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Re: House Republicans Scorn Environment in Favor of Oil and Gas (Score: 1)
by Technophile on Friday, September 30, 2005 @ 08:34:45 UTC
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"...ones right to live without pollution will be gone." LOL. Don't you mean that anti-development, anti-prosperity lefties will lose the right to stop or endlessly delay every worthwhile energy project anywhere?

And you're still pushing the thououghly debunked "running out of oil" argument? Heads in the sand, indeed. You're talking about Canadian oil sand, perhaps, with reserves as big as those of the Saudis?

But wait, your two arguments, bogus as they are, are also contradictory. You say we'll smother in pollution from refineries which have run out of crude to refine. Which is it?

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Re: House Republicans Scorn Environment in Favor of Oil and Gas (Score: 1)
by baldy on Friday, September 30, 2005 @ 15:56:39 UTC
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You simply DON'T know what you are talking about. I lived at POW II when it was a DEW Line construction site,which was right in the middle of ANWaR. I knew many Eskimos that lived in the area. I walked all over that tundra. I swam in the spring runoff water off the tundra on one of the few warm daus in the Artic. I quickly peeled off my clothes and hurried into the water to try to get ahead of the skeeties. It is the only place in the WORLD that the mosquitos can stand flat footed and breed the chickens. It is 40 mile to the Brooks Range. the rest is BuTT ugly. You stop and look at it for 10 minutes and you have a picture to last a lifetime. It is no where as beutiful as Mt. Mc Kinley or the road up to Wonder Lake at the foot of Denali. I have killed over a dozen Woodland caribou and several arctic caribou which aren't worth packing out or carrying home. They don't make edible dog food for sled dogs. The eskimos say" Ug moose and bear meat for the men, women eat caribou." In other words if you are a work around trhe house person you might survive but if you live or work outside you will freeze or starve do death waste deep in barren land caribou. You tree huggers that think we must save that scenery for postereity should be air lifted to ANWR and forced to spend 3 days and 3 nights there, that would cure you for sure.It is completely inhospitable. There are a few snowshoe rabits, Ptarmigan and lots of white fox in the winter. Most of them starving to death. There are no polar bears on the shore unless they get real hungry and have to raid the garbage pits. Trust me you will be begging to get air lifted out in 24 hours. Even a poorly informed tree hugger has to know that when they put the 40 inch pipe in the heat from the hot oil that flowed through the pipe in the summer made a super highway for the caribou to migrate on and the warm climate along the pipe made the richest grazing on the whole coast and the herd  increased by 25% in 2 years and has continued to expand since. Don't be emotional twits fellows or as Arnold said girly boys. Your comments about we don't know the size of the field is foolish we have known since 1946 since the preserve was created for war time duress times that we needed to go in in the summer when the coast is open with lots of tankers and take out oil needed for the navy that we had just survived in the big one,WII Thanks folks I have been waiting for a long time on this web site to vent my spleen on you sissys who couldn't survive a week.

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