowest energy state, a particle will still have some degree of motion due to the inherent uncertainty in its position and momentum.

Vacuum fluctuations:
In the context of quantum field theory, the "vacuum" is not truly empty but is filled with fluctuating quantum fields, which contribute to zero point energy.

What Dr. Rossi is saying in his theory paper is that he is extracting energy out of these virtual particles to the tune of many kilowatts per hour. Let us analyze the soundness of this posit against other established scientific data as follows:

In theory, it is possible to calculate the energy involved in the production of virtual particles within a limited volume of space using the principles of quantum field theory, although the calculations can be quite complex and often involve advanced mathematical techniques like renormalization to handle infinities that arise from summing over all possible virtual particle interactions within a given volume; this is often referred to as "vacuum energy density" in the context of quantum field theory.

Key points to remember about virtual particles and energy calculations:

Quantum fluctuations:
Virtual particles arise from quantum fluctuations in the underlying quantum fields, meaning they can momentarily appear and disappear in pairs due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Limited lifetime:
These particles exist for a very short time, and their energy is not precisely defined due to the uncertainty principle, which allows them to violate energy conservation temporarily.

Feynman diagrams:
To calculate the energy associated with virtual particles, physicists use Feynman diagrams, which represent the interactions between particles as visual diagrams and allow for the calculation of probabilities and amplitudes of these interactions.

Challenges in calculating virtual particle energy:
Infinite sums:

Directly summing over all possible virtual particle interactions in a given volume can lead to mathematically infinite results.

To address this issue, physicists use a technique called renormalization, where only the relevant "observable" differences in energy are considered, effectively "subtracting out" the infinite parts.

Example application:

Casimir effect: One observable phenomenon related to virtual particle energy is the Casimir effect, where the fluctuations of virtual particles between two closely spaced plates can result in a measurable attractive force. This effect can be calculated using quantum field theory and provides experimental evidence for the concept of vacuum energy associated with virtual particles.

The vacuum energy density of space, according to recent measurements, is approximately 5.96 x 10^-27 kilograms per cubic meter which translates to roughly 5.36 x 10^-10 Joules per cubic meter. In terms of energy density calculated from experiments using the Casimir effect, this energy density is about 10-9 joules per cubic meter.

"Vacuum energy density" is measured in units of energy per unit volume, like Joules per cubic meter (J/m^3).

Current understanding:
Based on observations, the vacuum energy density is believed to be a significant component of the universe's energy density, contributing to the accelerating expansion of space.

To produce a constant rate of energy production of 3 kilowatts, you would need 3,000 joules of energy per second.

1 kilowatt is equal to 1,000 watts.

1 watt is equal to 1 joule per second.

Therefore, 3 kilowatts is equal to 3,000 watts, which translates to 3,000 joules per second.

Key point: While "joules" measure energy, "watts" measure the rate at which energy is transferred, meaning "joules per second" represents the power level.

The amount of space carrying energy from the vacuum required to supply a constant rate of power production from vacuum energy at its source is 3,000 joules/5.36 x 10^-10 Joules per cubic meter or (3) (10^13)/ 5.36

Or approximately (10^13) cubic meters of space would be removed of virtual particles per second to supply 3 kilowatts of power.

What happens if the NGU is configured to generate megawatts of power?

If science made this calculation, what is the implication of this calculation with regards to the claim that the NGU extracts it energy from vacuum zero point energy?

When 1 gram of matter is completely converted into energy, it generates approximately 9 x 10^13 Joules of energy.

Explanation: This is calculated using the famous Einstein equation E=mc^2, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light.

Mass (m): 1 gram = 0.001 kilograms

Speed of light (c): 3 x 10^8 meters per second

Calculation: E = (0.001 kg) * (3 x 10^8 m/s)^2 = 9 x 10^13 Joules

Key point: This is a massive amount of energy, which is why nuclear reactions that convert a small amount of mass into energy can release such tremendous power.

Since Dr Rossi does not report any loss of mass or any other signs of nuclear activity and since mass is just an excitation of quantum fields (particles) present in spacetime that is moderated by the Higgs field as the source of mass, then If spacetime comprised of all quantum fields is converted to energy, we should get the same amount of energy from space time annihilation as if that space time held mass.

The energy density of the vacuum seems to be too low to support extraction of power at levels that are being achieved by the Ecat reaction. However, there are other vacuum related processes that might enable the extraction of high power output. Does energy transfer derive from Sen's conjecture where spacetime itself is being converted to power as per string theory or false vacuum decay which could be the method that might permit high power production?

I will make the case for Vacuum decay if Dr. Rossi permits.

There is a complication here called the vacuum catastrophe when trying to make sence of the vacuum energy power density that Rossi thinks that he is tapping into.
According to current understanding, the "correct" value for vacuum energy, relative to the vacuum catastrophe, is significantly smaller than the theoretical value predicted by quantum field theory, with a discrepancy of around 120 orders of magnitude, meaning the observed vacuum energy is vastly lower than what calculations suggest it should be; this huge disparity is what constitutes the "vacuum catastrophe.". This larger predicted value is predicted based on quantum electrodynamics, consistency with the principle of Lorentz covariance and with the magnitude of the Planck constant suggests a much larger value of 10^113 joules per cubic meter.

Key points about the vacuum catastrophe:
Theoretical value:

Quantum field theory predicts a much larger vacuum energy density (which is an incorrect assumption) due to zero-point fluctuations, often calculated using the Planck energy scale.

Observed value:
Measurements based on cosmological observations show a significantly lower vacuum energy density.

Magnitude of the discrepancy:
This difference is considered one of the biggest unsolved problems in physics, with the theoretical value being many orders of magnitude higher than the measured value.

From looking at the way that the power is produced during the EVO life cycle, it looks like that power comes from the electromagnetic field which is how science has come up with the large 10^113 joules per cubic meter value for the power density of the vacuum.

Sabine states that the vacuum energy is not produced by virtual particles, rather it is an inherent property of spacetime as described by general relativity and the expansion rate of the universe.

Here is Sabine's take on the vacuum as follows:

What is an EVO? (Score: 1)
by yru4 on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 @ 16:03:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
From reddit/LENR by peetss: What is an EVO?

For decades, many individuals around the world have replicated an experiment in which an amount of excess heat is generated that cannot be explain by conventional physics. For a long time this was understood to be cold fusion and more recently, LENR.

Ken Shoulders discovered that this type of energy can produce many other phenomena in addition to excess heat. He coined the term Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) to describe the self-organizing plasma at the heart of these effects. His research represented a significant advancement in our ability to define and understand these effects.

The SAFIRE Project, Andrea Rossi’s Leonardo Corporation, and Brilliant Light Power are the most recent high-profile companies who have reproduced the effects of EVOs.

Up until this point, conventional physics has been unable to explain any of these effects. What is new is that the SAFIRE project was undertaken to experimentally observe the effects of an alternative theoretical model called the Electric Universe.

Broadly, the Electric Universe proposes that the sun is not powered internally, through fusion, but rather is constantly discharging electricity in the form of plasma, as part of an interconnected galactic circuit.

The fact that the SAFIRE project observed these effects under an alternative model of the universe indicates we could be on the verge of a revolutionary discovery that would change the face of our planet forever. A future in which limitless and emission free energy can become a reality.

In our current societal state, a revolution such as this is one of the last options we have to stave off violent revolution. Those in power have purposefully suppressed this technology at the expense of all of humanity.

We should invest the entirety of our being into the proliferation and deliverance of this technology.


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