U.S. Department of Energy 2004 Cold Fusion Review Status Update
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 @ 21:47:12 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

By Steven Krivit, for NewEnergyTimes.com
Researchers and science journalists from around the world continue to wait for a conclusion from the 2004 Department of Energy Cold Fusion Review. On Oct. 29, Dr. James Decker, Deputy Directory of the DOE'S Office of Science wrote, "We have the reports of 18 reviewers which I received last Wednesday before going on travel. Some of those reports were received later than anticipated. We are carefully sorting through the reviewers' comments. Some time ago, we had a media inquiry that we answered by saying we would release something by the end of the year. I was optimistic in thinking we could get something out this month. I assure you I am working to achieve a release as soon as possible."

Decker had also indicated that his current hope for release of a conclusion was during the month of November, but that his priority was to insure that DOE's conclusion was an accurate and fair representation of the various reviewers, rather than to rush to achieve a specific deadline.

New Energy Times (tm) is pleased to present a new web page dedicated to the publicly-known information about the 2004 U.S. Department of Energy Cold Fusion Review, as well as the original 1989 review. The page includes an audio recording, notes from a slide presentation, 8 full-text papers, and excerpts from The Rebirth of Cold Fusion. The slide presentation includes, among other details, the names of 11 of the 18 reviewers of this years' review. The other reviewers' names remain secret.

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