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Maxwell's Hole - An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"
Posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 @ 23:16:43 UTC by vlad

Science Via Keelynet.com: In this article, we will make the mathematical case that there is a hole in Maxwell's equations which should not be there, given that we started with the same basic hypothesis as Maxwell did: A physical, fluid-like medium called "aether" exists.

Maxwell did not explicitly use this underlying hypothesis, but abstracted it away. This leads to a mathematically inconsistent model wherein, for example, units of measurements do not match in his definition for the electric potential field.

By correcting this obvious flaw in the model and extending it with a definition for the gravity field, we obtain a simple, elegant, complete and mathematically consistent "theory of everything" without "gauge freedom", the fundamental theoretical basis for Quantum Weirdness which we must therefore reject.

...This way, gravity is described as being standing longitudinal waves. And as you would expect, this matches exactly to experimental data in so called Cymatics experiments, which show how this works in water and other fluids. This picture makes clear that gravity should indeed be considered to be standing longitudinal waves...

By working out standard textbook fluid dynamic vector theory for an ideal, compressible, non-viscous Newtonian fluid, we have established that Maxwell's equations are mathematically inconsistent, given that these are supposed to describe the electromagnetic field from the aether hypothesis. Since our effort is a direct extension of Paul Stowe and Barry Mingst' aether model, we have come to a complete mathematically consistent "field theory of everything". And we found "Maxwell's hole" to be the original flaw in the standard model that led to both relativity and Quantum Mechanics, which should thus both be rejected...

More from source: An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"

[Vlad] Also check Arend Lammertink's other interesting theoretical works:

On Space, Time and the Fabric of Nature

The Cole-Hackenberger (Gray) Power Supply



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"Maxwell's Hole - An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything"" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Maxwell's Hole - An exceptionally elegant "Theory of Everything" (Score: 1)
by RBM on Saturday, October 22, 2016 @ 14:55:29 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Anyone who characterizes quantum data, such as the double-slit experimental data, as <weird> is just plain stuck in materialist philosophy.

As a layman who studies the D-S, it's the materialist's who are weird since the quantum experiments are considered the most successful experiments to date. Seems logical to me to learn whats at the heart of that success, rather than ridiculing it as 'weird'.

Of import in my world (from Jerry Decker) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, October 23, 2016 @ 18:06:43 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Jerry Decker (Keelynet.com) writes: Hola Vlad!

Two fascinating pieces of information you might want to cover at zpenergy...

A friend in Amsterdam sent me two articles where Keely states that 40,000 vibrations per second at the mass chord (3:6:9 ratio) will cancel gravity.

I have been told John Jacob Astor had followed Keelys work but what sold him was the levitating and orbiting spheres as written about, even to the possibility it was Astor himself who was dragged around the room as below;

05/01/14 - Bottled Vortices (and Keely’s Secret Explained)
http://keelynet.com/news/050114i.html [keelynet.com]

"When powered up, all spheres rose up into the air, the small spheres took their respective orbital locations as they moved away from the large central sphere. The story says a witness jumped up and grabbed one of these orbiting spheres and it held him up suspended in the air as he spun around the room. Kind of like the movie Explorers with their electrical point in space that moves through space."
10/15/16 - Keely - gravity at 40,000 vibrations per second
http://www.keelynet.com/news/101516v.html [www.keelynet.com]

10/15/16 - Keely - Astor finances Keely
http://www.keelynet.com/news/101516w.html [www.keelynet.com]

(references the 'triune current' for gravity control)
10/15/16 - Hollingshead - Gravity and the Odic Ray - 1923
http://www.keelynet.com/news/101516x.html [www.keelynet.com]

I think the triune current info and a specific gravity gravity as stated by Keely as 40,000 is important.


Jerry @ Keelynet y mas

[Vlad] Thank you Jerry for these links. Very interesting stuff! You may want to check Walter Russell's book "The universal One", it's 1930 revised portion titled "The Russell Genero-Radiative Concept (or The Cyclic Theory of Continuous Motion)". I think I have it in pdf if you can't find it.

Cheers, V


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