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Dr Jack Sarfatti critiques Dr Hal Puthoff's AW&ST article about ZPE/etc.
Posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 @ 23:32:13 UTC by vlad

Science Victor Martinez writes: Subject: Dr Jack Sarfatti critiques Dr Hal Puthoff's AW&ST article about ZPE/etc

EDITOR's NOTE: The March 1, 2004 issue of AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY, pp. 50-53, published an article entitled "To The Stars" which focused on the use of Zero Point Energy (ZPE) to power not only conventional aircraft, but to shoot humanity into the cosmos on deep-space travel forays using this revolutionary, emerging, "sci-fi" technology.

For the article, nationally-renowned physicist Dr Harold E Puthoff was interviewed extensively about ZPE and other peripheral, attendant matters/issues relating to it.

One of this nation's other leading theoretical physicists in this field, Dr Jacob "Jack" Sarfatti has taken issue with some of the theories proposed in the article and has offered his insights, comments and critiques which he has asked me to pass on to all of you.

Prior to presenting the article -- which was previously streamed to many of you on the evening of 4-11-04 -- a short biographical sketch is in order for these two giants in the field of physics. Many of you are aware of their backgrounds; skip to the next section.

However, for those of you who are unfamiliar, please take a few minutes to read the sketches so you can appreciate their lengthy involvement, dedicated research and service to country in this field and why their concepts, thoughts and often-times highly speculative ideas carry such import in the scientific community at large.

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dr Harold E Puthoff - Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, TX, Dr Puthoff is considered one of the premier theoretical physicists in the field of vacuum, zero point energy and has published several of the seminal papers in the area.

A graduate of Stanford University which many consider to be the "Harvard of the West Coast," where he has also been a research associate and lecturer. As a theoretical and experimental physicist, he has worked in the areas of fundamental electrodynamics, quantum vacuum states, gravitation, cosmology and high power microelectronics.

Zero-Point propulsion is a method of propulsion that relies on the conversion of gravity, a reharnessing of a force that exists everywhere in the known universe and is therefore, inexhaustible and recyclable. Zero-Point theory suggests that empty space is really not empty at all, but rather a reservoir of gravitic energy that can be turned on and off, according to Dr Puthoff, by "quantum fluctuations."

If this reservoir of endless power could be processed by some sort of engine, it would be theoretically capable of generating enormous speeds that could literally bend the space-time continuum so as to enable travelers to journey through the medium of time as well as through space.

Puthoff also served several years as the director for the cognitive sciences program at SRI International. Founded in 1946, the Menlo Park research group is best known in the UFO community for its relationship with the CIA remote viewing program. In the words of Dr Hal Puthoff, who wrote a report documenting the CIA-SRI relationship, the remote viewing program was instituted "to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing 'might have any utility for intelligence collection.'"

Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV) is the controlled process of leaving one's body (out-of-body projection) and travelling to other places and times to observe what's there. According to those who have practiced this skill, one can discern what others are thinking and feeling and understand their thoughts and motivations while in this mode.

SRV became weaponized in the 1970s by both the United States and Soviet Union, possibly as a result of the discovery of extraterrestrials' similar abilities. Early scientific remote viewing pioneers include Ingo Swann, Russell Targ, Dr Hal Puthoff, Joe McMoneagle and Gen Albert N Stubblebine.

Publications cited in:

"The Stargate Conspiracy," Picknett & Prince

"The Stargate Chronicles," McMoneagle

"The Hunt For Zero-Point," Cook

"The Field," McTaggart

"Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics," textbook co-author

'CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute, "Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol #10, No 1, Spring 1996

Fellow of the Fetzer Institute

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Dr Jacob "Jack" Sarfatti -









Founder of the Internet Science Education Project (ISEP), Dr Jack Sarfatti was Ivy-League educated at Cornell University and earned his MS and PhD in theoretical physics from the prestigious UC school system at UCSD ('67) and UCR ('69). He served as a Research Fellow at Birbeck College, University of London ('71) and was a visiting physicist at IAEA-UNESCO ICTP, 1973-'74. He was also a visiting Full Professor at UNICAMP, Institute of Mathematical Physics, Brazil, 1974 and was a PACE instructor for the U.S. Navy, 1971 and 1987 while on board combat ships at sea.

Published a slew of academic, peer-reviewed papers in Physics Letters, Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, Vigier Conferences, Progress in Quantum Physics Research, etc.

He also is on The Learning Channel's "Ultrascience Show on Time Travel" with David Deutsch as well as having appeared as a scientific consultant on "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," Collector's Edition, disk #2: "Time Travel: The Art of the Possible." Like Dr Puthoff, Dr Sarfatti is also cited in "The Stargate Conspiracy," by Picknett and Prince, ISBN# 0425176584, September 2001, $15.00

Dr Sarfatti has authored two (2) books with yet a third one slated to be out Fall 2004 entitled "Super Cosmos" which will go head-to-head in a classic "battle of the books," with Dr Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos," a current N.Y. Times bestseller.

"Destiny Matrix," by Dr Jack Sarfatti, ISBN# 0759696896, Nov. 2002, $19.95

"Space, Time & Beyond II: The Series," by Dr Jack Sarfatti, ISBN# 1403390223, December 2002, $18.50

And now, without further ado, here is the March 1, 2004 AW&ST article:


Please circulate my critique and rebuttal of Hal's piece in AW&ST you sent out to your list and include my own as well. Thanx,
Jack, 4-17-04










By William B Scott, Austin, TX, Aviation Week & Space Technology, March
1, 2004 edition, pp. 50-53 / Posted on Wednesday, March 10, 2004
18:45:31 PST

{Vlad: As ZPEnergy.com readers will see, Dr. Sarfatti is commenting the article Overtone aka Mark Goldes posted here - see the first link in the list above - and consequently he responds to some statements which are not Dr. Puthoff's but belong to Mark}

[Overtone writes: Aviation Week & Space Technology March 1, 2004, pp. 50-53. Note: The article below has been edited and shortened to highlight energy conversion, rather than space propulsion. Zero point energy emerges from realm of science fiction. Comment and reviews follow.]

At least two large aerospace companies and one U.S. Defense Dept. agency are betting that "zero point energy" could be the next breakthrough in aerospace, and are backing those bets with seed money for ZPE research.

If their efforts pay off, ZPE-driven powerplants might enable Mach 4 fighters, quiet 1,200-seat hypersonic airliners that fly at 100-mi. altitudes as far as 12,000 mi. in about 70 min., and 12.6-hr. trips to the Moon.

ONE OF THOSE companies, BAE Systems, launched "PROJECT GREENGLOW" in 1986 "to provide a focus for research into novel propulsion systems and the means to power them," said R.A. Evans, the project leader, in a technical paper last year.

At least one large U.S. aerospace company is embarking on ZPE research in response to a Defense Dept. request, but the company and its customer cannot be identified yet. National laboratories, the military services and other companies either now have or have had low-level ZPE-related efforts underway.

The concept of zero point energy is rooted in quantum theory, and is difficult for even the technically minded to grasp. But theories validated by meticulous experiments have confirmed that so-called "empty space" or what scientists call the "quantum vacuum" actually is teeming with activity. Tiny electromagnetic fields continuously fluctuate around their "zero-baseline" values, even when the temperature drops to absolute zero (0 K) and all thermal effects have ceased.

A LEADING RESEARCHER in this realm of new physics, HAL E. PUTHOFF, director of the Institute for Advanced Studies (at Austin), explains zero point energy this way:

"When you get down to the tiniest quantum levels, everything's always 'jiggly.' Nothing is completely still, even at absolute zero. That's why it's called 'zero point energy,' because, if you were to cool the universe down to absolute zero - where all thermal motions were frozen out - you'd still have residual motion. The energy associated with that 'jiggling' will remain, too."

For most technologists, quantum theory conjures up images of extremely minuscule particles and field effects. Why would aerospace companies and governments invest in researching "jiggles" that defy measurement? Because those quantum or vacuum fluctuations - the "jiggles" of zero point energy - if tapped somehow, could produce stupendous amounts of energy and enable deep-space voyages that are impossible for today's propulsion methods.

"Human transportation within the Solar system will only become technologically practical if there is a breakthrough in terms of speed, coupled with an adequate energy/fuel supply," Evans said.

Energy densities (the amount of energy per unit volume) of the quantum vacuum are comparable to those of nuclear energy - or even greater. Consequently, its potential as an energy source is absolutely enormous. Quantifying the potential of ZPE is difficult, and scientists are reluctant to translate the huge numbers predicted by quantum theory into terms easily grasped.

Puthoff's explanation is particularly graphic, though: "It (sounds) ridiculous, but theoretically, there's enough [zero point] energy in the volume of a coffee cup to more than evaporate all the world's oceans," Puthoff said. "But that's if you could get at all of it, and you obviously can't."

(Added Note: Speculation from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), suggests it should be possible to extract about 20 times more energy from the Zero Point Field, per unit of surface area on earth, than can be derived from solar energy -- approximately 20 kilowatts per square meter -- 24 hours per day).

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: Show the numerical calculation for the above comment.

"The potential is practically limitless; way beyond what can be conceived. But until we learn what ZPE embodiment to use [an engineering process to extract ZPE], and to what frequency we can effectively extract the energy, it's really hard to make a practical statement about how much you can actually use," he cautioned. "So far, the embodiments are pitifully small." [Experiments] have produced about the same amount of energy as a butterfly's wing - picowatts or so. But the potential is there."

(Added note: Magnetic Power Inc. is developing ZPE technology that is initially designed to provide kilowatts, and later megawatt modules, of electric power).

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: Please justify this extraordinary claim with a reference that can be checked.

That staggering potential has kept researchers pursuing a "new physics" that some critics classify as near-science fiction. Still, respected scientists and government agencies believe the quest is worth investing time, effort and money. In 1986, the U.S. Air Force .solicited "Non-conventional Propulsion Concepts" under a Small Business Innovation Research program. One of the six areas of interest was "Esoteric energy sources., including the zero point quantum dynamic energy of vacuum space . . . ."

In particular, the late Robert Forward, a respected scientist .recommended additional research of the "Casimir effect," which had suggested the existence of ZPE decades earlier.

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: Ian Peterson of University of Coventry has shown that the Casimir force cannot be used for propulsion as a matter of principle. The Casimir force does not at all tap the vacuum energy. It can only tap the tiny Van Der Waals electrical energy of the induced multipoles in the EM zero point field, not the EM zero point field itself.

Dr PUTHOFF RESPONDS: I'm NOT trying to scale up the Casimir force effect, never have, NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT IT. Discussion of the Casimir effect in ZPE discissions are purely pedagogical, NOT application oriented, and this is clear to everyone else who e-mails me privately.

The devices that have not scaled up are Ken's [Ken Shoulders] charge cluster devices, NOT Casimir devices. My thoughts for ZPE extraction are based on totally different other approaches. I understand Peterson's work and the implications long before I ever even heard of Peterson. Where in my work have ever talked about scaling up Casimir effect for engineering energy extraction devices,... WHERE?!

MICHAEL IBISON (Earthtech.org) ADDS: The Casimir effect is the one physical effect attributable exclusively to the EM ZPF - apparently. (Actualy, others have argued that the Casimir effect can be derived from electron wave-function correlations in a direct-action version of EM, without reference to vacuum EM fields.)

Dr SARFATTI REMARKS: Ibison's paper is a good competent paper that, when viewed objectively, shows that wasting more time on PV is a very bad bet. Ibison clearly shows that PV in its present form violates the facts in:



as well as the facts of pulsar system 1916 + 13.

This phenomenon is attributed to H.G.B. Casimir, a Dutch researcher, who, in 1948, confirmed the reality of quantum vacuum energy by calculating the value of a small force between two uncharged metal plates.

"IF YOU PUT TWO metal plates very close together, they partially shield some ZPE frequencies," Puthoff explained.

"That means the energy bouncing back and forth between the plates is less than the energy outside, so the plates get pushed together. Radiation pressure outside the plates is greater than radiation pressure in the somewhat-shielded area between the plates. The plates coming together convert vacuum energy to heat."

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: Puthoff here confuses laymen, and perhaps himself, into thinking that the above effect is relevant to propulsion when in fact it is a false lead having nothing to do with the direct gravity and anti-gravity effects of zero point energy that come from a completely different part of physics, i.e. Einstein's equivalence principle.

The extraction techniques we are researching are based on other modes of operation.

In 1997, Steve K. Lamoreaux, a University of Washington atomic physicist at the time, conducted precise measurements of the Casimir effect. His results almost perfectly matched the predictions of quantum electrodynamics theory, according to a peer-reviewed paper in the Jan. 6, 1997, issue of Physical Review Letters.

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: Nice, but fundamentally irrelevant to the topic of the article.

Dr PUTHOFF EXPLAINS: I'm sure that some will say that the Casimir effect won't provide enough energy to power spaceships, but of course they have overlooked the fact that I NEVER said it would (the typical straw man approach). The Casimir effect discussion is just a way of EDUCATING THE PUBLIC as to what ZPE does in one particular configuration that's relatively EASY TO UNDERSTAND.

When NASA established the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) program in 1996 to research advanced forms of space transportation, it focused on three objectives:

- Propulsion that required NO propellant mass.

- Propulsion that attained the maximum transit speeds physically possible.

- Breakthrough methods of energy production to power such devices.

Through private funding, Puthoff and his team have secured patents based on converting ZPE to "miniature ball lightning - micron-size lightning - using a very small traveling wave tube," he said. "It appeared to demonstrate the principle [of ZPE extraction], but we were never successful in scaling it up to useful levels. We're now working on various engineering embodiments to do that, but we're not there yet."

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: This is a false lead and will never work in my opinion. I hope I am wrong of course.

"As to where we stand on energy exchange [research], the force levels and amount of energy are piddly - real, but extremely small," Millis added. (See added comment above).

(But) there are striking and encouraging parallels between the evolvement of ZPE and the history of nuclear energy research. Albert Einstein's equations showed that an infinitesimal amount of mass could be converted to a tremendous amount of energy via nuclear reactions. Initially, scientists insisted something was wrong; the numbers were just too large. They didn't make sense. But the mathematics were incontrovertible.

Then natural radioactivity was discovered, validating Einstein's equations. However, energy releases found in nature were so small that even Einstein believed radiation could never be harnessed as a useful energy source.

"At that time, it looked like [nuclear] fission was going nowhere," Puthoff said. "The big breakthrough came when [atomic physicist Enrico] Fermi did his famous experiment at the University of Chicago. He found that a material releasing lots of neutrons could act as a catalyst and start a runaway reaction. Fission would take off and cause a big effect - eventually the atomic bomb in the weapons [arena] and nuclear reactors in the energy [production] area."

Zero point energy has a similar history. Predictions from quantum mechanics said ZPE existed, but the huge numbers associated with it prompted questions about the mathematics' validity and suspicions of errors in quantum theory.

"Then the Casimir effect was found to be a natural embodiment of natural principles," Puthoff said. "The [general] reaction was: 'OK, but it's a small effect. It's never going to be useful for making energy' - just like what was said about nuclear energy. So, we're now at the stage of looking for the equivalent of Fermi's neutron-source catalyst - something that ignites the ZPE process."

Dr SARFATTI: I don't think Hal fundamentally here understands what the problem is.

The basic equations needed for "metric engineering" of the exotic dark energy/matter vacua are:

Ruv - (1/2)Rguv + /zpfguv = 0
/zpf = (Quantum of Area)^-1[(Quantum of Area)^3/2|Vacuum Coherence|^2- 1]

Ordinary non-exotic vacuum has /zpf = 0
Where the total vacuum zero point energy density at a given scale is
Zero point energy density = (Super-String Tension)/zpf

And the Hawking quantum gravity entropy S of a region of space of volume V with boundary area A is:

S = kA/4(Quantum of Area)

k = Boltzmann's constant

With the metric engineering "Josephson interferometer" effect

/zpf(induced) = (Quantum of Area)^-1[(Quantum of Area)^3/2|Vacuum Coherence + Superconductor Coherence|^2 - 1]

Control of the relative phase between the physical vacuum condensate and the control superconductor condensate in their space-time regions of common "overlap" support is the key to metric engineering. [END COMMENTS THIS SECTION]

But is harnessing ZPE feasible, and, if so, how soon? If the expectations of cutting-edge scientists are any guide, a ZPE power source.could be in sight.

"I'd say our confidence level [of a breakthrough] is 50% or better. We have some ideas that we're exploring, but we're not ready to talk about them," Puthoff hedged. "The big hurdle is finding an embodiment that will permit scale-ups to useful levels of energy - finding the catalyst for accelerating currently known processes. If our [research] is successful, almost assuredly there'd be no problem with small units - a few cubic centimeters of ZPE - providing enough energy to power spaceships."

As to when a breakthrough might occur, "We're definitely not stumbling around in the dark anymore," Puthoff continued. "It's been shown that ZERO POINT ENERGY IS REAL and has REAL CONSEQUENCES. It's definitely a technology that's NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME, but it's definitely READY FOR SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION."

Dr SARFATTI COMMENTS: Puthoff is right for the wrong reasons. The Casimir force is the wrong reason. It is Fool's Gold. The right reason is the "dark energy" from Type 1a supernovae data found first ~ 1999. The article is strangely silent on the The Right Stuff.

Based on a historical cycle of breakthroughs in transportation technology, the human race is due for another big leap in about 2012. Last year, Allen predicted one would occur "within a decade or two. This stage is equivalent to where aeronautics was in the 1890s."

Still, NASA's Millis urges caution. "I really DON'T want to raise people's expectations too much," he said. "To get overly excited causes more damage [in the field of ZPE research] than skeptics do. We need to make sure we're not extending our claims beyond what the evidence points us to today. To be impartial, I'd say were NOT ON THE VERGE of grandiose breakthroughs. But, we have another embryonics field opening up to us."

ADDENDUM: ZERO POINT ENERGY IN 2012?! (from p. 51)

FLASH - Austin, TEXAS - In trying to predict when a scientific breakthrough might UNLOCK zero point enegy (ZPE) as a SPACE TRANSPORTATION POWER SOURCE, a few scientists suggest looking for clues in historical cycles.

One of the more enticing is the Kondratieff interval, which was defined by Nikolai Kondratieff in 1924. Often cited in economic studies, the roughly 55-year cycle can be found in a variety of human-event patterns.

John E. Allen, a longtime aerospace researcher and consultant for BAE Systems, found that the Kondratieff cycle shows up in key milestones leading to spaceflight. If the cycle holds true. then mankind is due for another breakthrough in about 2012 - which will be 55 years after the launch of Russia's Sputnik, mankind's first satellite, and 109 years after the Wright brothers' first flight.

Hal E. Puthoff, one of several scientists who has spent YEARS trying to "break the code" that would release the tremendous potential of ZPE, quipped, "It's always darkest just before it's pitch black. The most frustrating period is when you know [the answer] is close, but you're not there yet. Certainly, that's where we're at now. The fact that major aerospace companies are getting interested in [ZPE] will definitely accelerate the process. But, there's NO WAY to predict how long that'll take."

He and other ZPE researchers might look not only to the Kondratieff interval for encouragement, but also to Wilbur Wright's recollection in 1908: "In 1901, I confess that I said to my brother, Orville, that man WOULD NOT FLY for 50 years. Two years later, we made flights. This demonstration of my impotence as a prophet gave me such shock that ever more I have distrusted myself and avoided all predictions."
Dr PUTHOFF's CLOSING STATEMENT: One reason I don't take the time to engage in Internet online debates is that I'm too busy collaborating with aerospace corporations and government organizations to move the metric engineering concept forward so that we can make some progress in pursuing the energy/propulsion requirements for spaceflight.

Interacting with the engineers and scientists on these projects generates far more progress, far more quickly than Internet duels about whether so-and-so has the answer. If they do, it will make it into the peer-reviewed literature and contribute to the science, and I would be the FIRST to evaluate and promote the concepts.

If they don't, then there's really NOTHING to work with, with any depth. Just repeating over and over that the GR Schwarzschild metric is better than the PV/Yilmaz exponential metric will not get us any closer to knowing which knobs to turn and what kind of field distribution we need.


There is one (1) loophole in using the Levi-Civita effect for practical metric engieering in what I wrote below, but Puthoff and Co. make no mention of it. That idea is publsihed in my Vigier III article at UCB where Puthoff has also published his PV material and Bernie has also published his ZPE writings.

The idea, also now considered in hyperspace models, but which Abdus Salam published in 1973, and so did I in H. Frolich's "Collective Phenomena," which caused Salam to invite me to ICTP in Trieste (see film, "The Recruit"), is that:

1) G is a variable, like other constants using the renormalization group.

For exmple, if G*>>G (Newton) on say the nanometer scale, that would weaken the space-time stiffness or increase the Sakharov metric elasticity in the nanotechnology scale. My ^zpf theory essentially does this, and this is how I think the "flying saucers" [UFOs] do actually work.

The Levi-Civita effect and other similar gravi-EM effects in the sense of Einstein's GR not PV when combined with ^zpfguv term in:

Guv + ^zpfguv = 0 (exotic vacuum Einstein GR equation)

is how the flying saucers fly in my opinion.

This is the basic "G-Engine" equation for metric engineering.

2) Hal & Co. are not able to get a PV Kerr solution. They have no Lense-Thirring gravi-magnetic frame drag.

3) They have no way to evade the space-time stiffness barrier.

G/c^4 = 10^-33 cm/10^19Gev = (Witten's String Tension)^-1 = (Sakharov's metric elasticity)

Space-time is too INelastic for practical metric engineering of the "G-Engine" (see Nick Cook's "The Hunt For Zero-Point") using Puthoff's PV strategy. Look at Hal's coefficient, e.g., their equation (13), i.e., for the change in K^1/2:

K^1/2 - 1 ~ (G/c^4) (Electrostatic Energy Density) (L^2 - z^2) =
(10-33cm/1^19Gev) (Electrostatic Energy Density in Gev/cc) (square of length scale of device).

This article in the March 1, 2004 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology is essentially highly speculative at best, confusing at worst because the authors never bother to plug in these numbers in the relevant context to point out that the scheme is impractical.

The late Richard Feynman always taught to check theory with numbers. He said that beautiful math in physics can be destroyed with a simple fact. In the case of Puthoff & Co. - PV and ZPE - we have many facts that destroy their model in my humble opinion. It is simply unconscionable to pretend otherwise in the article "To The Stars."

Hear the whistle blowing,.. strange, it's reverse Doppler effect! -
Dr JACK SARFATTI's MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD / Re: "Flying Saucer [UFOs] Technology"

Dr Hal Puthoff coined the term "metric engieering" for flying saucer technology. Hal has been working on this problem for many decades and has held high U.S. government security clearances and has been privy to reliable information that the saucers are REAL and are "alien" in nature/origin.

Otherwise, he would not be working on the problem. However, IMHO Hal's theories, both of the zero-point energy and of the gravity field, will not solve the problem because they do not ask the right questions.

The basic physics is in Rovelli's new book on quantum gravity:


Metric engineering is the control of exotic coherence by electromagnetic tuning of its holographic phase. The usual stress-energy tensor of matter and electromagnetic field (aka "Mass Energy") Tuv that Hal relies upon in all of his "action" calculations, is NOT at all relevant to the problem because space-time is too stiff to bend for practical propulsion.

Einstein's 1915 geometrodynamic local field equation without the quantum zero point energy correction is the "Archimedes Balance":

Space-Time Warp + (Space-Time Stiffness) (Stress-Energy Tensor of Mass-Energy) = 0

The quantum-corrected equation is:

Space-Time Warp + Zero Point Stress-Energy Warp + (Space-Time Stiffness)
(Stress-Energy Tensor of Mass -Energy) = 0

However, the third term on the LHS of this equation can be neglected to a good approximation. Therefore, the basic field equation for practical metric engineering is:

Space-Time Warp + Zero Point Stress-Energy Warp ~ 0

The whole idea here is that the "flying saucer" is able to control its own world line and to keep that world line "time-like geodesic" as in Alcubierie's "warp drive." This means that the ship is weightless free-float with no interior g-forces even though it appears to the outside observers to be making impossible maneuvers and even going faster than light, i.e., disappearing and reappearing discontinuously.

This corresponds to what Paul Hill called the "acceleration field" in the book "Unconventional Flying Objects" [ISBN# 1571740279, © 1995, $15.95] and to "negative matter propulsion."

The recent discovery is that 96% of the "stuff' of the universe is precisely exotic vacuum zero-point "dark" stress-energy density. Only 4% is the baryonic matter and electrons we are made out of. The "cosmic energy" that General Douglas MacArthur bade us "harness" is his 1962 farewell address at West Point, "Duty, Honor and Country," is the dark Energy/Matter only recently discovered decades after his death.

It is NO accident that, IMHO, Colonel Philip J Corso was on MacArthur's staff....

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 11 @ 00:55:13 PST
Call me suspicious if you like but companies with a direct connection to the military publicly state what their researching....a couple of years later a "discovery" will miraculously appear....a couple of years later everybody will wonder why we hadn't done it sooner cos it's so simple. Oh look no more energy crisis juts in time......

How else do you get the solution to the energy crisis into the public domain from a secret military source without having a public outcry about them (the military) sitting on it for years. Let me think about this...the most advanced method the military have in getting into space is, essentially, a civilian 30 year old grounded space shuttle! Please get real. The most advanced/fastest long range plane is the museum piece SR-71 Blackbird ('60s technology) come on!

Plot a graph of speed/technology for aircraft by decade. '30s, '40s, '50s, '60s that's the easy bit no secrets there but what about the '70s, '80s, '90s, '00s. If you take a logical progression from bi-plane propellor '30s to SR-71 '60s and then extend that through another 4 decades you end up with: Moon and back in an hour, 100% invisible to radar etc etc Exactly what the most advanced craft is I have no idea, but I bet the shuttle is archaic by comparison but a useful public distraction.

Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 11 @ 23:39:32 PST
I remember a conference in 1999 held by NASA. At that conference, they asked as many bright minds as they could muster to come up with methods to travel in space without having to carry fuel. The reason being you would have to carry an earth sized amount of fuel to go anywhere significant. I saw a NASA site on that conference, I tried finding it before this post , but couldn't find it. The solution they were after sounds a lot like ZPE.
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"Dr Jack Sarfatti critiques Dr Hal Puthoff's AW&ST article about ZPE/etc." | Login/Create an Account | 25 comments | Search Discussion
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Sarfatti and Puthoff (Score: 1)
by kurt9 on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 @ 10:03:15 UTC
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I have has some corespondence with Earthtech and they seem to be real, level-headed people. I have had no contact with Jack Sarfatti, but have seen his website and read some of his ideas. My impression is that he is flaky.

On stardive.org, he makes it clear that he believes in the UFO phenomenon as alien spacecraft and he also subscribes to some of the "face on Mars" stuff. This makes it difficult for me to take him seriously.

Hal Puthoff, on the other hand, is non-judgemental on the issue of UFOs and focuses instead on using the current knowledge of physics to derive ideas on how ZPE may be exploitable. MAYBE is the operative word here because, until someone makes a demonstration device that works, it is still unclear to me if ZPE can ever be exploited.

My problem with the alien spacecraft concept of UFOs (other than the fact that I have never seen one) is the protrayal of how the aliens are like. in this hypothosis, the aliens have a space technology that is clearly far in advance of our own and yet, their other technology, such as biomedical and nanotech, seems to be no more advanced and, in some cases, is less advanced than our own.

Many of the things that these aliens are said to do, like abducting people to "study" them, would be clearly unneccessary if they had a biotech and nanotech capability that was comparable in development to their space technology.

In 30-50 years, we will have swarms of micro- or nano-bots that could approach and enter a human body and "study" that person in a non-intrusive manner such that the "subject" would be unaware that nanobots were inside their body studying them. No need to physically abduct a person and "scan" their body using "conventional" early 21st century scanning technology.

Likewise, any aliens having the technology to travel across intersteller distances would most certainly have a biotech and nanotech capability advanced enough that they could exist in whatever physical form they chose. If they wanted to monitor us with out being detected, the best way to do this would be to assume physical form identical to humans. They would look just like us. No need to be these bug-eyed, pointy chinned creatures that is so prevailent in UFO literature.

Also, a far more effective technique for monitoring human society unobstrusively would be to deploy a network of insect-like micro machines and nanobots that would be capable of self-replication similar to biology. A spacecraft capable of delivering the initial "seed" to establish such a world-wide network would not have to be larger than a basketball.

Most UFO accounts are of "conventionally" sized craft the size of airliners and such.

Extrapolating future developments in biotechnology and nanotechnology over the next 30-50 years clearly makes much of the nature and activities of perported UFOs completely unnecessary and non-sensical.

This is why the UFO as aliens hypothosis clearly fails the reality test.

Any comments?

Dr Jack Sarfatti critiques Dr Hal Puthoff's AW&ST article about ZPE/etc. (Score: 1)
by bodebliss on Thursday, April 22, 2004 @ 09:10:24 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://picoscience.8m.com/
UFOs ,huh?

I recent reports have gone loony-toons with people claiming abduction from central park in NY, and people claiming to be abducted from city-homes in broad daylight and some people claiming to be in families that are of special interest to aliens and having been abducted many times in their lives and their brothers and sisters. I have been alone far from civilization for relatively long periods of time and never seen a saucer or heard anyone else talk personally about their experience. You know their are ten million people w/ some form of mental illness in this country. The human desires to justify everthing it sees a light in the sky, a weird feeling upon waking. If a person is mentally ill he can carry that to extreme. He can make whole worlds and move in.

Sarfatti and Puthoff (Score: 1)
by kurt9 on Thursday, April 22, 2004 @ 12:43:22 UTC
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My comment about UFOs was a digression from my real point which is that Puthoff seems to be more respectable than Sarfatti, at least judging from their websites.

Earthtech presents itself in a respectable manner and, in my corespondence with them, strike me as being a level-headed, respectable research organization. Everything I have seen about Sarfatti conveys to me the exact opposite impression, especially his website.

I am not a physicist. Perhaps Sarfatti theories are correct and Puthoff is not. However, positive impressions do have value, especially when you are promoting unorthodox theories that go against the "conventional" belief.

As someone who has been involved in other controversial ideas (cryonics, life-extension, and tranhumanism), ideas that do NOT violate currently known physical laws and, therefor, should not be controversial, I believe in the value of a respectable image.

Re: Dr Jack Sarfatti critiques Dr Hal Puthoff's AW&ST article about ZPE/etc. (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Thursday, April 22, 2004 @ 16:58:55 UTC
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This debate sheds light on one fact, we know less about this entire field than anyone would like to admit, including the people that have studied it extensively. The nature of anything related to the concept of infinity is a concept not easily contexted by the primitive neural net computers we have inside our skulls.
Something perhaps overlooked implied by the mathematics of the theory is not just the ultraviolet divergence of the flux at an infinitely small wavelength, but a more perplexing characteristic of ZPE. Not only do we get infinite energy on that end of the curve, but because there are no boundary conditions on an open system, we are forced to conclude that there is a divergence at any particular bandspace. In other words, just as much energy in the bandwidth between 100 and 101 hertz as there is in the entire spectrum between a wavelength the size of the known universe and the Planck scale. Crazy?
Absolutely! But thats what our experiments have shown us to be true.

About "New Physics" (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 21:57:07 UTC
My previous comments about UFOs not with standing, I am becoming convinced that physics is going to under go a revolution similar to the one 100 years ago.

This "bubble" fusion stuff has been vindicated and its looking increasingly likely that "cold" fusion is real as well.

I do not know about ZPE or anti-gravity or the other stuff. I read Nick Cook's book and its very convincing, but I still don't buy into that stuff (not yet).

However, its clear that big money physics has had its day. The increasingly shrill bleating on the part of Robert Park makes it clear that these people are getting quite nervous (about loosing their millions of $$$ in funding each year).

Government funded big science has not delivered on the goods since the Manhattan project. The fusion program (both magnetic and inertial confinement) has not gone anywhere, despite the billions spent on it over the decades. There will be no commercial space development as long as NASA exists. I can go on and on.

Even the physicists who are used to living off of the gravy train are getting discouraged. I attended a particle beam (for thin-film materials development) conference and ran into many people who were quiting the fusion program.

Some of them said that they believe the cold fusion phenomenon is real, but it cannot be fusion in the conventional sense. One of them believes that a new source of energy will be developed that we don't even know of yet. Is ZPE this "dark horse" breakthrough? I have no idea.

My point is that I believe that if there are any new fundamental breakthroughs in physics, they will most likely come from som private group outside the melieu of bureaucratic science.

Bureaucracy does not work in economics and wealth-creation. Why would it be expected to work in science?

  • About Solar by bodebliss on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 @ 23:41:51 UTC
    • Re: About Solar by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 @ 14:04:09 UTC
      • About Solar by bodebliss on Wednesday, April 28, 2004 @ 22:57:42 UTC
        • Re: About Solar by Anonymous on Thursday, April 29, 2004 @ 08:35:49 UTC
          • About Solar by bodebliss on Thursday, April 29, 2004 @ 10:17:42 UTC
            • About Solar by bodebliss on Saturday, May 01, 2004 @ 22:23:03 UTC


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