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Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation
Posted on Saturday, May 22, 2004 @ 12:55:39 UTC by vlad
To: National Desk, Political Reporter
Contact: Allison Dobson of John Kerry for President, 202-712-3000, Web site: http://www.johnkerry.com
WASHINGTON, May 22 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following is the text of remarks by Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry in a radio address this morning:
Good morning, this is John Kerry.
Many of you are listening to this address while riding in your car. Some of you might be on your way to pick up your son or daughter from Little League. Others might be driving to the grocery store. You might be stuck in traffic on your way to the mall. And for many, you're pulling out of the gas station after filling up the tank.
How much did it cost you and your family this week? $30 or $40? Too many Americans filled up their cars and trucks this week and saw that for the first time the average price of a gallon of gas has climbed above $2.00. With Memorial Day weekend a few days away and nearly 30 million Americans expected to travel in their cars, families have to find more and more extra money in their budgets to pay for gas.
There are two reasons why we cannot be asleep at the wheel during this current energy crisis. First soaring energy prices are putting our economy at risk and second, our dependence on Middle East oil is putting our national security at risk.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
In the short-term, we can lower energy costs, help working families, and provide relief to our farmers who will spend an additional $1.3 billion on gas this year; to our truck drivers who will spend an additional $6 billion; and provide relief to our airlines that will spend an additional $7 billion on jet fuel. And in the long-term, we can have an energy plan that makes America independent of Middle East oil and strengthens our national security.
We can live in an America that is energy independent. We can live in an America that runs on the cars of the future that we only have to fill up once a month, not every week. We can live in an America that invests in new technology that will make us energy independent and provide good paying jobs for every American.
We can do this with a president who leads. America's can-do spirit invented the cars we drive and built the roads and bridges we use every day. Our imagination and sense of discovery took us to the moon. And our determination and perseverance helped us conquer diseases like polio.
When America sees a problem or a great possibility, it is in our collective character to set our sights on the horizon and not stop working until we get there. That's what America does best- and now we need to let America be America again so we can meet this energy challenge. Our dependence on foreign oil is a problem we must solve together the only way we can: by inventing our way out of it.
For decades, we have been stuck on a never-ending energy crisis rollercoaster. Gas prices rise and people talk about the need for a new energy policy. When gas prices drop, people drop the issue. If unrest erupts in the Middle East, people talk about the need to be independent of foreign oil. When prices drop and stability returns, we turn to another topic. It is time to get off this ride and chart a new course to energy independence.
But in the short-term, we have to help our families and business with these high energy costs. First, we should go to the Saudi government and other OPEC nations and demand that they increase supply. And second, we should divert oil that's being used to fill our reserves and bring it to the market to bring down prices. But short-term steps are just stopgaps unless we have a long-term plan.
I have a plan to invest in new technologies and alternative fuels to make America energy independent of Middle East oil. As president, I will establish tax credits that help consumers buy and manufacturers build fuel efficient cars. America is America when we lead the world to new inventions and technologies. And I believe America can and should be the place that builds the cars and creates the jobs of the future.
A strong America begins at home-with energy independence from the Middle East. Let's ensure that no young American soldier has to fight and die because of our dependence on foreign oil. This is the great project for our generation.
Next week is Memorial Day weekend-a time to honor Americans who served their country and a time to spend with our families. This year is going to be different.
We're at war and families are struggling to make ends meet, especially with rising gas prices. For our security, our economy, and our environment, we must make America energy independent. Together, let's do it.
I'm John Kerry. Thank you for listening.
Paid for by John Kerry for President, Inc.
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Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation (Score: 1) by kurt9 on Saturday, May 22, 2004 @ 14:46:48 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.metatechnica.com | Do you think he will promote funding of "sono" fusion, cold fusion, and zero-point energy?
What about a series of X-prizes, similar to the one for commercial manned space transportation?
Or do you think he will still try to push the delusion of piddle-power (solar, wind, etc.) instead?
The only alternative I see to this is nuclear power, which can also generate the gigawatts and terawatts necessary for modern civilization. |
Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Saturday, May 22, 2004 @ 16:42:33 UTC | The last Democrat president did absolutely nothing about foreign oil. Oh wait, he did reduce the amount in the Federal reserve, which is our "go to war" stockpile in case the Middle East locks up.
The Democrat president before that, Jimmy Carter, let Congress loose and had long lines at the gas pump as his legacy. Where you could not get gasoline for that day unless your license plate ended in a certain number. They do the same thing under drought conditions and your address for watering your lawn in some states today.
The current administration may keep the status quo of monolithic, monopolistic government-controlled regulation, research, and service, but at least they are open to "some" alternative energies. Usually when the cost savings is greater than current mainstream technologies, and then only in a niche market. Like solar power in deserts and wind power in high-velocity areas. Start talking about reducing motorists' gas consumption and the Federals get glassy-eyed with disbelief.
We cannot depend upon government to bail us out of the current oil problem, folks. They are the ones who got us here - with EPA regulations, 22+ flavors of gasoline in the US, prohibitive costs for drilling and transport. And then there's the Federal and local state tax, which is nothing like alcohol regulation - when's the last time "cheap" gas clogged your engine or made your car explode?
We must look to our own solutions, and hope for the future by voting with our money and our feet. |
Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, May 22, 2004 @ 21:44:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | America's energy problem has always been and will continue to be, regardless of government regulation or interference, a product of voluntary choice made in a free market.
Did you choose to live 30 miles away from your job and don't use public transportation? Do you really have the gall to moan about high gas prices? May you spend eternity stuck in traffic that never moves.
One day Americans might wake up to the fact that history and fortune have been very good to them, but it can't last forever without making some decisions that aren't driven by what the Media and its advertisers want us to think.
Politics and promises by politicians will not get us out of the hole we have been joyfully digging for ourselves since the end of World War II. We started out just wanting a few things, a sensible car, a house, some burgers on the grill and a few beers in the fridge. We wound up with every member of the household driving an SUV, a huge house that both spouses must support by being employed, steaks that could feed a family of ten in Africa cooking on a grill that could heat an apartment through a winter in Canada. Yet we wonder why we are still so unhappy, unloved, and stressed out.
Its time to realise, that WE are the problem in the world, and no one, no government or politician is going to make it better for us. Until we decide what needs changing is not the government or our leaders, but our own minds, nothing can help us. |
- Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation by Anonymous on Sunday, May 23, 2004 @ 10:21:27 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by Doug on Sunday, May 23, 2004 @ 13:58:45 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by bodebliss on Sunday, May 23, 2004 @ 16:57:18 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by Anonymous on Sunday, May 23, 2004 @ 20:26:54 UTC
- Wealth? by bodebliss on Sunday, May 23, 2004 @ 21:14:20 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by Anonymous on Monday, May 24, 2004 @ 10:03:17 UTC
- Wealth? by bodebliss on Monday, May 24, 2004 @ 13:18:44 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by Doug on Monday, May 24, 2004 @ 20:01:28 UTC
- Re: Wealth? (dodging the question) by Anonymous on Monday, May 24, 2004 @ 22:01:23 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by Anonymous on Sunday, May 30, 2004 @ 16:15:37 UTC
- Wealth? by bodebliss on Sunday, May 30, 2004 @ 18:47:26 UTC
- Wealth? by bodebliss on Sunday, May 30, 2004 @ 18:58:40 UTC
- Re: Wealth? by 1of7 on Monday, May 31, 2004 @ 11:21:12 UTC
- Wealth? by bodebliss on Tuesday, June 01, 2004 @ 04:37:21 UTC
- Wealth? by bodebliss on Tuesday, June 01, 2004 @ 05:14:44 UTC
- Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, May 23, 2004 @ 20:43:46 UTC
Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation (Score: 1) by Gordo on Monday, May 24, 2004 @ 10:54:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Gasoline prices continue to be a top news story and conversation piece. Everyone wants to gripe about high prices. But honestly I'm still amazed at just how cheap oil actually is. I know its a politically incorrect view, but thankfully I have no political aspirations.
Consider this: Oil is STILL cheaper than milk ($3.69/gallon) or even bottled water ($5.99/gallon for Evian 6 pack). Kerry in his speech this weekend says we should "DEMAND" greater output from OPEC when they are pretty close to capacity. Some people want us to tap into our strategic reserve even though there is no emergency, leaving us exposed for what? a temporary blip in pricing which many not even impact prices at the pump much? The same people are somehow completely oblivious to the fact that if the value of the dollar drops by 30%, we shouldn't be all that surprised by oil rising 30%. Americans generally think OPEC is "out to get us" when in reality, its almost the opposite. Politicians are questioning OPEC on supply -- but who is questioning the supply of dollars? If Greenspan & friends want to devalue the currency, why do Americans expect OPEC to bend over? And there are real supply issues as well, with the developed world growing, there is going to be more demand for resources. We can only tap so many new oil sources, or open existing spigots so wide.
Kerry's other suggestion was that we "invent" our way out of this situation. While I'm 100% on board with the need to fund research and promote alternatives -- Americans "vote" with their wallets. WE ALREADY HAVE fuel efficient vehicles, and guess what? American's for the most part, don't buy them. We have reasonable, 4-door commuter cars that get 40MPG, but they are unpopular. Then there are the hybrid cars, more expensive but even more fuel efficient, again not very popular. We also have newer super efficient diesel technology enabling even station wagons capable of 58MPG (not to mention the use of cheaper, easier to produce, diesel fuel) but almost no one knows about it.
Over in Europe, where gas is $4 or $5 / gallon and has been for years, they drive tiny fuel efficient vehicles.
In the meantime, with gas so cheap in the US (less than $3/gallon) and people apparently with money to burn, continue to buy fuel inefficient vehicles (although there was a notable drop in SUV sales in the last month, which is a great sign in my opinion).
If you ask someone why they buy a gas guzzler -- they are likely to tell you something about safety or ability to haul a lot of cargo or passengers. The safety thing is a myth. And realistically most car use is for daily work commutes. For the handful of times you need to haul things, you can always use a car top carrier, a bike rack, etc. You can easily strap lumber, kayaks, furniture, etc. to any roof with cheap ratchet straps. I don't have an ounce of pity for anyone that drives a gas guzzler who is now complaining about the price of gas. If Americans were interested in saving money, helping the environment, and greatly reducing our dependency on foreign oil -- wouldn't they have made a change by now? Maybe high prices will ultimately make the difference.
Re: Text of Sen. John Kerry's Radio Address to the Nation (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 @ 04:39:30 UTC | So... cars, roads and bridges are all Amercan inventions now are they? Will someone please give Mr Kerry a history book.