Re: Study: Hydrogen Fuel May Make Earth Cooler, Cloudier (Score: 1) by seanoz (seanoz@physical.universe) on Wednesday, June 18, 2003 @ 13:58:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Where did these "scientists" get their degrees?
Half of the product of any hydrocarbon reaction is water! It's the CO2 that is the problem, more to the point the HEAT produced is really the issue, ALONG with the emissions.
The negentropy/entropy balance is not going to be solved with H2 as a replacement fuel anyway, as heat is also an effect of this reaction, the difference is in the chemical product, and that is where water is so "desirable" as a waste product, because it can absorb energy and be then again disassembled to extract energy for propulsion and made to water - ad infinitum.
This of course is how a LOGICAL evolution of fuel usage would progress, but with vacuum and ZPE tech on the horizon who cares about H2O as fuel? Well, you shoulda guessed it - The Oil Companies. Why? Because they have AN infrastructure to convert, they have an existing "methodology", a system of material, (liquid) fuel propulsion, and water is cheap, and abundant. (To the average oil company it's free, I mean who is going to replace the oil that belongs in the ground?, Of course any one with half a brain knows they cannot replace the oil to the ground, so who will foot the repair bill?? Not the oil companies I bet!!). Do a search on "living crude oil" on google!!
By converting all of the benzene pumps, (gas bowsers) to water pumps they still retain a "patriarchy" and a "hold", will they do this conversion? Not for as long as they can. They don't want to look TOO stupid going from a messy expensive and dirty cancer causing substance like benzenes to beautiful water, that is cheap and clean and safe.
And that is why there is SOOOOOO much talk of metal hydrides,
1. Because they are PROHIBITIVLY EXPENSIVE and 2. because they are ENERGY DEMANDING to produce, and who benefits when a process requires lots of energy?
Not the power companies, they are slaves to the oil companies in more ways than you can imagine, think diesel and you know what I mean!!!
Almost ALL coal and gas, anything large and small parts and structures, basic building items and materials like steel etc., are ALL transported by DIESEL TRUCKS AND LOCOMOTIVES. Hell!! turn off the diesel and the WORLD grinds to a halt, not just the west - THE WHOLE WORLD, what gets you your coffee in the morning? The starbucks? No the truck that delivered it all day in day out, the DIESEL truck!
And even more critical to this problem of water as a fuel is the fact that water is very much tied to the orgone, so these "scientists" (or "oil bitches") crying that more clouds and more rain is bad is just plain bullshit anyway, as the areas where the orgone is allGONE, (pardon the pun) is where the deserts are!
So that means if we actually ever DO put out water as a "waste" product then the more water in the whole atmosphere means a rise in the overall level of atmospheric water in localities that are (currently) dry and wasting, and therefore means a rise in the orgone, and this means more ORDER and less chaos of heat and chaotic weather spikes.
It will mean a turnaround EVEN IF THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO USE WATER AS FUEL, we just have to think and see things in a way that we are told we can't, why can't we, (as earthlings) see the need for a negentropy device?, because it is not here!, and it's effects are "unproven" (same as unprovABLE to most scientists) because why? Well because it does not exist!! It's the conservatives best stance, "only certifiable mad men would imagine a machine that is impossible to the laws of science?" So they make science their bitch, and they have the mental health authorities (the self proclaimed experts and authorities on philosophy heheheh!!) and the police state tied to one, and voila!! A perfect capacity to SUPPRESS and OPPRESS, for the good of us all of course!! I LOVE their reasoning!! It's hilarious!
As Reich pointed out the manifestation and dispersion of clouds is a function of the orgone energy in the area, or in layman's terms "the "life potential" of the local "geographic" system or area".
This "orgone potential" is more or less able to manifest "bodies" (systems) depending on the ability of water to maintain nominal operating tendencies, so for weather and life functions to begin in areas where the water is dwindling. the orgone needs some degree of "water stability", something gas burning and burning in general plays havoc with. As we know the GREATEST ranges of temperatures are in deserts, where as the most stable and "living" areas maintain a very constant or respectable temperature, that fluctuates within normal limits as per the change of the seasons etc. the degree and timing of which is inextricably tied to the life cycles of the "bodies" or living systems in the area, this also being a vis a versa situation.
All in all, as we increase the entropy reactions on mother earth we "potentialise" the negentropy reactions, hence a die off or an exodus is imminent for man, there is no way to run from it now, and it is NO use blaming anyone, ESPECIALLY the oil companies, part of the reason they are claiming there is no danger in their methodology is the fear of the witch hunt that will emerge if the truth about gasoline and it's use ever be told!
We are all still pumping poison at the bowser each day and we all know we want to change it but we have no other "concept" of WHAT CAN BE, we need to continue to communicate the possibilities, or we won't be looking down on this mess with much pleasure.
We need to do this with LOVE, WE NEED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS THROUGH UNIFICATION - NOT DIVISION, hating oil and oil companies is NO solution, I might sound like a pot smoking hippie with my comments on the oil bitches above, but I ride motorbikes and they are purpose built JUST for recreation, if they were water powered great!, but they are not, and even when we get machines using water for fuel, gas powered machines will remain, just as you can still see a coal powered steam engine running on rails through your local train station at times, probably the only machines to remain using gasoline will only be race and recreation machines, and antiques and collectors items, which the earth can easily cope with, it was this enormously shortsighted idea that the UTILITY machines, (transport, cargo and power generation vehicles/machines) should be fueled by gasoline is really what the earth can't cope with, that should be obvious by now!
Think about it. Be about it, Do something about it.
Sean OZ
PS. Sorry for the long post! |
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