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Element 115 Created
Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2004 @ 21:29:22 UTC by vlad

Science William Alek writes: Element 115 made popular by Bob Lazar was recently created in a lab:
Uut and Uup Add Their Atomic Mass to Periodic Table


Published: February 1, 2004

A team of Russian and American scientists are reporting today that they have created two new chemical elements, called superheavies because of their enormous atomic mass. The discoveries fill a gap at the furthest edge of the periodic table and hint strongly at a weird landscape of undiscovered elements beyond.

The team, made up of scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, is disclosing its findings in a paper being published today in Physical Review C, a leading chemistry journal. The paper was reviewed by scientific peers outside the research group before publication.

"Two new elements have been produced," said Dr. Walt Loveland, a nuclear chemist at Oregon State University who is familiar with the research. "It's just incredibly exciting. It seems to open up the possibility of synthesizing more elements beyond this."

The periodic table is the oddly shaped checkerboard - with an H for hydrogen, the lightest element, in the upper-left-hand corner - that hangs in chemistry classrooms the world over. Each element has a different number of protons, particles with a positive electrical charge, in the dense central kernel called the nucleus.

The number of protons, beginning with one for hydrogen, fixes an element's place in the periodic table and does much to determine an element's chemical properties: ductile and metallic at room temperature for gold (No. 79), gaseous and largely inert for neon (10), liquid and toxic for mercury (80).

Elements as heavy as uranium, No. 92 on the list, are found in nature, and others have been created artificially. But much heavier elements have been difficult to make, partly because they became increasingly unstable and short-lived.

Still, for roughly half a century, nuclear scientists have been searching for an elusive "island of stability," somewhere among the superheavies, in which long-lived elements with new chemical properties might exist. Dr. Loveland said that the new results indicated that scientists might be closing in on that island.

"We're sort of in the shoals of the island of stability," said Dr. Kenton J. Moody, a Livermore nuclear physicist who was one of the experimenters in the work.

"It's an amazing effect," he added. "We're really just chipping away at the edges of it."

The experiments took place at a cyclotron, a circular particle accelerator, in Dubna, where the scientists fired a rare isotope of calcium at americium, an element used in applications as varied as nuclear weapons research and household smoke detectors. Four times during a month of 24-hour-a-day bombardment in July and August, scientists on the experiment said, a calcium nucleus fused with an americium nucleus and created a new element.

Each calcium nucleus contains 20 protons and americium 95. Since the number of protons determines where an element goes in the periodic table, simple addition shows the new element to bear the atomic number 115, which had never been seen before. Within a fraction of a second, the four atoms of Element 115 decayed radioactively to an element with 113 protons. That element had never been seen, either. The atoms of 113 lasted for as long as
1.2 seconds before decaying radioactively to known elements.

Scientists generally do not give permanent names to elements and write them into textbooks until the discoveries have been confirmed by another laboratory. By an international convention based on the numbers, element 113 will be given the temporary name Ununtrium (abbreviated Uut for the periodic table) and element 115 will be designated Ununpentium (Uup).

Dr. Loveland said he agreed that the new elements would require independent confirmation before they could receive final acceptance. And he conceded that the Dubna find was likely to receive more than the usual amount of scrutiny: two years ago, the reported discovery of Element 118 was retracted after a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was found to have fabricated evidence.


Element 115 and Bob Lazar:


Element 115 is mentioned in Stan Romanek's equations:

According to my research, a heavy current is passed through Element 115 causing it to transmute or disassociate to Helium. The energy released during this process is called radiant energy, or ZPE. Flooding a room with ZPE changes the space-time metrics of that room. This change causes mass and gravity to decrease, time speeds up, frequency is "blue-shifted", volume and energy increase. Since this phenomena is relativistic, this change is only observerable from the outside, looking into the room. To an observer within the room, everthing appears "normal". However, when the observer within the room looks to the outside, the world appears "red-shifted", its mass and gravity increased, and time slows down. Here's a suggested design that utilizes this process:

The element Tungsten is replaced with element 115. The resulting effect is essentially the same. The space-time metrics within the craft are modified. The mass fluctuating aspect of the craft is accomplished by extracting excess energy through the outer layers of the craft. This process produces an effect called AC Gravity. AC Gravity was first demonstrated, then later published in Germany in 1927, and is known as the Kowsky-Frost experiment: This theory of operation can be traced back to here: http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/KFrost.htm

The quartz in the Kowsky-Frost experiment is "pumped" by a similar means through plates attached above and below the crystal as shown. The amount of mass fluctuation is controlled on either side of the crystal by another set of plates connected to a power rheostat: http://www.intalek.com/Papers/RadioUmschauArtikel.pdf

Its interesting to note that Germany had this technology BEFORE World War II! Perhaps it became "classified" and developed, and ultimately used in the German UFO program: http://www.galactic-server.com/rune/vril4.html




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"Element 115 Created" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Element 115 Created (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, February 08, 2004 @ 09:52:48 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
The Walter Mitty speculations of Bob Lazar do in fact have a basis in some solid theory and experimental validation. Lazars numbers are a bit off, and it turns out that elements 115 and 117 are both quite unstable. In fact from the Dirac theory of the electron it can be surmised that a sufficiently strong electric field can cause the vacuum to break or short over, and the otherwise unseen virtual zero point oscillators (electron and positron pairs) that comprise the vacuum of space become separated and promote themselves up the the surface of Dirac's energy "sea" where they can be observed. This experiment was performed back in the 80's by colliding heavy nuclei together, and the experimenters observed the predicted result of a storm of correlated 1.02 Mev X rays coming from the collision area. Dirac's theory predicts that a nuclei would have to have a nuclear charge of 137 for this to occur, far short of the 115 of the new element produced. In the colliding beam experiment the nuclei did not fuse into a super heavy element. but only came close enough together for a short amount of time. If in fact a nuclei of 137 could be put together and stay stable it would provide an inexhaustable supply of positrons that could be used as an energy source. The rest of the theory also shows that the radiation rate of this energy will increase as the twentyth power of the field density in excess of the breakpoint field, so caution is advised to any putative vacuum breking nuclei assembler.

As a postscript; Has anyone suggested to the element naming commision that element 115 be named Boblazarium?

OUR solar system is (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, February 07, 2004 @ 21:44:47 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Some more interesting stuff from Bill Alek:

Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 10:30:19 -0600
From: Joseph Stark
Subject: Re: Mother of all National Security Issues

At 07:41 p.m. 01/02/2004 -0600, Bill wrote:

OUR solar system is "hotter".

According to my theory, OUR solar system is passing through the galactic
plane. We see it as passing from the Pisces constellation to the Aquarius
constellation. This is symbolized in the literature as the Cross. The plane
has the highest concentration of matter in OUR galaxy, therefore, the lowest
level of ZPE pressure. This has a direct affect of OUR space-time metrics.
Viewing OUR solar system above the galactic plane, it would appear
red-shifted, or "hotter". Low ZPE pressure means higher gravity and higher
mass. It also means OUR solar system would appear "smaller", or more
compact, in volume.
Yep. All planets in the solar system are undergoing "global
warming". This is more appreciated by Russian scientists. See the David
Wilcock online book at:


......the Earth and solar system at large were all undergoing tremendous,
unprecedented change, which includes the following ever-increasing trends:
- A 410-percent increase in the overall number of natural catastrophes on
Earth between 1963 and 1993 (Dmitriev 1997)
- A 400-percent increase in the number of quakes on Earth (over 2.5 on the
Richter scale) since 1973 (Mandeville 1998)
- A ~500-percent increase in Earth's volcanic activity between 1875 and
1993 (Mandeville 2000)
- 9 out of the 21 most severe earthquakes from 856-1999 AD occurred in the
20th century (Russian National Earthquake Information Center, 1999)
- A 230-percent increase in the strength of the Sun's magnetic field since
1901 (Lockwood, 1998)
- A 300-percent increase in the amount of "severe" solar activity than what
was formally predicted for the year 1997 alone (NASA 1998)
- 400-percent or higher increases in the speed that solar particle
emissions are capable of traveling through the energy of interplanetary
space (NASA 1997-2001)
- Recent magnetic pole shifts of Uranus and Neptune, as Voyager 2 observed
their magnetic axes being significantly offset from their rotational axes
(Dmitriev 1997)
- Visible brightness increases now being detected on Saturn (Dmitriev 1997)
- 200-percent increase in the intensity of Jupiter's magnetic field from
1992-97 (Dmitriev 1997)
- 200-percent increase in the known density of Mars' atmosphere encountered
by the Mars Surveyor satellite in 1997 (NASA 1997)
- Significant melting of Martian polar icecaps in just one year, clearly
seen in satellite photography (NASA 2001)
- Significant physical, chemical and optical changes on Venus, including a
sharp decrease in sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere and increasing
brightness (Dmitriev 1997)

This is said to culminate in a density shift in 2012, the date that the
Mayans feared. They apparently had some inside info. Don't be put off
by the apparent "religious" or cultist overtones of the above book. It's
not that.


Re: Element 115 Created (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 @ 18:08:50 UTC
Lazar was on a cable tv's History Channel.
He had some story to tell.
The show was well put together.
This website http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Element_115.htm
shows milling down to a wedge from a number
of element 115 disks. It raises the question of
government waste again.
So far these UFO are not stealthy if they show
bright lights when they operate. The west English
coast has UFO activity recently.


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