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Re: MXLO Magnetic Motor DC Generator Plans (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, March 04, 2004 @ 21:27:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | I told Sterling I have serious doubts about these MXLO people. When I see only plans (booklets for $29.95) for sale (the orders for the “kits” with money back guarantee are conveniently no longer accepted) I’m hearing “warning bells” (I suspect there were never any kits for sale to begin with)! There is no proof on the site that they’ve successfully built this motor (takes only 45 min to build it) to spin on its own and generate power. The information on their site is clearly compiled by amateurs.
The Internet is full of plans of magnetic motors that nobody could make them work as claimed. I wanted to wait until there is a serious replication but probably Rob was tired of rejecting all the submissions on this subject and let this one go. I hope I’m proven wrong this time :-)
Re: MXLO Magnetic Motor DC Generator Plans (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Saturday, March 06, 2004 @ 10:18:18 UTC | Why even post these claims. If they were valid, why wouldn't a working model be sent to a reputable ZPenergy affiliate to confirm claims. After confirmation, the posting of "kit info" with confirmed results by third party would result in instant ordering by me and thousands of others like me who read this site! |
Dann's 1/2-scale MXLO build (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, March 07, 2004 @ 15:31:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Sterling D. Allan writes: Dann's 1/2-scale build attempt images posted for viewing online:
or try: http://tinyurl.com/2enzp
new page created: data > flux field photos
or try http://tinyurl.com/29n2e
----- Original Message -----
From: "creatr"
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 9:02 PM
Subject: [pes_mxlo] Builder Report
Greetings Friends,
I've uploaded some photos of my first 1/2 size build attempt.
You can see them in the "Files" section, "creator" folder and
"Half-Size Build Attempt" subfolder.
Before you ask, No Joy yet... :) :( :)
However, spending the day building has been a great learning
experience, and I'll mention some observations.
Also, this build has MANY variations from the original plans,
1) One-Half Scale
2) Disk Neo magnets (instead of ring)
3) Neos on the rotor
4) Brass rotor mount
5) Bearing embedded in rotor
6) "non-standard" aluminum strip(s)
7) Neos inserted into holes drilled in stator and rotor
8) Thinner acrylic
9) Probably others I can't recall right now! :)
I busted my first stator while drilling it out :( so just
a comment, if you drill, when in doubt, FEED BIT SLOWER... :)
Some observations:
My stator walls are slightly bowed inward... not sure of the
cause yet, whether flux imbalance or stress from drilling.
While friction seemed to be mostly holding the magnets in
place (2 - 1/4" x 1/16" magnets per hole) I taped them in
with clear package sealing tape to avoid AWOL magnets.
Rotor cogs pretty strongly.
I tried aluminum foil strip first, then added a chunk of
thicker aluminum -- no obvious effect.
Where to from here?
I think playing with aluminum (thickness, shape, etc.) may
produce some fruit...
I can fiddle the rotor height easily.
I may make another rotor(s) w/ ceramic magnets.
I can go to a non-metalic rotor mount.
I can move bearing to bottom (like original design); my
thought was that it spins nice where it is, and though
magnetic it is very symmetrical; but who knows? :)
Well, that's it for now... hope you enjoy the photos (I have
lot's more, but will reserve for questions and if ultimately
worthwhile (i.e. if I get it running!)).
I will also upload some FLUX PHOTOS in a separate folder
for Robert Calloway and all you other "theoreticians" out
Also after playing/meditating some more, I'm sure I'll have
more observations later... :)
Best regards,
Re: MXLO Magnetic Motor DC Generator Plans (Score: 1) by Shanjaq on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 @ 15:41:45 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://shanjaq.narod.ru | Can someone please get a registered account with that site and rip all the plans then post them somewhere and link back to this news thread?
Thank you. |
MXLO Magnetic Motor DC Generator replication fails (Score: 1) by vlad on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 @ 22:33:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From GreaterThings.com: PES open sourcing project commenced March 3, 2004, with claim from MXLO of an easy-to-build magnetic motor. Within two weeks nearly 12 people had built one. None of the 14 reported attempts have produced a working unit.
See : MXLO |