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Vacuum Energy and Five Great Problems in Theoretical Physics
Posted on Tuesday, December 01, 2015 @ 19:42:10 UTC by vlad

Science Good intro into some very difficult (and unsolved yet) subjects in theoretical physics (via About.com/education)

By Andrew Zimmerman Jones

Vacuum energy is the energy created by empty space by the constant creation and destruction of particles by the quantum fields that fill the universe.

Of all of the weird influences of quantum physics, probably one of the strangest is that there's no such thing as a truly "empty space," because these regions are filled will quantum fields that are constantly fluctuating, creating pairs of virtual particles that instantly annihilate each other.

This activity generates a background energy, known as the vacuum energy.

Read full article here: Vacuum Energy

Five Great Problems in Theoretical Physics
By Andrew Zimmerman Jones

In his controversial 2006 book The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, the Fall of a Science, and What Comes Next, theoretical physicist Lee Smolin points out "five great problems in theoretical physics."
  1. The problem of quantum gravity: Combine general relativity and quantum theory into a single theory that can claim to be the complete theory of nature.
  2. The foundational problems of quantum mechanics: Resolve the problems in the foundations of quantum mechanics, either by making sense of the theory as it stands or by inventing a new theory that does make sense.
  1. The unification of particles and forces: Determine whether or not the various particles and forces can be unified in a theory that explains them all as manifestations of a single, fundamental entity.
  2. The tuning problem: Explain how the values of the free constants in the standard model of particle physics are chosen in nature.
  3. The problem of cosmological mysteries: Explain dark matter and dark energy. Or, if they don't exist, determine how and why gravity is modified on large scales. More generally, explain why the constants of the standard model of cosmology, including the dark energy, have the values they do.

Full article: Five Great Problems in Theoretical Physics



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"Vacuum Energy and Five Great Problems in Theoretical Physics" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Vacuum Energy and Five Great Problems in Theoretical Physics (Score: 1)
by RBM on Sunday, December 20, 2015 @ 17:23:46 UTC
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There is a litany of problems in physics, not merely the ones in this post.

Give up your sloven adherence to philosophical material reductionism, and many problems will dissipate into thin air.The rest of those problems are of a different nature under than materialism would have you believe.

Digital Physics:

[quote]In physics and cosmology, digital physics (also referred to as digital ontology or digital philosophy) is a collection of theoretical perspectives based on the premise that the universe is, at heart, describable by information, and is therefore computable[/quote]

Quantum Realism will lift your bias's.

Re: Vacuum Energy and Five Great Problems in Theoretical Physics (Score: 1)
by FDT on Thursday, December 31, 2015 @ 16:05:13 UTC
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If all the forces have an associated velocity field, implying the existence of a primary electric fluid from which everything is made, that should answer one of your points if particles become sinks and sources, and space is densely packed with positive and negative elementary particles in equal measure. They are there all the time. They don't come in and out of existence. See "The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field" at,

http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/252 [gsjournal.net]

    David Tombe



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