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Overunity magnet motor released !
Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 @ 19:53:46 UTC by vlad
Stefan Hartmann writes (free_energy yahoo group): Hi All, please have a look at the new overunity permanent magnet motor from Mr. Henry Sprain.
He has a patent for it and it is the first real overunity motor generating more mechanical output than needed for the electromagnet to kick the rotor over the sticking spot.
Have a look at it here:
http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,758.0.html http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,757.0.html
Best regards, Stefan.----------------From his OverUnity.com forum:
is the first OVERUNITY magnet motor released to the public ! It
produces more mechanical power than needed electrical input power for
the electromagnet. It is the video from Mr. Paul Harry Sprain. I had
signed NDA for it and now he has released it to the world !
It is simular to the Takahaski design and Mr. Sprain has got a patent for it.
The electromagnet at the end of the spiral stator switches for just a
few Mikroseconds the field to zero flux density, so the rotor can
escape the stator fields.
For the rest of the rotation circle the rotor is purely accelerated
into the track. All magnets are in attraction mode, stator and rotor
magnets ! This is so far the best magnet motor shown.
Congratulations Mr. Sprain for this success for presenting the first overunity permanent magnet motor to the world !
Regards, Stefan.
P.S: It is a spiral like permanent magnet stator and a pure permanent magnet rotor.
Mr. Sprain wrote to me [Stefan]:
I have been working on this project for 4 years. I have spent a little under a million dollars. I have a patent and a working prototype (see attached photos). The rotational force is measured using a torque sensor that allows me to put it under load just like a real generator. I have measured the energy going into the electromagnet voltage and current. It comes from a digital power supply so there is no guessing as to what is being used. I'm using a super perm alloy core for the electromagnet. A digital encoder controls the firing of the electromagnet.
My results:
out-.6 Nm at 10 radian/sec =6W in-19.8v @ 1.9A = 37.62W each pulse is .028ms = 1.05 W per pulse 3 pulses per/sec = 3.1W total input
Please see patent 6,954,019
Thank you, Paul Sprain ---------
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Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by chrish64 on Thursday, February 23, 2006 @ 06:23:26 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpfsystems.com | To prove that this is over-unity, why not set it up to self run using a generator attached to the axile. Then we will know if the measurements are correct or not. The energy in the battery can be stored in ultracapacitors as opposed to using a battery. Kind of sounds like GMCC's motor then. I highly suggest that this test is done to prove the validity of this magnetic motor. |
Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by guest on Thursday, February 23, 2006 @ 16:51:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Viewed The AVI and MPG's -(mp4) and I am very impressed, now how about some test data and longest run time info? |
Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by malc on Friday, February 24, 2006 @ 00:08:21 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | I can also watch AVI's of alien craft hovering over Washington and blowing up the Whitehouse. It means nothing without a genuine measurement of power in and power out. As someone has already said use the device to self power in a standalone environment and produce excess energy. For example 10 batteries, one fully charged (to power the device) and 9 flat ones. Run the machine and after a period of time you should end up with 10 charged batteries, or at least 9 charged batteries and partly a discharged one at worst.
This kind of test is very easy to set up and damn tricky to cheat.
Let's be honest here. Anyone who has a genuine over unity device will produce a demonstration that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that it is over unity, which an AVI/MPEG isn't. If not then they are naive fools who have obviously no concept of the number of scams in this area. |
Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by guest on Thursday, February 23, 2006 @ 16:50:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Viewed The AVI and MPG's -(mp4) and I am very impressed, now how about some test data and longest run time info? |
Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by atmguy on Friday, February 24, 2006 @ 16:14:43 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Either way hurry the hell up get this thing out to wallmart. :). contact Greer over there at disclosureproject.org www.disclosureproject.org/ seas. Or Kamen. www.dekaresearch.com
I am sure they have the capitol get make this happen.
HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by WebMagnetics on Friday, February 24, 2006 @ 14:15:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | So, you have developed an “overunity motor generating more
mechanical output than needed for the electromagnet”. If so, you should be able to connect the “mechanical
output” to a generator and generate enough electricity so the machine runs on
its own generated power – with energy left over – energy out greater than
energy in. This is even better than perpetual
motion. It can run forever on its own
generated power with the excess available to do work or to be stored. You are either about to become very rich or……………………………… |
Faked video!? Re: Overunity magnet motor released ! (Score: 1) by guest on Saturday, February 25, 2006 @ 02:52:33 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Does anyone see the jumping in the video after 9 seconds onwards? every rotation has a little jump, jump, jump . I wish it wasn't there, but I slowed the video down and there u can see the velocity of the rotating arm sudden jumps!!!!!! like a badly timed video clip!
Considering its a stationary camera jumping isn't expected. And if that electromagnet causes this jumping, thats one hell of an acceleration to get back up to speed!
In principle is looks like a good idea, using a e.magnet to nullify the pole swop at the end of the spiral magnets. But they don't seem to have actually done it yet.
Take a look at the video again, run it over a few times, and u'll see the jump, jump, jump with each rotation after the 9th second