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Re: Blinded; wearing Random Optics are you? (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 @ 17:05:30 UTC
I agree with you and some previous postings. I think that GWE and WEM and all the people that pickle is attacking are just watching him dig a deep hole for himself.

I don't understand why Vlad has this guy posting his insulting comments.


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intersection of kooks and paid shills might be nill (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 @ 17:45:31 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Since this whole thread is anonymous except for me, I can't tell who is responsible for what, so I can't tell what I've said about "you" before. But I suggest that some people are kooks or shills, never kooks and shills.

You said it brother about the Fed's crazy energy boondogles. Hot fusion research is the tip of the iceburg. I have a post on that in the current poll. why not go comment on that there and tell me if I've left something out.

Now here is where I disagree with you:

But all I am saying is that GWE might be legit and it might not be. Yes, some of the things you have pointed out ARE INDEED CURIOUS about the company and I also want them to answer many questions directly.

But I am NOT about to call them a scam when there is no proof of it. I am hoping for the best and honestly don't know what will happen.

I have not invested in their company and unless the company agreed for someone to see a working prototype I would not encourage anyone to invest in them. Not because I think they are a scam, but because there would not be enough information.

I really think that some people just like to lash out and attack because they have been burned so many times before by con artists and scams. You can be burned even if you never gave money.

GWE might indeed burn us. Does that sound like someone working for GWE?

No it doesn't even sound like a kook. But can I ask if you have read:

Starting a year ago, a few hundred families in the greater NJ area already have given money for this project, under the name of UFCT, based on a demo that was either
1 - faked
2 - should have been replicated independently by now

Now GWE deinies there are any investors, but refuses to specifically address the question of UFCT. Why's that? In fact, they refuse to specifically address any questions at all, that's their "policy": http://www.genesisworldenergy.com/gwe_policies.htm
Why's that? When those investors come over here and see a bunch of posts from ACs claiming that it's not yet proven that they've been scammed, or, truly kooky, that Lichtenstein's some sort of paid disinfo agent or blackmailer, that postpones their inevatable call to their AGs. Wait long enough and their money will be all gone.

I ask that people take a reasonable effort to revue the proof I offer before claiming that it's not a proven scam. If you don't follow my argument, then I didn't make it well and that's my fault. But if you don't read it it's irresponsible to claim that the proof's not in.

And about those anonymous boobs who claim that I don't answer questions or evade my mistakes or am on the take, or whatever, I say it's supremely hypocritical for anyone (Rob) to watch quietly while unfounded allegations are made against a named individual and then complain when the named individual calls the boobs for what they are. I'm glad that when I was counting the 2 people who I think will have the strength to learn from their mistakes with GWE, Rob wasn't one.

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