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Extraordinary Technology Conference 2004 REPORT
Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 @ 14:21:20 UTC by vlad

Testimonials From Pure Energy Systems News: Conference held in Salt Lake City, July 28 - Aug. 1. Detailed reports to be posted in next few days, linked from this index page. The following is a summary of highlights by Sterling D. Allan, T. Cullen, and Susan Carter.

Highlights / Briefing

* Social: Meeting scores of fabulous individuals, sharing ideas, hearing presentations. Kudos to Steve Elswick of TeslaTech's ExtraOrdinary Technologies Magazine who planned and hosted the outstanding event.
* Moray King - gave review of zero point energy theories and evolution of field, citing several dozen refereed papers; said implementation is not technology limited but politics limited (suppression).

* Thomas Valone, Ph.D. - gave review of zero point energy (ZPE) theory focusing on evidences from nano technology, citing peer reviewed papers. Discussed Casimir effect and that ZPE is not "conserved". Evidence that gravity and inertia are effects of ZPE. Repulsive Casimir effects seen. In some cases Casimir forces change sign / polarity as temperature is increased, indicating a way to minipulate ZPE.
* Hal Fox - gave listing of more than a dozen scientific principles that are questionable and need to be re-examined.
Gave listing of more than a dozen primary scientific paradigms in question that need to be re-examined in light of new research, including Einstein's relativity, big bang, and limitations of speed of light.


* Media Controversies:
- Conference organizer, Steve Elswick had a stack of mailings returned "undeliverable address" from numerous media outlets to which he sent announcements. (Mail tampering is actionable, even if done by the postmaster.)
- Fox 13 news came but did not cover the conference in their evening news (they showed up during Robert Patterson's presentation).

Read the whole article at: www.pureenergysystems.com



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"Extraordinary Technology Conference 2004 REPORT" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Extraordinary Technology Conference 2004 REPORT (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 @ 21:58:21 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
People and their points of view ;-):

In the TapTen yahoo group Gary Voss writes:

Our TAP-TEN T-Shirts arrived via FEDEX right on Time for the conference and when we ran out, we were still getting requests for them! We will place additional orders for those who request them. If you would like to accquire your very own TAP-TEN 2004 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference souvineer T-Shirt, just review my earlier post from message#4723 and follow the instructions provided here... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tapten/message/4723

Steve Elswick & his Lovely Wife did a most excellent job sponsoring this event for us all so that we can meet together & share our most passionate work with others, and I also discovered that he has been doing this for twenty years! I reminded him that once we accquire the funding we need to purchase the land for our new facilities, he will be called upon to continue by contributing his experince at our new TAP-TEN Research facilities!

Special Thanks also to Dr. Kiril Chukanov & his Lovely Family for opening up his heart & home by inviting us there for a special demonstartion of his Ball Light "Nik" Machine! a very special privelage and a truly remarkable experience this was to see his home Lab & the Angelina IV during a live demonstration.

Thank You Very Much For This Special Invitation, and Many Thanks To Your Most Wonderful Family For Having Us!

Robert Patterson did a Fantastic job on his presentation this last Sat. at the conference! When I spotted the Fox News Crew (Ch13) I reminded them that we have a very "special" speaker inside so the other exibit tables can wait as I explained that the speakers are on a schedule & their "Time" is limited. as a result, Robert had the opportunity to have them take some footage and get the last 5 min. including the Q&A sesion towards the end of his presentation on their news camera!

Way to go Robert! it only gets better from here.

We all had a very Exciting Time and look forward to many more of these events! Many Thanks to all who were there to share.

---Gary Voss
TAP-TEN Research


In the free_energy yahoo group vcrepair writes: Bottom line: Did ANY of that stuff perform as claimed?


How do I know? because I don't know. ;-)

Real simple, if any of that "amazing technology" truly worked as claimed; "3x fuel mileage", "OU battery charger", etc. it should have been on the major news networks, newspapers, etc. across the country.

But was ANYTHING about that "inventors conference" in the major newspapers or even the local papers and TV news is Salt Lake City, UT?

End of the month Bruce Perreault is supposed to have another inventor conference in New Hampshire, but we can already guess that NOTHING will be PROVEN there to be "overunity" either. Just a lot of claims of "almost ready" and bad interpretation of test results and wishful thinking. ;-)

Try finding someone who knows how to measure power input and output, who actually has used test equipment and understand how it works, etc. Ask how many miles per gallon he gets with that contraption wing on his truck. Ask him to PROVE i t. Get a 5 gallon gas can and use that to supply fuel to the engine then carefully measure how much fuel is used.

Connect the battery device to a light bulb and see how long the battery runs bulb at full brightness. Let the OU charger charge the battery back up in a sealed box so no one can mess with it and see if that light bulb will run at full brightness again.
davehowe17 writes: I particularly liked Robert Patterson's "Ram Implosion Wing": (http://quantumgravitics.tripod.com/)

"20.2 miles @ 0.2 tenths of a gallon = 101-mpg!"
"59 miles @ 0.1 tenths of a gallon = 590-mpg!"

and then:

"Note: To date no attempts have been made toward reproducing this particular experiment, thus it remains a singular event. However my consciences is that in order to maintain such high mileage's the RIW will require computer automation to adjust pitch angle and height of the wing on the fly."

So here they have what looks like a full-sized Chevy van getting 590 miles per gallon, something that would shake the world and make them millions overnight, and they've made no attempts to reproduce. Sh**t, with that fuel consumption, they could drive from coast to coast and back again without filling up. But no, his "consciences is that in order to maintain such high mileage's the RIW will require computer automation to adjust pitch angle and height of the wing on the fly."

The stupidity at that "Extraordinary Technology Conference 2004" must have been downright painful.

Patterson Wing (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 @ 22:23:08 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
I the free_energy yahoo group Bruce A. Perrault writes: Sadly, I don't have anything good to report back about Patterson's Wing that is supposed to increase his vehicles' MPG...

Patterson did not prove a thing. I can't believe just how gullible people are. I was supposed to test his claim by documenting the MPG to Provo and back. While I was waiting for him to show up Friday morning I checked the front desk to see when he was going to arrive. I was told that he was not due to arrive until Saturday! When I got to speak to Patterson he gave me the story that the gas fell out of his vehicle and spilled all over the highway, telling me this is why he has "stood me up." The big hole in his story is that he arrived on time according to the front desk check in desk where he was lodging.

I investigated his wing Saturday afternoon in the parking lot when everyone was inside. I took several close-up pictures for Eric Krieg to post on his website. These photos will reveal that the wing is not aerodynamically true. Its surfaces are uneven and bumpy. This is not like the pictures that have been posted on the internet showing a nicely machined wing. This shows that the photos on the internet are doctored. There is no way that the wing can increase the vehicles' MPG as claimed. In fact, it might even decrease it a tad because of the added weight but most of all, air drag. The flimsy brackets that secure the Wing to the vehicle are scary.

I had been mulling over my mind what Patterson's motivation is and then I was told that he offered a $300 discount for anyone ordering a wing from him at the conference. He is said to be charging $600 through the internet. It appeared to me that he constructed the wing with $100 of Plaster of Paris. This is a cool $500 in his pockets.

Sorry, I call it as I see it.


Alan Francoeur's Report on ET Conference (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, August 06, 2004 @ 20:22:26 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Harassed at the Canadian border, respected at the conference, back and ready to dive into refurbishment of his Ed Gray motor #4 for home power...

From PES site: Al Francoeur's Report

New reports on Valone, Chukanov, Francoeur, Meyl presentations. (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, August 14, 2004 @ 14:00:07 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
See www.pureenergysystems.com Conf. index


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