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Re: Future Cars. (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Friday, August 19, 2005 @ 06:48:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com
First use, by the end of 2006, could be a 2 kW Magnetic Power Module to replace plugging-in a plug-in hybrid.

In 2007, the engine in a prototype hybrid Prius might be replaced by a 50 kW Module the same size and weight as the current engine. These will be a totally different design from the early production Modules.

By 2008, any size automotive engine could probably be replaced.

By 2010 car makers are likely to begin to mass-produce cars that need no fuel.

Ultraconductors(tm) will find their way into automobiles in about the same 2010 time frame.

Car bodies could be made the same way they are today. No need for solar skins or light weight. However, nanotubes are likely to be used for car bodies eventually.

Air conditioning might use "Cool Chips" or similar thermionic technology.

There would be little wast heat, if any, in these systems.

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Re: Mark's concept of a future car. (Score: 1)
by irjsi on Friday, August 19, 2005 @ 08:36:03 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
How would you design a car of the future, given your technology and other technologies that are coming out?

A group of HS students, Central High, adapted a Nissan pickup to H2; A few PV panels mounted over the bed, an electrolytic converter in the bed, a water tank.
Range limited; speed 50-60 MPH.

The future is now! H2 generation onboard and fed into the air intake would be an incremental decrease of greenhouse gases, while opening minds to vast metods of improvement. First Steps must be taken by curious talented tech/mechanically endowed individuals/groups around the Globe, and in thousands of garages.
The future is now! Get the show on the road.

Roy Stewart
Phoenix AZ

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