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John Hutchison in trouble again
Posted on Thursday, November 13, 2003 @ 19:44:10 UTC by vlad

Legal John Hutchison writes: Hello folks,
I am having a little problem with the City of New Westminster. According to the City of New Westminster I have to get all the collector items that I have on my balcony that have been there for the past seven years.

I have gotten an enemey, I believe. I need your help in helping me convince the City that the artifacts on my balcony are: one, not an eye sore and two, that they are not, quote from the bylaw #5969, 1991 ...Removing discarded material, debris and rubbish from the balcony including but not limited to the naval ship articles, etc. I telephoned MR. PATRICK YOUNG, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer of New Westminster only to not get a response from him. I have till the 22-nd of November to get some letters and correspondence to take to City Hall. Please send letters and emails to the following email address heffect@infinet.net and heffect@shaw.ca. Many thanks...
John Hutchison

Here is the link to John's forum:John Hutchison forum



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"John Hutchison in trouble again" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: John Hutchison in trouble again (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, November 13, 2003 @ 19:56:32 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
November 12, 2003

Dear City of New Westminster:

John Hutchinson is an internationally known and respected physics and energy researcher. His work may be vitally important to the future of humanity, and his equipment and related artifacts must not be mistaken for discarded material; it is important to his work and must not be taken from him.


Wade Frazier
Bothell, Washington, USA 98011-3272

Re: John Hutchison in trouble again (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, November 17, 2003 @ 22:55:59 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

Posted By: John Hutchison
Date: Monday, 17 November 2003, 4:06 p.m.

Today November 17, 2003 I got a phone call from the City of New Westminster supervisor for Paul Young who oddly enough is on a weeks vacation. He wanted to apologise for any stress that they caused and that my balcony is ACCEPTABLE.

This phone call came in just after my friend newsperson of Global TV here in Vancouver BC Canada paid city hall a visit.

The supervisor indicated its a very unusual situation and realized that I am a rather unusual person because of my scientific and media background.

The main information however was that the photograph that the city took was of such poor quality and in black and white and looked like a pile of junk, so the supervisor came out from New Westminster city hall and took a look and said "ITS REALLY FINE EQUIPMENT" he said there is no problem and sorry for causing alot of stress.

I also wish to thank everyone involved, all the letters of support and radio show hosts, Art Bell for posting the photo graph on his personal web cam. Too all the Media television folk, I thank Aerielle Louise who is truly a good friend and helped me a great deal.

All of you folks have been very supportive and sending lots of positive energy and were instrumental in the final outcome.

There will be a news report on Global tonight I will let you know about what time.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

However always be vigilent I say that to all who are different and make positive difference in the world.

Give out good, positive and happy thoughts and you will get that back ten fold, communication is very important.

Again, take care of each other and we will let you know when the news program is on tonight.

Thank you all so very much for your support in our recent struggle.

We truely hope that it is over.



Take care,

John and Aeriella

[Please see the forum for some pictures I took of the acceptable balcony. -Vlad]

Re: John Hutchison in trouble again (Score: 1)
by ArcaneMaine on Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ 17:06:58 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Mr. Hutchison,

My name is Lawrence Gary, I am Co-founder, developer, and administrator of http://arcanemaine.com and owner of boogobi Design.

I have been following you for some time, and liken you to be Nikola Tesla reincarnated with a great deal more personality.

Listen, we're nearly nieghbors, and you rock. I would like permission from you to use your materials displayed publicly to create a top level web site, with your own forum, your own members, your own databases, and anything else we can do to bring your site up too excellent standards. I will provide all hosting, design, coding, graphic and flash, etc etc..
 In the future I may also provide Donation channels, including links to your site and donation pages from Arcane Maine, boogobi Design, and a majority of my client sites per your approval.

If this seems somewhat radical, "nothing for free", well frankly, I'd be honored to rub elbows with ya. I tend to be resourceful. Let me know if this interests you and by all means contact me anytime.

Lawrence Gary


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