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Source of Energy that is Everywhere
Posted on Sunday, November 02, 2003 @ 20:30:22 UTC by vlad

Devices From the free_energy Yahoo list: Hal Fox wrote:
> Dear Bruce Perreault,
> You describe your invention using rods in salt-water solution.

No, this is incorrect. Walter Hofmann described one of his experiments that used saltwater. The effect that I have identified doesn't require saltwater.

> You may be interested in the following discoveries (if you
> haven't already learned about them):
> John Hutchison has found that he can take a specific mixture of
> materials and make a battery that has the following
> characteristics: Can be shorted out and will recover. Can
> produce a few watts of power continuously. An explanation is
> needed.

It sounds like he is using the effect that I have discovered
to a limited degree. The explanation is that all metals are
decaying and giving up electrical particles.

> Tesla left a notebook which was kept by a building custodian and
> later given to his son. His son eventually (many years later)
> introduced the book to an older Ph.D. student. This person
> selected one of the disclosures, obtained a NASA contract and
> developed the invention. It consists of two rods that have a
> mixture of materials expect one rod lacks a specific element that
> is in the other rod. When properly spaced about 15 watts of
> power can be obtained continually. NASA told the developer that
> he could not build and distribute this technology. The developer
> went to the Philippines, finished development (a friend of mine
> went over there an made measurements with his own equipment and
> in his own hotel room). It is my understanding the this device
> is now being manufactured in and sold from a Japanese company.

So far, this is only a rumor. The is no evidence to indicate if
it is true or not. Frankly, I am tired of hearing these stories
that never develop into anything. I have decided to do something
and come out with real products. I am moving forward in spite of
the negative feedback that is coming my way. There is enough
positive feedback to keep me upbeat and motivated to push forward.
I have decided to just produce the products and the heck with
the corrupt patent system. I so tired of trying to explain my
discoveries just to have people find any fault that they can find
to discourage me. There will be no more questions and answers.
I am going to sell products and make money and try to enjoy what
is left of my life.

> Apparently, these two devices tap into the vast amount of space
> energy that is everywhere present. Perhaps that is the source of
> the energy from your invention.

The source of energy is from the decay of matter into energy, or
condensed energy (matter) into uncondensed matter (energy). This
transformation is the result of the Cosmic Rays that are everywhere
present day and night, colliding into unstable atoms as Tesla
pointed out to us decades ago.

> As soon as we complete the current funding arrangement, our lab
> personnel will order a kit from you. We will even advertise the
> kits, and print an appropriate article, if you wish.
> Best personal regards, Hal Fox, Ed. J. New Energy

Thank you Hal, the proof-of-concept kits are only the beginning.
You kind support will not go unnoticed.

Best Regards, Bruce



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"Source of Energy that is Everywhere" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments | Search Discussion
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Moray Device Secrets Shared with All (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 02, 2003 @ 20:46:57 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Good Day Everyone!

In the past few days I have posted the last piece of the Moray
device puzzle without reservation... Why? For one reason, I am
plain tired of seeing the tail chasing that has been going on
for years within our circles. For another reason I have
decided that the patent system protects no one, except for
the corrupt corporate mega-systems. Most on these lists always
say that an inventor should post his material all over the
internet. This way, the powers that be will not stop his/her
invention(s) from seeing the light of day. Well, I have done
what has been prescribed. Now, it is up to all of you to your
part, whatever this might be to see that the invention does
some good in this world.

I leave you with two simple experiments...

1) Place two thin aluminum plates into close contact with each
other. Separate them with a sheet of heavy paper towel, the type
that car mechanics use, that have been pre-soaked with Johnson
and Johnson's original blue colored Windex. Next, pass a few volts
of direct current through the plates by connecting one plate to
negative and the other plate to the positive lead from a variable
power supply. What you will find is that current will not pass
between the two plates.

2) Place two thin copper plates into close contact with each
other. Separate them with a sheet of heavy paper towel, the type
that car mechanics use, that have been pre-soaked with Johnson
and Johnson's original blue colored Windex. Next, pass a few volts
of direct current through the plates by connecting one plate to
negative and the other plate to the positive lead from a variable
power supply. What you will find is that current will be shorted
between the two plates. Allow the current to flow for too long and
you could fry your test leads.

3) The two above experiments demonstrates the reality of the
Perreault Effect. These experiments prove that the effect
discovered goes beyond simple galvanic action as certain
people have implied.

-Bruce A. Perreault
October 30, 2003

Re: Tesla had a son ? (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, November 03, 2003 @ 21:29:07 UTC
M. Fox,

Wow ! What a claim ! Tesla had a son !!!

Who was his son ? Who was his wife ? What are their names ? Where they lived ? What kind of work Tesla's son did ?

Where did you get these unbelievable informations ?

I read a lot of book about Tesla and no one claims that Tesla had a children or a family... If so, when during his life he got a family ?

We want to heard more about your claims. Please let us know which are your references on that topic. We will greatly appreciated your proofs on that topic.

If so...



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