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ATTN: inventors
Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2004 @ 20:18:49 UTC by vlad
Umshaad Trivates writes: I want to point out an important commercialization process to inventors... folks, you don't need to patent something in order to get financed. But you DO have to patent something in order to license production.
Here is how ideas are turned into multi-billion dollar cashflow machines:
You get some crazy idea.
You create a working model of the idea using your own cash. (If you don't believe in your idea, no one else in a position to finance you will either. Then you need to do some market research and write up a GOOD business plan. Visit a local economic development organization most of them are non-profit organizations and have lots of free information.
Then you show the working model to what is called an "Angel Investor". The Angel will help you finance a prototype and maybe some initial marketing, depending on your strategy. He may even want a position on your board of directors. Highly speculative investors like to control their investments.
[Note: If you're worried about the "Angel" becoming a "Devil" and stealing your unpatented idea, there is such a thing called a Confidentiality agreement which can be notarized and you can present the idea in the presence of a lawyer who can vouch for the ideas you presented to the Angel in confidence. Heck, Lawyers are rich, if he likes your idea, he might even want in. This is a bonus because if you can get a lawyer to sit on your board directors pro-bono, you're set. It's not hard to do, lots of lawyers sit on boards.]
Once you have gotten to the point where you want to get crazy-go-nuts at manufacturing, you need Venture Capital. There are many firms that supply venture capital. Especially in large metropolitan cities. Ask a Financial Consultant where to find one.
Once you are making good coin from manufacturing your products, you may or may not choose to go public. At this point, you will need to seek an underwriter for an initial public offering. Most bigge bankz have underwriters for these things, and the big investment houses like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs tend to have'm too.
At this point in the development of the human Economy, that's the farthest you can go with outside financing.
No one, but no one, except perhaps people who REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU, will give you money to develop a working model. You may have to work extra hard for that, or scam a social assistance programme.
Whatever works.
Believers in Free Energy: Don't donate money to people who are not willing to show you what they are working on. They are just trying to scam you.
Free Energy Developers: Don't solicit the believers for financing. For one, you're wasting you're time. These people are probably no very wealthy. Two, you look like an idiot when you don't respect the financing chain.
Scam Artists: F*ck you guys. you guys suck.
I hope that clears up how the economy works for inventors and business developers.
There is one final thing I'd like everyone reading this to consider:
There is MORE MONEY available for business ideas, than there are GOOD business ideas worth investing in. Always always ALWAYS remember that.
-Umshaad Trivates
(from the yahoo free_energy list)
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Re: ATTN: inventors (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, February 07, 2004 @ 20:36:32 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Some more from Umshaad as a reply to a post asking "Can you get free energy out of magnets?" (and pointing to the following site: http://particleadventure.org/particleadventure/):
I have conducted Free Energy experiments involving magnets, to no avail. One thing I even tried was to use a program called "Vizimag" which is kind of like CAD for the amateur magnetologist. It allows you to create all kinds of different magnetic shapes and maps out the magnetic flux lines for you so you can sort of predict how the apparatus will behave without spending a fortune on materials. (magnets are friggin expensive) Thus it can serve as a sort of "blue print" for any experiment you might like to try.
Sadly, I have tried many different designs and I still have not found a way to set magnets in permanent motion. That doesn't mean someone else won't. I encourage anyone with the free time and the patience to try.
There is one possibility with magnets though... One might be able to turn them into batteries, by wrapping a conductive coil around a particularly strong magnet, like neodymium, like you'd wind a coil around a non-magnetized core to make an electromagnet. The only problem is, you'd need a superconductive coil.
We don't have such a thing. However, I did see a scirentific news program on the television just now that said some scientists somewhere have developed a new form of matter using sub-atomic particles that don't usually occur naturally together. What they have been able to predict is that this new form of matter MAY just be superconductive. I have no further information at this time.
Even if we did have superconductive coils, a magnetic battery would not run forever because as the magnet moved electrons in the coil, it would lose its magnetism. Especially if the coil was made to do work.
There is something called the "Bowman Motor" which makes use of gears and magnets. Theoretically, when magnets on separate wheels repel eachother, they tend to reach a state of equilibrium and all motion ceases, but the bowman motor uses gears to keep the wheels moving somehow, so it would theoretically continue to move. I myself lack the skills necessary to build it, but the theory seems sound.
Eric, what is your opinion of the bowman motor?
BTW, Mr Dakee, Eric is "the guy". He is King Skeptic, but his scientific logic and dedication to the history of Free Energy are impeccable and make him a formidable ally to any developer in the quest for free energy. He'll even give you $10,000 if you can prove that Free Energy (overunity) or even perpetual motion is possible, but you have to have a working model and it has to pass his test.
Think of Skeptics and believers like the law of supply and demand.
Believers have loads and loads of ideas in supply, and the skeptics are adamant about the demand for proof.
The day that skeptics and believers agree, we shall have us a working machine. So don't knock the skeptics. They WANT you to prove them wrong. Why else would so many of them be subscribed to this list?
I'm a halfie myself. I honestly don't believe that the state of human technology is capable of unleashing the bounty of free energy, but at the same time, I do believe it is possible.
I have a futurist sort of theory about Free Energy. Once we unquestionably understand how all of the energy in the universe came to be, and we can communicate that knowledge effectively enough that at least 1% of us can understand it, we will inevitably learn how to "bottle the process" and at that point in time, there will be no limit as to what humans will be able to accomplish.
I even have a hunch for where we should look. Check out this web page:
Some say it sounds similar to the Theory of Elemental Waves, but no word of a lie, I came up with this theory myself.
Umshaad Trivates