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SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production
Posted on Tuesday, February 20, 2007 @ 19:52:02 UTC by vlad

Devices Hal Ade (modernsteam) writes: Hello, This is the latest I've found on the SuperMag magnetic motor situation: Feb 12, 2007:

SuperVision Entertainment Inc. Press Release

SuperVision says it's planning for production of a 10-Kw unit, but that they'll be having it thoroughly tested by an independent organization first. That's as it should be, to validate it as functioning as claimed, to protect the buying public and investors in the company, and to rightfully protect the company or its principals from wrongful prosecution for fraud which it did not commit.

Hal Ade

SuperVision Entertainment Inc.: (Ticker Symbol: SVET) SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- February 12, 2007 -- SuperVision Entertainment Inc. (PINKSHEETS: SVET)

The company is pleased to announce that the SuperMag electric generator, which manipulates very powerful magnetic fields to produce clean efficient electricity and heat, is moving through the process of production planning.

The first model will be a 10Kw system that is quite capable of powering an average home, removing the homeowner's reliance on the utility company's provision of electricity and also removing reliance on fossil fuels for heat.

The first production model will be known as the "SuperMag MI5" and will be designed for the North American market. Rapidly following this will be the "SuperMag MI6" which is designed for the European market.

The SuperMag, which has generated worldwide interest over the last year, will undergo a period of independent testing and certification prior to its market introduction. However, it is anticipated that a major unveiling of the technology will occur in the not-too-distant future. This will be organized in Southern California to approximately 1000 interested scientists, engineers, investors and hedge funds. All those interested in attending this event are invited to contact the company as space will be limited.

SuperVision Entertainment is a company involved in hi-tech, entertainment product and acquisitions. It has major deals with approximately 50 video on demand companies through its VOD division. These companies include Google, Bit Torrent, Netflix and others.

Various web sites for the SuperMag, WPGL professional video gaming league and SuperVision are currently under construction. They should start to come on line around the end of March 2007.

Safe Harbor Statement:

All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release are "forward-looking statements." The forward-looking statements, including statements about the Company's future, revenues and earnings, and all other forward-looking statements (i.e. future operational results and sales) are subject to assumptions and beliefs based on current information known to the company and are factors that are subject to uncertainties, risks and other influences which are outside the Company's control and which may yield results differing materially and substantially from those anticipated. All information is subject to change, deletion or insertion.

For info please contact:
SuperVision Entertainment Inc.
Email: Email Contact

SOURCE: SuperVision Entertainment Inc.



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"SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by malc on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 00:29:23 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
A choice!

1. Orbo from Steorn
2. SuperMag MI6 from SuperVision

Shame I can't actually buy one yet though. Not long to go now before we find out the truth of either....

One would have thought (if they are genuine) that this would drive both of them to get their device out to market faster. The first one will be the richest and most famous.

Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 00:37:13 UTC
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Makes me wonder if MPI is going to have something before these guys or not.


Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by modernsteam on Saturday, February 24, 2007 @ 09:07:28 UTC
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MPI needs money to get their self-running engineering prototype into play. The last I heard, they're still waiting for a promised US$30 mill. investment, and working capital to tide them over in the meantime.

I did find out in my Internet readings, that, as I suspected might be the case, they're using the Faraday approach of empirical trial and error to derive the utterly new equations for this essentially non-linear, and hence, very difficult development work. It is so new, so cutting edge, that no standard equations, such as Ohm's Law, the Biot-Savart Law and its empirically-derived variants for coils, currently exist. Using logic alone, as some of our debunking "friends" imply should be enough, is in fact, not enough. Obviously, since MPI and other companies are paying the costs of deriving these first-time equations, which may involve high-level calculus, quaternions, tensor algebra etc., they are proprietary to the companies doing the work, and are therefore not available to the public, unless so required by intellectual property regulations.

The MPI Magnetic Power Module will be successfully designed and implemented as a self-running engineering prototype after funding is available to MPI to buy lab equipment, and pay engineers, scientists and their support staff to do the job. Eighteen months to have the device ready for self-running demonstration after funding is available to pay the costs, is not an unreasonable time-frame. Though it would appear that much of the physical work of the job has already been done on a "shoe-string", eighteen months to finish the work with all its challenges, to self-running status with the necessary expertise, is quite fair.

Hal Ade


Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by Technophile on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 08:26:48 UTC
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This is great, if true, but it always bothers me when a company like this announces a product that would be worth countless billions, and at the same time announces that they're putting money into another contradictory investment. In this case, in their Feb 5 press release they talk about investing millions in water.

Now if you truly have a device which produces unlimited free energy, why do you need water, when there's a whole ocean that can be desalinated with free energy? Contradictory actions. Makes it sound like a pump and dump operation to me.

Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by modernsteam on Saturday, February 24, 2007 @ 08:37:33 UTC
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I regret to say you may be right, but I couldn't be sure of that. If they do demonstrate their prototype generator this year (2007) as they said, and it works as claimed, then I think doubt can be set aside. But like so many on this blog, I don't like being taunted with rhetoric about promised devices within a certain timeline which never materialize. However, we must keep in mind that a SuperMag-like device is functioning inside a Montreal patient as a sort of artificial heart. That's substantiation right there. But I say to SuperVision, parent of the SuperMag, and all other such companies to cut the "flairish hype", and don't give timelines if you can't meet them. It irritates so very many of us, since we sense - perhaps incorrectly - we're being lied to.

That notwithstanding, I have every reason to believe that over-unity energy is real, and with sufficient funding, can be engineered, though it is tremendously difficult to develop that last "10%" or so to consistent self-running under load.

Hal Ade


Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by dfwrunner on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 17:57:28 UTC
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Truly suspect. I want to see a device that produces even 1 watt. I'm suspicious of any claim where the first device is a production level device producing sufficient energy to run an entire home.

Re: SuperMag Update: SuperMag Engineers Prepare for Production (Score: 1)
by modernsteam on Saturday, February 24, 2007 @ 08:21:25 UTC
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Don't be surprised if the first device is only a "toy". One watt would be about it. It would only be for demo purposes, and to initiate revenues back to the developer so that the 1-Kwt. unit could be engineered and produced. In salaries alone for engineers and physicists, we're talking 6 figures per each for the required expertise over a 2000-hour year. All would have to be experts in oscillations, pulsing, and resonance. That expertise is fairly scarce, and just about all the good ones have well-paid jobs in communications, computer, or control electronics. So we'd have to assure them of compensation at least as good as what they're getting now, even if they're intrigued with the prospect of "Free Energy". If we're lucky, these currently-employed specialists might come on as "angels" (not monetary investors) to be paid partly in shares in the companies involved, but they'd have an almost "religious" conviction to do that - Not too likely ..

Aside from expert personnel, one piece of lab equipment could easily run $300,000 to $1 mill.

Now we know why talk of a start-up investment of $11,000,000. is not unreasonable, if resources are expensive.

If the funding is there, the 1 Kwt, or maybe even a 10 Kwt. unit for the home, could be demoed as an engineering prototype in 18 mths ... but that's if the funding is extant.

Hal Ade.



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