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PLAGIARISM: law suit against Nature, European Physical Journal, Argonne Nat Lab
Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2014 @ 11:00:13 UTC by vlad

Science WGUGLINSKI writes: Dear Andrea Rossi

I decided to suit in Law the journals Nature and European Physical Journal by plagiarism of my QRT, because I had warned the two editors of the plagiarism commited by their journals, and I had asked to them to quote my theory in the papers, and they did not attend my request. So they are colluding with plagiarism, and that’s why I decided to suit the two journals in law.

I also decided to suit in law the Argonne National Laboratory, and I explain the reason ahead.

Along several years I had discussion with physicists in many foruns of physics, and they used to call me crackpot, charlatan, and they claimed that my theory is pseudoscientific, as you may realize by looking at some reviews in the site Amazon.com:
Not even a theory March 2, 2009
By Daniel Lopes
This book is a great example of pseudoscience.

It is not a scientific book March 2, 2009
By C. A. Bonin
In other words, this is not a scientific book

However now, after the two plagiarisms by the Nature and the EPJ they use to be silent (after all, a serious journal would never do a plagiarism of a theory without scientific merit).

Unfortunatelly Mr. JR (here in this blog) tried to suggest that I am an idiot, as we realize from his latest two comments:
December 15th, 2013 at 12:33 AM
Actually, Martin Freer and I gave the same argument, you just didn’t understand it. And it’s not exactly an argument, it’s part of the definition of the quadrupole moment, which is taken as the measure of the deviation from spherical symmetry. That is why I was explaining that the nucleus is spherical, in the standard meaning of the phrase, even though it has structures as shown in Freer’s work.

December 14th, 2013 at 6:50 PM

I think that most nuclear physicists would disagree with the idea that there is no physical picture of what’s going on in low energy nuclear physics.
Whether or not a nobel prize winner said something is not the way one establishes truth, it focuses on the people and not the physics questions. Also, these nuclei are spherically symmetric, in the conventional meaning of that phrase, because they are spin zero and one typically talks about non-spherical structures relative to the spin axis. The type of non-spherical structure you’re talking about has a specific and different meaning, but the nucleus is still spherically symmetric in the traditional sense. So ‘non-spherical’ means to different things when you say that conventional theory requires spherical symmetry and when you say that the clustering structure shown in the paper you cite yields non-spherical components.

So, we have the following situation:

1- The experiments had detected that light even-even nuclei with Z=N have non-spherical shape.

2- By considering the principles of the Standard Nuclear Physics, the nuclear theorists used along 60 years to consider that light even-even nuclei with Z=N must have spherical shape.

3- That’s why the journal Nature had published the paper How atomic nuclei cluster, where we see in the Figure 1 the non-spherical shape of the nucleus 10Ne20:

4- However, Mr. JR continues insisting that light even-even nuclei with Z=N have spherical shape, as we see in his comment of December 15th.

As I already said in this blog, I suspect that Mr. JR is a fake name of Dr. John Arrington, a researcher of the Argonne National Laboratory.

So, dear Andrea Rossi,
I would like you help me, in order to identify the IP of the computer used by Mr. JR, in order to discover if it realy comes from the Argonne National Laboratory.

I would say that I very much regret this decision. However I hope you and the readers of the JoNP may understand my frustration.

1- Along 20 years I was hearing the physicists calling me charlatan, crackpot, and claiming that my theory is pseudoscientific.

2- Now, when finally the experiments are corroborating my QRT , and two the most important journals of Physics had published plagiarisms of my theory in 2012 and 2013, I would like the physicists would recognize the merit of my work.

3- However, instead of to accept scientific facts detected by experiments, unlike Mr. JR actually continues trying to suggest to everybody that I am a charlatan, and he uses a dishonest way of argumentation, by rejecting the results of the experiments which detected the non-spherical shape of the even-even nuclei with Z=N, and suggesting to be idiots the autors of the paper How atomic nuclei cluster and also the editor of the journal Nature, suggesting that they did not understand the results of the experiments (also suggesting that I did not understand), because he insists to claim that those light nuclei have actually spherical shape.

So, I hope you and the readers may undersand my reasons and why I decided to suit in Law the Argonne National Laboratory.




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"PLAGIARISM: law suit against Nature, European Physical Journal, Argonne Nat Lab" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Get used to it - it's a Madoff world. (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Saturday, January 11, 2014 @ 16:17:54 UTC
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If you haven't realized by now that this world is completely ass backwards, then you haven't been paying attention.   Education makes people stupid instead of smart; health care kills instead of restoring health; no good deed goes unpunished.  The list goes on and on.   The only way any of this will ever change, sadly, is, if by some great miracle, the majority of mankind gets wiped out. (With how much radiation Fukushima is dumping into the ocean, the chances of that scenario are very likely.   And that, in my humble opinion, is a good thing -- humans have proven, time and time again, that they are not worthy to live on this planet or any other for that matter.   Mankind, in general, needs an enema.)

The only way you're going to get the justice you seek is if the above scenario happens.   Sorry.

Re: PLAGIARISM: law suit against Nature, European Physical Journal, Argonne Nat Lab (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, January 20, 2014 @ 07:04:11 UTC
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Poor Vlad, making an attempt to create serious dialog on the scientiifc basis for energy generation and all he gets for the most part is a platform for fraudsters.

Most of the stuff posted on this site is baloney by people that think they can fool investigators and make a fast buck.

Re: PLAGIARISM: law suit against Nature, European Physical Journal, Argonne Nat Lab (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, January 20, 2014 @ 23:50:53 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Yes Electro, I "poor" myself quite often these days! Mostly about why am I so naive to continue to hope that what I'm doing is better than doing nothing ... and is worth of my time taken from doing something else, for me and my family, like most people do these days, enjoying the little things in life.

I often feel a sucker continuing to believe the real smart people will come here and engage everybody in a serious dialog on the scientific basis for breakthrough ideas in energy generation, as you say ... so the fraudsters have no chance to fool anybody, since the truth will always come out, if relentlessly pursued with scientific and logical arguments.

I realized from the beginning that my own level of knowledge is not enough to spot the real baloney, which can often be so well "disguised" to the average person ... but I was and still am counting on the honest experts out there that can spot the diamond in somebody's theory and, make it shine in the name of progress in this energy field (so badly needed). I only promised to my readers I will be honest, open minded and give everybody a chance to prove their argument.

Of course, I knew that proving such a controversial argument theoretically will be a never ending story, and I proposed something much more clear cut and practical: my Extreme Science Foundation concept, which I was, and still am convinced could be the sword to cut the Free Energy Gordian node!

Unfortunately, those smart people who should have understood quickly that that idea makes sense, and can make a real difference, are still asleep or prefer to remain idle (for who knows what vested interests) like most of the public ...and so we, ElectroDynaCat, Kadamose and many others, continue to remain impotent!

The day my efforts will cease may be very near but remember, I loose, we loose.



Re: PLAGIARISM: law suit against Nature, European Physical Journal, Argonne Nat Lab (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @ 07:39:44 UTC
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All I can say to you, Vlad, is that your efforts are very much appreciated -- at least by me.   When this site does go dark, and it will, you will not only be remembered by people like me, but you will also be sought after.   The main problem with this site, and others like it, is that it relies on others (Blacklight Power etc) to make up the content -- even though, we all know that it's a pile of hogwosh.   And even if it isn't hogwash, it will never see the light of day due to the vested interests.   No, the problem is, 'we' are the ones not doing anything.    We simply observe and hope that one day someone will have figured it all out.   This shit needs to end if any of us, me included, want to see the change we are all seeking.

With that said, I believe that we need to change the mission statement of this site.   Instead of promoting all of the new so-called aether technologies coming out of the woodwork, we should only support those we know will work.   This is very easy to spot, too.   If the invention doesn't rely on frequency or vibration to run, then it's not the real deal and shouldn't even be considered as a possible alternative.

With that said, Zpenergy should be a site about CONFIRMING the existence of these technologies.   I know the X-Prize, that you put a lot of your time into, was meant to serve in that capacity; unfortunately, the X-Prize has too many problems associated with it -- a monetary prize being the main culprit.   I will tell you why your X-Prize idea  failed and its really simple -- it was not feared or respected by anyone.   To be respected, it must be FEARED by those who have ill-intent (and, yes, they are the overwhelming majority).    If you instill fear into the hearts of these fraudsters, they will go and hide, like the cowards they are, and the real technologies, few as they may be, will be revealed.

So now that you know what's wrong with the X-Prize, how does one go about instilling fear into the hearts and minds of everyone in this field?   It's easy, really.    You acquire a 'dream team' of people who know what they are talking about and have specialties in multiple different fields and travel across the world, making documentaries and confirming every aspect of these inventions -- once confirmed, you can give the Vlad seal of approval and the world can rejoice.    But you can't be nice during the confirmation process - you must be a tyrant and a dictator and you must be feared because you are the gatekeeper.

Until any of that happens, Zpenergy and the long-dead Xprize, will forever remain sterile.

Anyway, that's my two cents on this whole thing.



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