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Global Warming, the Cult of Gaia and “Edidence”
Posted on Tuesday, September 09, 2008 @ 22:54:28 UTC by vlad
By Robert Pritchett
“‘Edidence’ - Take a little fact
and cram it full of lies.” Parish Lee, April 9, 2008
Unless you’ve been living under a rock or stranded on a
desert island somewhere, you know this past month has grown from “Earth Day” to
“Earth Month”. I have been happily helping with some of the activities through
the Mid-Columbia Sustainable Business Network, Mid-Columbia Earth Month and the Alternative Energy Expo – http://www.earthmonthmc.org
“Global Warming”™ is Globaloney™ and has been recently updated to be known as the “Climate
Change Crisis” by the Leftists. Everything gets attention if it is labeled as a
crisis. We’ve known Climate Change for years – as “Weather”. The Global
Warming alarmism has been scientifically and unequivocally proven to be false!
However, if the Alarmists™ rename the latest crisis as “Climate Change”, they
will always be right and grab control of our lives. I don’t want them gaining
control of my life.
And yes, I am left-handed, so I guess I’m a “Leftist” too.
;^)... Full article: http://www.maccompanion.com/
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Re: Global Warming, the Cult of Gaia and “Edidence” (Score: 1) by Koen on Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 15:15:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Global warming caused by CO2 (that is linked to human activity) is fake. Such a causal relationship does not exist and has not been proven scientifically. This suggestion was done
Global war is a more likely outcome of the global dependance on fossile fuels.
See http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0707.1161 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0808.0897 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0805.2108 http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/0803.1239
Re: Global Warming, the Cult of Gaia and “Edidence” (Score: 1) by TechsArcana on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 @ 03:53:33 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Excellent links Koen,
I especially liked the last one (...1239) as it explains something that I have noticed for a while now. Namely that the AGW crowd is behaving exactly like a bunch of religious zealots. The basic thesis is that environmental "sinners" are responsible for the "curse" of increased global temperatures. The only solution, of course, is to make a sacrifice on the altar of environmentalism in order to appease a wrathful god. (note lack of capitalization.)
The really stange part is, the proposed solutions are oftentimes more damaging to the environment than the current methods of doing things.
For examples: (and assuming for the moment that the underlying cause-effect relationships are valid, which I agree with you, they aren't)
- Hydrogen cars (combustion or fuel cell) would make the the problem worse, not better, since water vapor is 400 times more heat-absorbing than CO2.
- Paper towels (as opposed to warm air hand-dryers) should be preferred, since they sequester carbon in landfills instead of realeasing it into the atmosphere like coal-fired power plants which provide the electricity. yet everywhere I go, I see these preachy little messages on the warm air dryers telling me how great they are for the environment (but just try blowing your nose on one...)
- Ditto for throwing away newspapers/cardboard versus recycling. AGW zealots should cheer whenever cellulose is buried - but they don't.
- Compact flourescent light (CFL) bulbs take more energy to make (and present a real mercury hazzard) than they save over their (exaggerated) lifetimes. Also, just because the bulb burns out, doesn't mean they aren't sucking power (leave a burned out CFL bulb screwed into the socket and feel how warm it gets.) Additionally, CFL bulbs placed in hanging-down sockets burn out much faster than standard incandescent bulbs.
- PV solar cells take more energy to make (and release lots of CO2 from processing/purifying the silicon) than they pay back (applies only to un-concentrated silicon based cells only)
- Lithium batteries of every type release large quantities of CO2 when they are made.
The final foolishness of the "Gaia Hypothesis" can be seen once you realized that mankind is not outside of Gaia but is, if you take the hypothesis to it's logical conclusion, a part of Gaia also. My own pet theory is that Gaia is trying to return the earth to the state it was in during the Carboniferious Period, and has therefore created an animal (Homo Sapiens) that is capable of putting the CO2 back into the atmosphere where Gaia wants it. This would of course, mean more food/heat/oxygen for all life forms, and strengthen Gaia. Coal, oil and methane are not edible/digestible for the majority of life on this planet (save a few extremophile bacteria.) Gaia certainly doesn't care if the sea-levels rise, just more room for sea critters.
Humans have three indespensible functions programmed by Gaia:
- Dig up as much coal, gas and oil as we can and burn them so the CO2 can be used by plants to create food for more life (and liberate more oxygen from the water, so the insects can get really big.)
- Protect the planet from asteroids (not really germane to our discussion, but I thought I would throw it out there just for fun.)
- Spread life to as many other planets as we can. Thus humanity can be understood to be the "flower" of Gaia.
If Humans are not part of Gaia, then that would imply either that either we are created by G_d (and thus justified to use the earth/Gaia for our own ends) or the Gaia hypothesis is just plain wrong and evolution is purely random (and thus it's every life-form for themselves. If you can't take the global warming, stay out of the gene pool.)
Re: Global Warming, the Cult of Gaia and “Edidence” (Score: 1) by malc on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 00:26:22 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | Tabloid press alarmism has been proved to be false.....what's new! Anyone who falls for the exaggerated tripe in those papers is an idiot. That does not mean that climate change is false.
To link the two and thus deny one by association is just a psychological trick are you going to fall for it?
Re: Global Warming, the Cult of Gaia and “Edidence” (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 14:39:00 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Call it Globaloney if you want, but a serious agenda is being promoted and its not by tree huggers or starry eyed idealists.
Its rarely mentioned but the largest insurance companies that deal with casualties and disasters are the people behind the curtain in the Climate Change awareness movement.
They know for sure that they are losing money from climate change and if they decide to quit underwriting policies, economic expansion will come to a halt.
Allstate just decided to quit writing new policies in California because the drying out of the American West has made insuring against fires too risky for their investors.
Metropoliton has just spun off its reinsurance group because of its exposure to higher risks from climate change.
These companies are not idealists, they are in business to assess risk, and the numbers that are coming in aren't promising.
The "Edidence" is in the claims, and do the math, its not a happy picture.
Simple as that, dollars and cents.
People pay attention when it costs them money, and it will be costing us all a lot more if climate change continues. |