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Genesis EMT Systems open for licensing
Posted on Sunday, February 19, 2006 @ 11:25:20 UTC by vlad

Devices solaris writes: FreeEnergyNews.com : Peter x says he was employed in 1978/79 by NASA/JPL to derive a non-solar energy device that could provide power for space craft, and that the electromagnetic technology developed has been in continuous operation since that time . . . , and is now being offered for licensing for lay application. (PESWiki; Feb. 17)

Genesis EMT Systems
Official Website
* none
An Invitation to Invest

"...The Genesis EMT System, (as I refer to it today) was first developed in 1978-79 the then new emerging technology was cutting edge, not proven, nor heard of outside of very well guarded labs. Our/my Genesis EMT System is based on the same still cutting edge electromagnetic technology, which, to this day is still working in space orbiting our planet earth each and every day, being totally self-contained requiring no fuel or other power/energy source, or other equipment to produce power/energy. The Genesis EMT System is NOT atomic/nuclear, solar, or chemical. It’s as safe as sitting in front of ones own TV...

Dear Reader, the fact is, all of this is very real, very true. We can prove the Genesis EMT System not only works but it's viable now and [it presents a] solution for the worlds energy/power needs...

In 1978-79 NASA with JPL assigned a project to one man and a small team (he assembled) to build such a system, which would provide power for deep space missions.(As a side note, the sad part now after almost 30 years most of these gifted people are no longer with us). Of course, moving on, there were back then as now no filling (gas) stations in space. However, there is the Sun, and so there is solar power, however, only if and/or when in direct line of sight. Should a planet come between the solar array of a space craft and Sun, no power, how to solve the problem? There were other kinds of power being considered, like solar winds as well as planetary gravity; however, there is only one system which does not rely on any outside conditions as such needs no fuel of any kind from outside its own system...

This System, the Genesis EMT System was built in 1978-79. I know, because I was the person assigned to and who built what I now call the Genesis EMT System. This system has been running for the past 25-28 year’s non stop 24/7, at the size of a small shoe box this small system has an output of 8hp/1Kw of power. The Genesis EMT System has a life capacity or time line of 300 years (in space). Of course the system would need to be enlarged to operate in any auto or truck configuration; also the system would need to be reconfigured to power a family home or small business. However, the system could be made large enough to power any modern city. (In theory a system the size of a Ford Econoline van could power Long Beach CA). In short the days of being dependant on oil or any other fuel source would be over.

The system which was designed for NASA/JPL was protected for 25 years, I was not allowed to use or develop this technology for all those years. Now with the start of 2006 that time has come and gone. We can now make the Genesis EMT System available to all the world at large, at an affordable cost; the most remote of villages now could have as much power as the most modern city. Of course with a very good profit margin, as well as an excellent return on investment. Again, how much is a life of no fuel costs worth? How much would you pay for an automobile which would never need any kind of fuel, but came with every modern convenience? The Genesis EMT System makes all other energy systems as out dated as the horse and buggy or a throw back to the Stone Age...

Estimated time to complete a new proto-type, we believe to be between 6-10 months. Full production of the smaller units built for use in or as replacement units for engines in use now would be within the 2nd year of manufacturing. For house hold units and/or units for small business and industry could be on line in 1.5 years or 16 months. Larger units and/or systems could come on line by the end of the third year in theory.

We are now entertaining interested investors on a first come first serve bases. At this time only LLC joint venture relationships are being considered. Just imagine what the return could have been if you were standing along side Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Alexander Gram Bell, or Orville & Wilbur Wright when they got it right (no pun indented), what was the pay back for those who ventured into the abyss of the unknown to invest in these ridicules ideas? Make no mistake we’re looking to find people with the courage to enter the abyss of the unknown with us, as I’ve asked throughout this text what would it be worth to have this power in your hands. Also, remember one very important fact; this technology has already been invented once, by me. Therefore, it works -- NO RISK. I can prove this fact just taking a trip to the local hardware store. Just most people don’t know what to look for or what their looking at if they should find what I’m speaking of.

I’ve gone to the big investors as well as large corporations only to have then want to own and/or control this for themselves. One rep from an oil company wanted just to buy this system outright. Two men from Japan wanted to invest even to the point of allowing our ownership of all the system units which are manufactured all they wanted was the irrevocable total world distribution rights. We’re now looking to the smaller investor interested in a very good return on their investment without the greed of wanting to control the power needs of the world. The Genesis EMT System will earn more than all the aforementioned past inventions combined. Ask yourself how much is too much? After all greed is what created this oil dependent world we all now live in. We can change the quality of not only our own lives but also the lives of every man woman and child on this planet.

Please feel free to reply with any questions or comments you may have. We’ll do our best to answer ASAP. As you may guess we’re very careful with or as to our product/system information we are allowed to share, as such are very proprietary."

Source: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Genesis_EMT_Systems

[Genesis ...seems to be a preferred name by the FE ConArts Inc.]



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"Genesis EMT Systems open for licensing" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Genesis EMT Systems open for licensing (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, February 19, 2006 @ 13:23:23 UTC
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Is there any truth to the rumors that certain law enforcement agencies dealing with securities fraud are now actively seeking to question the executives of this company? Or am I mistaken?

Re: Genesis EMT Systems open for licensing (Score: 1)
by guest on Monday, February 20, 2006 @ 20:25:31 UTC
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Total Crap! Whoever wrote this is trying to scam the public, at the very least get some of the information right and learn how to do the scam...

1) 8HP/1kw is the claimed power output
1hp = 760 watts, so 8 X 760 = 6080 watts, not 1,000 watts

2) no one would wait 25 years with such technology, no matter what the threat unless they were total wusses or idiots

3) NO technical details are given in any form, we don't need the construction details, just a carrot showing the source of this energy and how it is derived

4) 300 year life? And how is that derived???

5) prove the 'fact' of it working by taking a trip to the hardware store? Sounds like a Tilley copycat!

6) NO RISK! Yeah, I believe that...once they have their target money goal, its adios boboso (slobbering retard)

7) go after the smaller investors as they are much easier marks than bigger ones who have sense enough to want proof that THEY can test before investing....some of Tilley's investors said 'we don't NEED proof', we trust the man and our own eyes....right...PT Barnum was exactly right...

Another scam? Chances are 95% being a scam...provide more details and get your FACTS straight regarding electronics...quit resorting to the mystique of NASA and the Tesla type buzzwords trying to add credibility where so far there is nothing but a plea for investors.

All the earmarks of a scam going after the gullible, and there are LOTS of them. Take this with a big block of salt and watch your wallet!


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