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BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement
Posted on Sunday, January 19, 2014 @ 19:47:58 UTC by vlad

Testimonials BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement of the Generation of Millions of Watts of Power from the Conversion of Water Fuel to a New Form of Hydrogen

Cranbury, NJ (January 14, 2014) — BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) today announced that it has produced millions of watts of power with its breakthrough Solid Fuel-Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino-Transition (SF-CIHT) patent pending technology in its laboratories.

Using a proprietary water-based solid fuel confined by two electrodes of a SF-CIHT cell, and applying a current of 12,000 amps through the fuel, water ignites into an extraordinary flash of power. The fuel can be continuously fed into the electrodes to continuously output power. BlackLight has produced millions of watts of power in a volume that is one ten thousandths of a liter corresponding to a power density of over an astonishing 10 billion watts per liter. As a comparison, a liter of BlackLight power source can output as much power as a central power generation plant exceeding the entire power of the four former reactors of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, the site of one of the worst nuclear disasters in history.

Our safe, non-polluting power-producing system catalytically converts the hydrogen of the H2O-based solid fuel into a non-polluting product, lower-energy state hydrogen called “Hydrino”, by allowing the electrons to fall to smaller radii around the nucleus. The energy release of H2O fuel, freely available in the humidity in the air, is one hundred times that of an equivalent amount of high-octane gasoline. The power is in the form of plasma, a supersonic expanding gaseous ionized physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons that can be converted directly to electricity using highly efficient magnetohydrodynamic converters. Simply replacing the consumed H2O regenerates the fuel. Using readily-available components, BlackLight has developed a system engineering design of an electric generator that is closed except for the addition of H2O fuel and generates ten million watts of electricity, enough to power ten thousand homes. Remarkably, the device is less than a cubic foot in volume. To protect its innovations and inventions, multiple worldwide patent applications have been filed on BlackLight’s proprietary technology.

This breakthrough transformational power technology can be witnessed in a live demonstration hosted by BlackLight of on January 28th at 11 AM. Details and updates will be posted at the company website (http://www.blacklightpower.com/). Those interested in attending can contact BlackLight to preregister for this limited availability event...

More: http://www.blacklightpower.com/press/011414-2/

Also: http://www.financialpost.com/markets/news/BlackLight+Power+Announces+Game+Changing+Achievement+Generation+Millions/9384649/story.html



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"BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, January 20, 2014 @ 06:55:44 UTC
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I've become convinced that most of these extraordinary claims are not made to promote new technology, but instead are an attempt to patent troll any real developments in the energy field.

Clearly the hydrino is BS, but anyone that might actually develop a novel hydrogen generating system will have to fight in Court to show their claim was the valid one and not BS from patent trolls.

Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @ 15:01:33 UTC
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Why do you comment the hydrino is BS?
Hydrogen can be triggered to emit extreme UV light, and this has been confirmed by several totally independent scientists world wide.
Thinking of Rydberg's formulae, the extreme UV light has a higher frequency than the Lyman series, so the less than "ground state" hydrino state of hydrogen, corresponding fractional n  levels,  is a logical explanation for the ultra UV light.

So ElectroDynacat,  I am curious if you have a better explanation for the observed ultra UV light emmited by hydrogen gas, than the hydrino hypothesis, which extends the Lyman, Balmer, Paschen series (etc ...) to light frequency series that belong to fractional quantum levels.

If you do not have a better explanation for the observed ultra UV light emitted by hydrogen gas, then what is the exact reason you assume the hydrino is BS?

True, there are too many extraordinary claims by free energy hoaxers, but Blacklightpower is the real deal, and the last press release from this company is epic in importance for humanity.


Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, January 24, 2014 @ 08:19:23 UTC
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Occams Razor: Multiplicity ought not to be positited without neccessity.

Every BS claim always comes with the "discovery" of another particle that is supposed to explain what happens, whether it's "putons", "geons", or "hydrinos" and thats the sure mark of BS.


How to spot fraud in the energy field: patents. (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Monday, January 20, 2014 @ 08:10:31 UTC
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I'm sorry, but anyone trying to make it rich off much needed 'clean', 'safe', and even 'free' energy, are pond scum.

People need to do their research and learn how 'money' works - how it's created, and what its true purpose is.   If they would do the research, they would be absolutely appalled by what is really happening in the world today.   But since most people have the attention spans of a  2 year-old, and I dare say the 2 year old would have them beat intellectually, I will put into layman's terms what is going on under everyone's noses.

Let's get started.

-ALL banks are privately owned corporations.   They are not controlled by ANY government.

-Most banks are run and controlled by twelve 'elite' families, the top three being, Morgan, Rockefeller, and Rothschild.

-ALL money is created out of thin air and charged interest.   And it is due to this application of interest, to money that was created out of nothing, that the so-called 'debt' can never be repaid.

-Money serves two main purposes: to limit all resources of the general population (even though we live on a planet of vast abundance) - and to enslave ALL of the human population in economic servitude.

When you do the research on this stuff, you will realize how brilliant this scam is.   It is absolutely ingenious, and it is the greatest scam this world has ever known.   If you ever want to be free, and help others to be free, it is absolutely imperative that you learn who and what your true masters are.  Know thy enemy.

Patents, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Trademarks - they all exist, not to protect the inventor, or to make the inventor insanely rich, but to protect the special interests and the assets of the international bankers.   The patent office also serves as a 'brain trust' - in other words, it is a repository of knowledge that allows people with ill-intention to steal ideas and inventions that they themselves could never have dreamed up on their own, even if they reincarnated a thousand times.   This is the reality of it, folks.   Wake up.

Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @ 08:56:00 UTC
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Yes thank you Vlad for going out on a limb that turned out to be a branch of a nut tree.

Your efforts have proved useful to researchers in the field by telling them where NOT to look.

Yet somehow we all feel that somewhere, someone has found something they don't really understand that might be a breakthrough, just like Caisimir knew there was something wrong in his vacuum tube coating experiments and it did turn out to be the effects of the backgound flux.

Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @ 15:06:57 UTC
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BlackLight Power's latest press release is the most important message of the  century. Our technological problems are finally over, this means that unlimited clean energy is widely available for a very low price.

Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 @ 16:40:59 UTC
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'low price' - hilarious.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.   I remember back in the day when they said that nuclear energy would be too cheap to meter...and look how that turned out.


Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 @ 00:20:11 UTC
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Hmm, the R&D by blacklightpower makes much sense to me, and can't be compared with the corrupted nuclear energy industry, which is totally linked with the nuclear arms industry. The Fukushima disaster is enormous on a global scale. There is no doubt in my mind the nuclear energy industry must be dismantled as soon as possible.

It takes at least 10 years to develop a new physics principle into a commercial product, and BLP is making progress.
Hopefully BLP starts selling their new CIHT cells this year.

The unknown "hydrino" factor: do hydrino compounds affect living matter in a negative way?
I cannot imagine hydrinos are as bad as nuclear waste, but your pessimism raises questions that need to be addressed, absolutely.

And yes, BLP energy will be dead cheap, unless we cannot live with hydrino stuff.


Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 @ 08:04:01 UTC
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You don't get it.   BlackLight Power is backed by Wall Street, and, therefore, is backed by vested interests.   You will NEVER see this technology cheaply, nor will you ever see this technology in the hands of the masses because it disrupts too many massive money making energy schemes.

With that said, I don't really question Black Light Power's authenticity in regard to their technology - I believe it to be real, mainly because it is a derivative of Stan Meyers' technology, which in all honesty, was most likely stolen via the patent office.   And since Stan Meyers is no longer alive to contest this (how convenient), they're getting away it, just like most of these corporations have done in the past with Tesla's technology, as well as many, many others.

This technology, if it ever does see the light of day, will mainly be used for satellites, military aircraft (including drones), and autonomous machinery.   It will, however, never be allowed to be used by civilians in any capacity.


Re: BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces the Game Changing Achievement (Score: 1)
by RBM on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 @ 14:22:33 UTC
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@ Kadamose

Thanks for *finally* providing your justification for your position.

I've seen 'naysaying' from you fairly regularly, here. This is the first time I recall seeing something substantive by way of an explanation.

To be clear, I agree that is THE problem, but I don't have your blatant defeatist pessimism.

But then, my timeline of a couple millenia is likely longer than your timeline :-))

See Ya'


Report From an Attendee of the Blacklight Power Demonstration (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, January 30, 2014 @ 21:43:14 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Via E-Cat World: I’d like to thank Steve Menton for writing up the following report after attending yesterday’s demonstration at Blacklight Power.

The post yesterday by “Investor”is 100% correct. You cannot draw conclusions about BLP from what you read on the Internet. Randy has developed an extremely comprehensive, elegant theory that is utilized to direct his laboratory efforts. After years of pointless arguments on the old hydrino study group, I have zero interest in engaging in any theory debates on the internet. However, in my view, those who don’t spend the time to review the extensive body of work that Mills has developed and put it in context, cannot meaningfully comment  upon the BLPs work...

Full article: http://www.e-catworld.com/2014/01/report-from-the-blacklight-power-demonstration/ [www.e-catworld.com]


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