Opinion on Correa Invention - Energy Conversion System, by Dr. Harold Aspden
Date: Sunday, May 12, 2002 @ 00:27:00 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

"From the commercial viewpoint of a high technology enterprise wishing to pioneer the exploitation of a major breakthrough in the new energy field, the Correa project presents a unique opportunity. The reason is that its technical foundation has been kept secret right up to the point of disclosure in the form of granted U. S. patents. Though patents purporting to generate power, seemingly in breach of the principles of thermodynamics, are normally not allowed grant as U. S. Patents, the Correa inventions have won through on their merits. The fact that at the outset there are three basic U. S. Patents covering the technology means that predators are less likely to gamble investment on deliberate infringement tactics. It further means that there is less onus and uncertainty confronting a sponsoring organization that seeks to develop the Correa technology. Usually, there is concern as to whether or not the initial basic patent cover, that is essential to protect investment by providing exclusive rights at least in a U. S. market environment, can be fully secured. However, here we have a project that has progressed through its advanced research stage and is ready to be taken up by development engineers who can design the prototype product..." (more...)

"The Correa invention achieves what many physicists would say is impossible. It is a revolutionary breakthrough in energy technology and, as with any such revolutionary invention that works and can be demonstrated, it cannot be something that is obvious and predictable from existing scientific knowledge. Scientists have, for many decades, been trying to produce and contain transiently stable electrically ionized plasma balls in vacuum tubes with the object of tapping a new source of energy eg. the efforts of Russian Nobel Prizewinner Kapitza. The Correa invention, with its double-ported feature, is, in a sense, analogous to the discovery of the fuel-injection internal combustion engine. Current is fed in through one port, becomes subject to electrodynamic compression, and then energy fed from the thermodynamic activity in the aether itself is injected into the compressed charge region before the cyclic operation of the other port draws off current powered by that energy, after which the pulse cycle is repeated. The main difference is that the energy in the Correa invention is supplied freely by the quantum activity of what is often called the 'zero-point' energy background of the quantum field medium. The step of taking that power off through a separate channel in a controlled way is what distinguishes the Correa invention from earlier research in this field."


"Whichever sponsor takes the initiative in developing the Correa technology will be well placed to be at the forefront of the benefit of being part of a global activity based on this near-21st century breakthrough. The company boardroom issue to face by any prospective investor is simply to be sure that the Correa discharge device does deliver that substantial gain in energy, because, to be sure, modern technology in the relevant component field will rapidly overcome any practical development problems. Institutional professors will say that what is claimed is not possible, because they cannot understand why it should be possible. I say that the evidence of record from Spence in U. K., from Chernetskii in Russia and now from the Correas in Canada, more than suggests that those professors are all wrong. I go further in saying that the source of that energy has been explained but it takes proof of the phenomenon before those professors can bring themselves to read the scientific papers that offer that explanation. I see that proof in the Correa research findings and I trust that the preliminary opinion here expressed will justify onward commercial sponsorship."

Read this entire document at: href=http://www.aetherometry.com/aspden_opinion.html>http://www.aetherometry.com/aspden_opinion.html

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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