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Another reproduction of the MEG device?
Posted on Sunday, January 18, 2004 @ 14:48:58 UTC by vlad

Devices Leslie R. Pastor posted this in some of the Yahoo new energy groups. I believe that, until Al Francoeur does a proper evaluation of his MEG reproduction performance (which he admitted he didn't do due to a problem with his old testing equipment), I would say that claiming success is premature. But some of you would still be interested in Tom Bearden's generous comments to this news.

From: AL.F@t...
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 11:26 pm
Subject: ALF reproduced the meg device

Hello All

Just for the fun if it I reproduced our own meg device and it worked, I have enough metglass core material to construct 6 megs. I do not have any more good measuring equipment to test for the output or input as my old test equipment is toast and had the bird, so I am going on observations for now. What frequency is it running?, I have no idea but it is up there for sure as I can hear this meg scream a very high pitch because it is oscillating in high frequency. I also do not know how much dc input is going in and I also do not know how much output, but is does light up small lights so very bright that this meg burned out 8 light bulbs trying. All the bulbs burned so bright is was like a photo flash going off only they stayed on for much longer than a photo flash. When the bulbs finally did burn out the inside of the bulbs turned very black, it looks to have a big voltage rise from the output coil during these test but I cannot confirm this at this time. Battery 12 volts in, amps in?, and I do not know how much volts and amps are coming out, so there you have it. The core is amorphous metglass 4" long and 3" wide with a core size 1" wide and 1/2" thick. My apologies for the lack of information on my version meg, I am only toying around with this as I am waiting for other parts for our radiant energy dynamo to be completed. I am also planning on purchasing new test equipment to replace my old test meters, and I will have some pics of this meg when I get our film developed. When it comes down to simplicity, our Interference disc generator will do a much better job to slosh the flux from one side of the core to the other better then the meg does, all by only rotating a balanced easy to turn disc. The meg sloshes the magnetic field from one side the core to the other side of the core electronically with an impulse to a coil that is mounted on either side of the magnet. Our Interference disc generator does this much easier by only rotating an easy to turn balanced interference disc, and it has no electronics, no comutator, no brushes, no switches, no nothing etc., etc., it has nothing because the easy to turn balanced interference disc is the magnetic gate switch.

More to come as progress is made.

Best Regards
Al Francoeur

-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie R. Pastor
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 1:08 AM
To: Tom Bearden
Subject: Al lFrancoeur and his model of your M.E.G

Hello Tom,

Thought you'd be pleased about this: Al Francoeur has duplicated your M.E.G. See below:
Source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alfenergy/message/1045

Al alfenergy-owner@yahoogroups.com is the inventor of the interference motor: http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/francoeu.htm

Al Francoeur

All the Best,
Leslie R. Pastor

From: Tom Bearden
To: Leslie R. Pastor
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: RE: Al lFrancoeur and his model of your M.E.G

Thanks Leslie!

Not being a member of that group, unfortunately I cannot download the material posted on Al's replication.

Anyway, I hope he got a really good duplication. If so, that's great, and he has my best wishes and congratulations!

We are still in a patenting situation, unfortunately, and so cannot release some information I would very much like to. Still, we've released enough that a serious and patient researcher, who will not just think in standard electrical engineering but will also think in terms of the curl-free A-potential when a B-field is localized (i.e., the well-known Aharonov-Bohm effect, a subset of geometric phase phenomena in physics) can replicate the device and the effect.

Many (most) researchers continue to think of an input coil as an input-only coil, and an output coil as an output-only coil. Yet we have repeatedly explained that the curl-free A-potential appears outside the core, in the immediate space, and that dA/dt = - E. We explained that perturbing the input also perturbs the curl-free A-potential, and so makes the spacetime outside the core asymmetric. That's what the E-field represents: a free E-field appearing from the now-curved local spacetime just outside the core. That's a general relativity effect, and it is free.

This E-field in space then acts back on ALL coils in the MEG, surrounding the core. So every coil becomes both an input coil and an output coil.

Further, any two coils on the core act in a "separate" transformer method. So there are MANY transformers suddenly going. The MEG thus has numerous feedforward and feedback loops! It isn't a simple little old transformer at all. This is a very highly nonlinear situation, of course! It means one has entered the more difficult realm of NONLINEAR oscillation theory, rather than the standard linear oscillation theory. Even more complex, one has entered the realm of NONLINEAR CONTROL THEORY, CHAOTIC OSCILLATION, and CONTROL OF CHAOTIC OSCILLATION. It also means that phasing is quite critical and of the utmost importance. A careless researcher can just as easily (and most likely) get the different reactions and multiple feed loops out of phase and overall subtractive, and one can easily make a WORSE unit than a normal single-loop, single input transformer not exhibiting the Aharonov-Bohm effect! The real trick is to patiently adjust until one gets mostly ADDITIVE phasing, in which case one has almost a standard heat pump like arrangement, with a second source of energy -- for free -- from the immediate external environment, in the form of that free A-potential outside the core. The phasing resulting from that extra feed-in of energy, must be very carefully adjusted so that signals are properly additive or mostly so.

I don't know how much plainer it can be said. Any unit having an extra (second) FREE source of environmental energy, where the phasing is controlled properly, can then operate analogously to a common home heat pump. That is, the overall efficiency (useful energy out, divided by total energy input from all sources) is still less than 100%, of course! However, the coefficient of performance -- useful energy out, divided by only the operator's "paid" input -- easily can be greater than 1.0. A common home heat pump, using this schema and receiving excess free energy from its environment, will normally have an efficiency of about 50%, but its coefficient of performance will be 3.0 to 4.0. The MEG when properly built and adjusted, operates exactly like that, only instead of taking heat from the external environment, it receives E-field energy from that perturbed A-potential.

To all those folks so in love with the equilibrium Second Law of thermodynamics, let it be pointed out that the present second law assumes equilibrium or near equilibrium condition, which is the condition of MAXIMUM ENTROPY. The MEG deliberately operates far from equilibrium, which means that its entropy is less than the entropy of a normal transformer operating close to equilibrium. There is a well-developed thermodynamics of such systems far from equilibrium in their exchange of energy with their external environment. Such a non-equilibrium system is permitted to (1) self-order, (2) self-oscillate or self-rotate, (3) output more useful energy than the operator inputs (the excess energy is freely received from the external environment), (4) power itself and its load (all the energy is freely received from the external environment, and the operator does not have to input anything, as in a solar cell driven power system), and (5) exhibit negative entropy. In other words, that is precisely what nonequilibrium thermodynamics has to say on the subject. In short, it's good and accepted thermodynamics.

So this work is perfectly in accord with both physics and the thermodynamics of systems far from equilibrium. There is nothing "mystical" or magical, just good physics and good thermodynamics.

And incidentally, there are some 20,000 papers in the hard PHYSICS literature dealing with the Aharonov-Bohm effect. One does not have to reprove the effect, it is long since proven many times, and is well-known in physics, even though electrical engineers do not address it very much (except sometimes in a toroidal coil).

So the physics is good and well-known, the thermodynamics is good and well-known, the formation of the extra separated uncurled A-potential is good and well-known when the B-field is localized, the fact that dA/dt = - E is ordinary electrodynamics, etc.

This is what we've been saying over and over. All the bits and pieces of everything we've done in the MEG is already there in physics and thermodynamics, if one READS THE LITERATURE and gets out of trade-school electricity and the electrical engineering handbook. It's just that no one seems to have ever thought of using the Aharonov-Bohm effect to provide excess usable electrical power, in a working power device.

Best wishes,
Tom Bearden



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