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Re: XSF and the XS-NRG Prize (Executive Summary) (Score: 1)
by sterlingda on Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 19:53:08 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://PESWiki.com

Never, ever, at any time have I suggested or even hinted that PES/NEC should walk away from exotics and only spend time with more conventional technologies. Maverick is what I'm about. That is our specialty.

Just because I think having conditions to prize money is a good idea doesn't mean that I'm suggesting that we micromanage every penny spent. Freedom is also what I'm about. It's rooted in my soul. It's what I spend all my time promoting before I got into free energy. But even freedom needs constraint lest it lead to licentiousness. A kite will not fly without a string to anchor it. 

When we founded the NEC, whether it would be non-profit or for-profit was left as an open ended question; and I should add that it is still open ended, though leaning against non-profit.

When I suggested that you might participate more in the content at PESWiki, I certainly had no intention whatsoever of suggesting that you should migrate the content at ZPEnergy.com over to PESWiki. I think ZPEnergy serves a great purpose and should always remain a separate venue. But just as I participate at ZPEnergy from time to time, it would be nice if you participated more at PESWiki. That's what I was saying.

Don't berate us because we don't do things exactly as you think we should. Variety is the spice of life.

When you talk about the vision of the XSF prize, you speak very much as if it is your baby. Your choice of words conveys that sense of ownership. I don't fault you there; I just point out that this could be contributing to why others have not stepped forward to take over leadership of that project as you wish. You are perceived as the leader of the idea, and there isn't a perception of room for someone else to step in unless they hold a carbon copy vision in order to take it over. I just don't think it's going to happen unless you do it, or unless you back off in your phraseology.

You need to consider the possibility that the reason no 24/7, portable free energy technology has yet emerged is not because the NEC/PES/SEAS/ZPEnergy and other organizations are inept, but because the world is not ready for it yet. What would the world do with that kind of technology today? Blow each other up using inexpensive drone planes that could travel anywhere on earth, guided by GPS, to drop payload? Or spy on each other using similar technology?

Perhaps a meltdown of the present, corrupt society is needed first, and the emergence of a more enlightened society, before such technology can come forward.

Also, one of the reasons we at PES/NEC also address more conventional renewable energy sources is because there aren't enough exotics to keep us busy. So far, every time we take the time to check one out, it ends up either being bogus, or a scam, or the inventor is impossible to work with. The earth needs solutions, and we'll take what we can get. Our purpose is to identify and facilitate the best options, whatever they be, whether exotic or conventional.

That said, I think it's good to take a number of approaches. It increases the chances that one or more of them will work to bring an exotic technology to the world. I think your XSF idea is a good one, and indeed we at PES/NEC are already doing a lot of what you propose there.

I'm sorry to see you resign from the NEC. (Ref [last paragraph].) It seems to me that you are acting nearly as irrationally as many of the inventors we've encountered, who are high in IQ, but low in EQ -- the 40% of the reason exotic technologies haven't made it to market yet -- the exotic personalities that are so hard to get along with.


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