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Re: Work for GWE... (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, October 17, 2003 @ 10:46:03 UTC
I thought I read somewhere on a long time ago either on GWE's site or in one of these posts that the edison device needs to be hooked up to an external power source for around 24 hours untill the system charges. Once it is charged, it can be taken off the GRIP and has its own backup supply of power in the event the edison device process fails you have enough reserves to last one to two days.

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Calling fuel cataltst (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Friday, October 17, 2003 @ 11:22:51 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
GWE burns a fuel in water and call it a catalyst. Then they don't let anyone measure how fast it's used up and then claim it's used up very slowly. AEC burns a fuel in water and doesn't say anything about cost, leaving some people to make some fantastic assumptions on what the cost is. Electrolysis is much more efficient than this process, when the cost of recycling the rust back into metal is accounted for. It still might have some applications, but powering homes that have the option of getting grid power is not one if them.

To Malcom's point above, there are a lot of things GWE/UFCT could do to look less like a scam. UFCT could report its stock sales to Delaware and pay their 2002 and 2003 tax bill. They could get rid of their Mail Boxes Etc addresses in Boise and the Bay and get an office somewhere. They could hire a spokesperson who puts his name on their PR. They could show the electric bill for the house in Eagle. They could answer reporters questions. They could register GWEP. They could get a tax ID, hire someone to answer the phone at the new office, and pay them and their withholding taxes. They had their press conference in December, when do you think they will accomplish anything other than web page updates? The only deadline they have made for themselves are that by 2005-January they are supposed to have thousands of employees making millions of units a day. But 0 units and 0 staff in November wont be counted as counter-indicative by some. The only other deadline is for the scholarships they were going to award next year. We should hear some people getting checks from that in September.

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Re: Work for GWE... (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, October 20, 2003 @ 06:20:39 UTC
If "something" degrades slowly it is not a catalyst since the definition of a catalyst is something which speeds up a chemical reaction without itself changing. Therefore whatever "it" is it is part of the reaction. Personally I don't give a damn what it is how it works etc etc. The bottom line is, is there a method of producing hydrogen on demand to be used in fuel cells. The method has be cost effective and practical. A practical solution is one where a car could run for a few hundred miles on one "tank" of "x" and the "tank" can be refilled by the driver. The first technology that solves the problem of feeding fuel cells in a very safe, efficient and cost effective manner will make a killing.



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