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Re: energy machine press conference announced (Score: 1)
by Rastahal on Thursday, March 31, 2005 @ 10:09:29 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://truthbells.com
You know, after thinking about this, I think the direction they are taking to get this technology out is good. I did a little research on the web and easily found images of supposedly running Newman motors with all kinds of data, such as on the JLNLabs site. But folks put anything on the web these days and the tendency is NOT to believe what you see is real.

Mr. Newman could put a great video of his technology on the web explaining everything,
and I'm thinking most folks would STILL not believe...just *because* it's on the web...would you?

But, get enough people to SEE with their own eyes and you've started something. With so many false starts in this field over the years and the tendency of the media to discound ANY of it, the only way to get people to visualize the *dream* of free energy is to give them an actual taste of it.

From what Bunny has said, it sounds like that's the path they are choosing to take, and I'm thinking it's a good one.

By the way, a big THANKS to Bunny for sharing more about this exciting event than we could hope to get from any other source. It's been cool.

I sure wish Mr. Newman could give a prototype to Steven Greer and let him help get the message out about the technology. Let's get 'em on Larry King!

And, I sure hope what Bunny says about Mr. Newman is accurate, that he truly DOES want to do the right thing for humanity as we stand at this incredibly critical juncture in our planet's history.

Peace - RH

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Re: energy machine press conference announced (Score: 1)
by Bunny on Thursday, March 31, 2005 @ 12:24:35 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Good Afternoon!

Totally understand and agree!! Not everyone has common sense and Newman is one of them. He is definitely a shacky individual with a lot of passion in his life's work. He is an inventor and only thinking about one thing..."if it can't be done, it interests me". Over several years of Newman dealing with skeptics, and companies taking his technology when they said it didn't work and now using it for themselves. Maybe you can understand why this information will not be available to us (the public). Only to the scientists, investors and lawyers that will get this off the ground. My lawyer just got on the team a month ago with his brother that's an electrical engineer for Chrysler for 25 years . They were skeptic too but saw it for themselves and now they're part of the team to complete a mission. I'm sure all engineers have interest and want to know the specs, etc. Newman's web site is not current. He has new developments in his machine that are not posted yet. As far as information about the windmill, they have already met with governments from Lorraine, France, etc. My father, which I mention all the time now, is the one mentioned about the press conference individual that offer $20,000 if they can't PROVE IT. Since my dad is an investor himself, he will make a deal with anyone. I told him about Eric from the phact.org site saying he will pay anyone $10,000 if they can show proof of FREE ENERGY. I was there when he made the call. They were both going to put $10,000 in the bank as a Trust and have their own lawyers deal with it. Well, the guy backed out of the deal. Why would he when he has bashed Newman on his web site about what a scam artist he is. Why wouldn't you want to make a deal like that if you don't believe in him? Do you think that maybe Eric (in the back of his mind) may think this is possible? As far as Joe attacking a guy at the National Press Conference, he has always been an up-tight, crazy guy that thinks he is the masiah so of course people won't take him seriously. He should have a spokes person to speak for him but Joe always wants to speak for himself and that's why he got out of control. Then again, sometimes bad publicity can be good publicity. Can't believe he would do that right across the street from the White House. Maybe this is what's needed to get Joe to spend time in jail and shut up while the everyone else working with him can roll with it. Joe justs never shuts up and I myself couldn't believe my dad would continue to work with him when he keeps screwing things up for himself because he can't control himself. Well, regardless of the background of inventors, we the public sure are happy about new inventions and technology and never seem to give credit where credit is due. People probably have no idea that they are using some of Joe's inventions as we speak. I myself didn't know that Newman invented the covers for the barbells. We don't care who the inventor is. We just care about where to get it and for how much. Bye for now!

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