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Re: Potential Death of Free Internet - Canada could be the test case (Score: 1)
by modernsteam on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 09:00:03 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Well Malc, I hope it never happens. The point is that this pseudo-censoring,  - charge-per-site system  could spread beyond Canada. You're right that folks outside Canada could not be charged by Canadian ISPs, but ISPs in the U.S. and elsewhere might, - depending on national communications regulations in particular countries -  implement such charges.

As for "In order to work EVERY ISP in the WORLD will have to cooperate with each other" - I hate to be a doom-sayer, but it's a possibility, now that anti-collusion laws are seldom or no longer enforced in Canada, and possibly the U.S.

And any "canadian business" in the fold of large corporations like Bell would likely not be "killed", since they'd have special arrangements with the trunk carrier(s), they'd have their own sort of "ISPs", and they tend to use the internet for business purposes. People like me - highly political and "welded" to New Energy issues, trying to learn more for free all the time - would be effectively locked in a sort of "solitary confinement" - no access to the things which matter so much to us, but so annoying to the large corporations who have in mind that we should be "good little girls and boys", and obedient to corporate wishes.

ISPs would argue that it costs them every time a customer of theirs visits a site. But since ZPEnergy is an energy-related site, my understanding is that so very little electricity - mere microwatt-seconds per user - is used by the ISP through the fibre-based trunk system that it isn't really worth accounting for, even at today's high electricity prices. Besides, most of us know that ISPs lease their lines from the owner(s) of the trunk facilities on a per annum bulk "eat-as-much-as-you-want" basis. I believe what the user pays the ISP and the ISPs pay the trunk carriers (mostly Bell in Canada) more than covers all the costs and assures the trunk carriers a handsome profit to boot.

The problem appears to be with the large trunk carriers in Canada - mostly Bell Cda Enterprises. It seems they are the ones who would levy those extra charges - if the communications authority lets them get away with it (CRTC in Canada).  The CRTC is controlled by the Government of the day in Canada - the Harper Conservatives - and the "Harpies" are cozy with the current Bush Administration in the U.S. If the "Harpies" are re-elected in Canada this fall, and McCain gets in as President in the U.S., I wouldn't put it past both governments to allow the trunk carriers to do what they want, in the name of controlling the communications behaviour of the rank-and-file population by pricing access to information to effectively censorial levels. There would go democracy - down the tubes, sinced real democracy depends on intercommunication amongst the rank-and-file.

What can we do? Put the "screws" on our elected representatives to thwart this stuff. In the past, enough such pressure from enough constituents has brought such attempts to a halt. Otherwise, we allow, by default, private corporations to govern our lives in their own interest only. It's a form of "divide and conquer" by corporations in league with government, and that would be de facto fascism (as defined by Mussolini).

Hal Ade

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Re: Potential Death of Free Internet - Canada could be the test case (Score: 1)
by kurt9 on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 @ 10:17:13 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.metatechnica.com
Malc is right.

If an ISP adopts this business model, most customers will simply change their service to another ISP that does not use this business model.

I use comcast as my provider. If they tried this business model, they would very quickly loose me (and probably several tens of millions of other customers) as a customer.

This would be financial suicide for any ISP that tried it. I think this is a paranoid rumor.

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