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Steorn Jury Announcement
Posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 22:34:20 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Posted by Ian MacDonald on June 24, 2009 at 12:47am

In August 2006 the Irish company Steorn published an advertisement in the Economist announcing the development of “a technology that produces free, clean and constant energy”. Qualified experts were sought to form a “jury” to validate these claims.

Twenty-two independent scientists and engineers were selected by Steorn to form this jury. It has for the past two years examined evidence presented by the company.

The unanimous verdict of the Jury is that Steorn's attempts to demonstrate the claim have not shown the production of energy. The jury is therefore ceasing work.

The jury consists of scientists and engineers in relevant fields from Europe and North America, from industry, universities and government laboratories. Information about individual members can be found at http://stjury.ning.com/

Chairman, Steorn Jury

Source: http://stjury.ning.com/forum/topics/jury-announcement

Read the Comments/Discussion as well.

From Steorn's official site:

Jury Report

Steorn today confirmed that the internet ‘blog’ stjury.ning.com had been posted on behalf of members of the Jury of scientists that Steorn had engaged to conduct an independent review of its Orbo Technology.

In a statement, Steorn CEO, Sean McCarthy said that “he was grateful to the Jury members for the time and effort that they had devoted to the process.”

McCarthy continued on to state that he “fully understood the frustration of the Jury members with respect to the time that the process was taking. Implementing Orbo in a reliable and consistent manner had remained a challenge for the organization, one that we had made no secret of. Due to these difficulties we had focused on providing the Jury with test data relating to the underlying magnetic effect behind Orbo. This work concluded at the end of 2008.”

McCarthy concluded by stating that “during 2009 the company had resolved the key technical problems related to the implementation of Orbo and is now focused on commercial launch towards the end of this year, at which time academic and engineering validation would be released concurrent with public demonstrations”.

Source: http://www.steorn.com/news/releases/?id=1151

Note: Proves again the need for an organization such as the proposed Xtreme Science Foundation. [Vlad]



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"Steorn Jury Announcement" | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Steorn Jury Announcement (Score: 1)
by Koen on Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 09:03:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Not surprising. Steorn was an asocial "social experiment".

Re: Steorn Jury Announcement (Score: 1)
by RBM on Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 15:19:18 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
A layman's take:

Not surprising because they claimed to be creating energy.

Now, if the claim was to transform, cohere or some such, then the jury would still be in session. I have to believe Steorn et all are well aware of those terms and their asociated distinctions, Given that, they obviously don't 'get' zpe, or 'tickling' the vacuum.


Re: Steorn Jury Announcement (Score: 1)
by malc on Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 14:28:55 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
This comment is NOT intended to be pro/anti Steorn. It is anti bullsh.t.

Now the smell of brown stuff is very strong having visited the "stjury" website. 

Somethings is clearly not right.



P.S.I did an internet search on Ms Gruber a couple of years ago........she definitely has an hidden agenda.........search ALL links carefully!!!!!!!!!!!

Q&A with Steorn CEO Sean McCarthy (FET, 22 Sep 09) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, September 28, 2009 @ 22:33:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
I recently made contact via email with Sean McCarthy, Steorn’s CEO, and was very pleased that he was willing to answer some questions I put to him about Steorn and the upcoming launch of the company’s Orbo technology.

Here is a transcript of the email exchange which took place; Sean McCarthy’s responses were sent to me on September 22, 2009...

Full interview: http://www.freeenergytimes.com/?p=46 [www.freeenergytimes.com]

Something Is Brewing at Steorn! (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 21:47:46 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
The Gospel According to Steorn

Everything you ever wanted to know about Steorn, the world-premier free energy company. At least, everything I can tell you today. Something is definitely brewing!

by creator (libertarian)/ Sunday, November 29, 2009

Source: http://www.nolanchart.com/article7076.html [www.nolanchart.com]


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