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Re: Tantalising evidence hints Universe is finite (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, October 18, 2003 @ 10:10:29 UTC
"It's the same principle for why most humans cling to the idea of an "afterlife". Our minds have a hard time of dealing with the fact that we are only here for a *finite* length of time - which is why we always ask the big question, "What happens to *me* when I die?" Our mind can't comprehend the moment in which we lose our "conciousnes" or "self-awareness"
I once believed that physical death ended consciousness as well, until I experienced some incidents I couldn't explain with my material perspective. There is an entire paradigm shift in science, and scientism is going through it's death throes. We are all entitled to our ideas about this, as for myself, I am now leaning toward consciousness existing independently, and I am basing that idea on the theories of reality and consciousness proposed by Einstein"s protege, David Bohm, and Brian Josephson, both Nobel prize winning physicists, and on research by Karl Pribram who is a well respected neurophysiologist and William Tiller, a retired Stanford University physics and material science professor. I try to base my beliefs on current scientific knowledge and research. Concerning the infinite or finite nature of the universe, Dr. Bohm had an interesting hypothesis on this, which was eventually supported by research; reference Pribram's holonomic brain theory and Alain Aspect's nonlocality experiment in 1982, followed by subsequent research which confirmed this and violated Bell's theorem.

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