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Tunneling Through Vast Distances of Space
Posted on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 @ 22:53:15 UTC by vlad

Devices William Alek writes: The fundamental concept is "tunneling" through vast distances of space. The ONLY way to accomplish this task is to modify the flow of time from within the craft. Controlling this flow is regarded as relativistic meaning that space-time metrics such as volume, mass, frequency, time, gravity, and energy are all changing with respect to the universe outside the craft. Shown here is the simplified diagram:


Utilizing the Perrault Ion Valve system:

And applying some modification, the element Tungsten disassociates or transmutes releasing and flooding the craft with ZPE, and is also known as radiant energy, shown above. ZPE inversely affects the mass of the craft causing the flow of time within the craft to change with respect to the flow outside the craft. Gravimetric mass fluctuating the craft allows it to "tunnel" through space. The amount of mass fluctuation is regulated or controlled by how much excess energy is captured between the inner and outer shell. In other words, mass is controlled by its own field nature.

This theory of operation can be traced back to here:

The quartz in the Kowsky-Frost experiment is "pumped" by a similar means through plates attached above and below the crystal as shown. The amount of mass fluctuation is controlled on either side of the crystal by another set of plates connected to a power rheostat.

Its interesting to note that Germany had this technology BEFORE World War II! Perhaps it became "classified" and developed, and ultimately used in the German UFO program:
Interesting photo:



I think there is a "strong" connection with the Kowsky-Frost experiment and Nazi disk technology.




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"Tunneling Through Vast Distances of Space" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Tunneling Through Vast Distances of Space (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, June 10, 2004 @ 12:59:39 UTC
It is possible that these devices do not actually change the mass of anything. They may just change the value of the gravitational constant in the vicinity of the devices. This is due to the idea that the gravitational constant is a function of parameters of the zero point field, specifically the local energy density of the ZPF, and possibly the local charge potential density of the ZPF.

Re: Tunneling Through Vast Distances of Space (Score: 1)
by Doug on Thursday, June 10, 2004 @ 19:26:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
To describe this theory as the "ONLY way to accomplish this task" is a bit off the edge I think. Show me the money!


Metric Engineering (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, June 10, 2004 @ 20:49:06 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Bill Alek writes: Interesting review by Marc Millis, "Prospects for Breakthrough Propulsion
from Physics":

"... Recently, the term "metric engineering" [65] has emerged at aerospace
conferences to represent such space-warping propulsion concepts. The origin
of this term is unknown.

Given the magnitude of energy requirements to create perceptible effects, it
is unlikely that experimental work will be forthcoming in the near future.
Even though these theoretical concepts are extremely unlikely to be
engineered, they are at least useful as teaching tools to more thoroughly
explore the intricacies of Einstein's General Relativity. It is likely that
theoretical work will continue to emerge on this topic. ..."

Now, according to my research, "metric engineering" is the ONLY way to go,
and is "extremely likely to be engineered". In my current paper, now under
construction, I show that mass fluctuates as a function of gravity. It does
so "naturally" by absorbing virtual flux from the Active Vacuum, which is
modeled as a medium of "dark energy". Simply by correlating a given object
of mass to a given "gravitational frame of reference", and changing the mass
of this system changes what I call the "gravitational frame" of that object.
A real force vector is created, which moves an object of changing mass
between gravitational frames. In summary, its the amount of virtual flux
absorbed by matter that determines its present gravitational frame.

I also developed a "new" equivalence principle that equates Einstein's SR to
gravitational frames. In other words, the lateral motion of objects of
matter are no longer regarded as having inertia, but is directly correlated
to a change of its gravitational frame. Again, its correlated to matter
absorbing vitual flux from the "dark energy" anti-gravimetric vacuum.

Based upon my work thus far, it appears control systems and instrumentation
being applied to "metric engineering" MUST be able to detect and operate
upon very minute mass flucuations. These control systems and instrumentation
MUST have sufficient arithmetic precision to discern those differences.
High-speed 64-bit floating point operations should have sufficient precision
to perform the necessary functions.

The Doctor...

William S. Alek

INTALEK, INC. PHONE/FAX: 219.924.2742
3506-43rd. Place EMAIL: alekws@intalek.com
Highland, IN 46322-3129 USA HOME PAGE: http://www.intalek.com/


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