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Re: energy machine press conference announced (Score: 1)
by Bunny on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 @ 11:07:59 UTC
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Good Afternoon!

Can understand everyone's frustration but remember...no one seemed to care about Newman anymore and they put him down saying he was a con artist, a scam and probably in jail by now. I've been reading forums for the past several years about Newman and can't believe what people say when they have never met him or seen his machine work with THEIR own eyes. I never mentioned anything before because it's useless when others believe what they have read...especially the phact.org site. I did my first posting in December 2004 because I knew this will be going public soon. I was called Charlie Manson like and creepy just because I gave everyone an FYI. Now 3 months pass and everyone is asking how to get this information ONLY because of the National Press Conference held in Washington, D.C. I guess location is key because no one asked how the turn out was on March 21-22 when he did his demo in Mobile, AL.

Yes, they do not have the right people available to answer people's questions all day. I told my dad that Newman needs someone just to keep UTD information posted on his web site and I would be glad to volunteer to do so. When we are all running busy in our lives, so many things just don't get done. What to do first? Hold a press conference and demo OR update your website? What would you think?

Newman's priorities and his team are focusing on the production and development especially when now the "Big 3" is interested last month but they were not interested in December. Funny how others follow suit when there are big players involved.
There are so many people that are working with Joe. First, Joe's windmill was the first priority to finish by July 2005 and it's already complete. This windmill can power cities!!! (Ok, do I sound creepy! Sorry, but this is all just amazing!!) Then he had to start the production of the motors to be installed in homes. Only the investors and members of my dad's association at this time can purchase a motor for your home at $15,000 for up to 15,000 watts. A lot of information I can't disclose to the public yet. The reason why I mentioned the purchase of the motor is because people are saying, "If Newman has this working motor, how come I can't buy one?". Since October 2004 when he started production of the windmill, now companies want a piece of the pie. My father is the a trustee on the board and will only have stock available to the members of the association and people that have stayed by him for all these years. I'm sure you have heard the name Evan Soule. I'm so excited about what I know and can't share it. Hard to keep quite when I read everyone's comments about Joe and they are clueless. Please keep in mind that Dennis Lee and Joe Newman DO NOT have the same theory. Sure they both sound crazy and weird but most scientists are.

Just a little bit of my background, I'm a project manager for Volkswagen and get upset that they don't do the basic things and then the project isn't productive because they haven't hired the right consultants, vendors, etc. Gets very frustrating but at least I still get paid. For Newman, everyone is working with him Pro-Bono. Please also keep in mind that they have answers questions for over 36 years now. Now it's time to go public and let it run from there. Another reason why Newman started production is because of the right people with the right knowledge. Having an association give you the "right assemble without government infrigement". This is why the production in the US will not be stopped by goverment officials. Trust me, they know what's going on with Newman and what can be done to stop him. Just in the past month, they updated the patents in 68 countries.

All I can say is... stay tuned and keep your mind open to new discoveries.

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