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Greer finally receives his initiation into the U of FE:
Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 @ 20:20:32 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Tesla writes: When I met with Steven Greer at the conference on "Energy and Ethics" in D.C., he doubted my account of death threats that I had received in person from armed MP's while working under contract for the DOD. Last night on the Coast to Coast AM radio program Steven played an audio tape recording of an alleged male voice warning him to cease his activities in trying to get full disclosure of U.F.O.'s, Alien Being's, and hidden free energy technologies.

Well Steven, join the crowd buddy! Hey wait, anyone could have made up a phony tape Steven! But seriously, they only resort to those tactics when you are about to expose the truth, they really hate that. You go first Steve, we've got your back okay? lol.

Regards All,


Note: Any other impressions from the last night show? Did he mentioned any progress on the O/U device identification and testing? [Vlad]



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"Greer finally receives his initiation into the U of FE:" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Greer finally receives his initiation into the U of FE: (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Monday, August 09, 2004 @ 21:21:35 UTC
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No, he did not mention any word on the O/U device at all! I listened to the whole thing and basically he only "hinted" at possible O/U devices out there in developement but nothing of the one he talked about last year. Inaddition I e-mailed them and this is the response I got:


I am writing in regards to the technology you are developing and I would like to ask a few questions if I may. Is this technology progessing and will it be manufacturable? Have you found the source of the excess energy production? When do you believe it will be available(given current estimates). Thank you"

RE: "If you are referring to the device announced over 1 1/2 years ago, it has not yet been delivered to us, but we are still working on trying to get it from the inventor. In the mean time we have been looking into several different other devices but so far haven't found any to be manufactured. We'll put a note on the web site and send to our email list, etc, when do do have something ready.

Best wishes,

Debbie Foch"

Kind of depressing, huh?

Re: Greer finally receives his initiation into the U of FE: (Score: 1)
by mlmitton on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 @ 08:56:41 UTC
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I only made it awake long enough to hear that ABC was planning a 2 or 3 hour documentary on....well, I wasn't exactly sure whether it was UFO's, ZPE, OU, or what.

Can anyone confirm that ABC is going to do a serious documentary on any of these issues?

What's John Stossel up to these days? :)

Re: Greer finally receives his initiation into the U of FE: (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 @ 14:44:30 UTC
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I am actually more disappointed in Art for not asking any questions regarding the ZPE device, instead focusing on the UFO subject. It was an interesting interview, don't get me wrong, but it could have been better. Hopefully we will hear more about the device in September(or sooner!), until then we will have to wait for other energy developments. Lucky we have another device this month that will be shown mainstream, the SPEGG, on the 23rd! Hopefully this device we spur other companies to get their act together an release their products.

Re: Greer finally receives his initiation into the U of FE: (Score: 1)
by Rothhaar on Thursday, August 12, 2004 @ 15:37:05 UTC
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Greer needs to update his presentation. How many times is he going to repeat that same Chinese proverb about ending up where we're going? Or tell about how his Uncle helped design the lunar module? I've met him as well and think he's a sincere person, but he's in danger of becoming a caricature of himself.

The decision to split the disclosure effort on energy technologies off into a separate, for-profit entity (SEAS), was a strategic blunder, IMO. It divided the focus and sapped the energy of the disclosure effort. Plus, it's harder to trust an organization that is out for profit. Frankly, the notion that a device currently considered impossible by the scientific maintream will be manufactured, pass through all the regulatory hurdles, get distributed, and find its way into consumers' homes before the necessary sea change in scientific thought takes place is foolishness. There needs to be an intellectual revolution before there can be a revolution in the marketplace. As he does on the UFO front, Greer should be trying to get information out to the public, not devices that his company can sell. IF OU is indeed possible, and if it is actually relatively simple (as both he and Nick Cook have suggested), then how on earth is it done? Tell us. Disclose the information. If Greer's group has people who have been on the inside of secret energy projects, as he routinely states, then they must have information on how OU is achieved. Why this dragnet search for some independent researcher who has stumbled upon the secret? Why not just put out a paper that points everyone in the right direction?

We need more substance and less vagaries from Greer. I really don't think he can continue to talk in a generalized way about ZP energy and be credible. It's time for specifics, real scientific information. What approach works and what is a dead end? What materials are needed? If Greer and SEAS are not going to start separating the chaffe from the wheat, then they're part of the problem, not the solution.


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