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Re: Blinded; wearing Random Optics are you? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 @ 02:45:08 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Libel – “(Law) A malicious publication expressed either in print or in writing, or by pictures, effigies, or other signs, tending to expose another to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule. Such publication is indictable at common law.” (Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.)
To everyone, skeptic or believer in general and to chipotle_pickle in particular: I do not want to see this site shut down (as it happened to a couple of Yahoo groups – see John’s post Evans) just because some people cannot control how they express themselves. I think we all are entitled to certain opinions and we need argument to reveal the truth. Please make your arguments in a non-libelous manner (think you’re making a Toastmaster Club presentation:-) so we can continue to enjoy here an objective debate on more or less real or possible revolutionary energy devices. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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Re: Blinded; wearing Random Optics are you? (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 22, 2003 @ 15:37:23 UTC
Now you are calling me a kook and saying that I am in anyway linked to GWE? You think I am gaining financial benefit from them? Do you trying to say I am part of their opporation?

For the record, I have NOTHING to do with GWE or any other company of any kind.

You can call me what you want and claim what you want. I don't have blinders and I am not hiding behind anything.

I am just saying that you may trash and bash GWE all you want. And hey, that is your right. You have freedom of speech to say what you want and to even criticise anyone that disagrees with you.

But all I am saying is that GWE might be legit and it might not be. Yes, some of the things you have pointed out ARE INDEED CURIOUS about the company and I also want them to answer many questions directly.

But I am NOT about to call them a scam when there is no proof of it. I am hoping for the best and honestly don't know what will happen.

I have not invested in their company and unless the company agreed for someone to see a working prototype I would not encourage anyone to invest in them. Not because I think they are a scam, but because there would not be enough information.

I really think that some people just like to lash out and attack because they have been burned so many times before by con artists and scams. You can be burned even if you never gave money.

GWE might indeed burn us. Does that sound like someone working for GWE?

Just because I am saying that GWE may not be a scam does that mean I am a kook!?

I am not about to give money to GWE or encourage anyone else to! Does that make me blind?

No, I do SEE some of the things you are talking about. But it does NOT mean that they are a scam. They are valid points that need to make us careful when dealing with GWE, but it does NOT mean that they are a scam.

This is my point: the federal government and the powers that be spend billions and billions of dollars every year on wasteful projects. For goodness sakes, the military just LITERALLY flushes money down the toilet every year.

If just a little tiny bit of that money was spent on alternative energy research (not conventional hydrogen fuel cells) then we MIGHT get some results. But they spend it on hot fusion and research into coal and oil. So you see, even if GWE is a scam, it is a LOT MORE INTERESTING than anything the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is doing!

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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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