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Committee for Future Energies
Posted on Monday, February 23, 2004 @ 22:04:21 UTC by vlad

General The European Environmental Agreement
A viable program for the total elimination of fossil fuel and nuclear pollution that is acceptable to both advanced and less developed nations.

...The Committee is examining a number of technologies. It intends to make recommendations to the European Parliament. It will suggest how the EU could respond to developments in Field Energy for maximum benefit in combatting global pollution and giving energy equity across all nations.

Field Energy

The concept of Field Energy is used to describe energies stored in fields - magnetic, spatial, etc. It is a term covering the ideas of Zero-point energy, Vacuum energy, Space energy, Aether enegy.

The term 'free energy' is misleading. Indeed, one of the reasons that Field Energy is not widely known is that devices have hitherto been expensive to produce and/or power output minimal. However, being of infinite supply, Field Energy is 'free' in the sense that there is no need to compete for access to it, which is one of the aspects of a free-market price. The price of Field Energy is determined by device construction costs, power output, flexibility of supply, etc.

Technical improvements mean that Field Energy is now potentially competitive with the established fossil-based technologies. Not consuming any physical resources, it is a non-polluting technology.

The Committee is examining a number of technologies. It intends to make recommendations to the European Parliament. It will suggest how the EU could respond to developments in Field Energy for maximum benefit in combatting global pollution and giving energy equity across all nations.

Any such changes will have widespread economic implications, in particular the reorganisation of current energy supply and dismantling of old equipment. The Committee understands that this must be done in the most economically beneficial way, rather than as an uncontrolled "free for all". This is the motivation for the Committee's existence.

Committee Members:
Stephen Lawrence (Political and General Enquiries)
Geoffrey Spence (Commercial)
George Egely (Technical)
Rory Macquisten (Energy Advisory Service)
Committee for Future Energies, PO Box 151, CAMBRIDGE CB4 3ZS, England
Tel & Fax: (44) 0 1223 564373

Energy Advisory Service, as above


For those who don't remember what Harold Aspden said about Geoff Spence's device at the Berlin Conference in June 2002, here is a reminder:

"...The questions then are whether the Spence invention really works and whether it is commercially viable? Well, I wrote that Energy Science Report back in 1996, six years ago, and it is only a few months ago that I heard any more of that project. Geoffrey Spence has developed the prototype product to the stage where he has closed the loop in the sense that a portion of the output power was fed back to impart the energy needed to sustain the electron beams. He has a self-sustaining unit that can deliver kilowatts of useful electrical power with no visible energy input..."

(from the lecture :



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Re: Committee for Future Energies (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 24, 2004 @ 22:32:39 UTC
Are u interested in device which can run by the force of gravity? if yes, give me your response on akhilesh_dixit@hotmail.com


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