The Oxford Electric Bell is ringing since ...1840!
Date: Saturday, November 27, 2004 @ 20:37:10 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

In the free-energy yahoo group freerk_vandermeulen writes: Hello,

This could be called a mobile perpetuum.
An electric bell which rings for already 164 years:

(In the middle of the page, The Oxford Electric Bell)

The bell seems to be put in The Guinnes Book Of Records as well.

The Oxford Electric Bell

In Oxford, a bell is ringing.

As described by A.J. Croft in his 1984 report:

In the foyer of the Clarendon Laboratory in the University of Oxford is an electric bell which has been ringing almost continually since it was bought and first displayed in 1840.... The bell is of course practically inaudible.... What the piles are made of is not known with certainty, but it is clear that the outer coating is of sulphur, and this seals in the cells and the electrolyte.... On present form the clapper seems more likely to wear out than the electro-chemical energy to be exhausted.

In 2001 the bell has still not given up the ghost. Jim Williamson of the Oxford Physics Department reports that

"It is still there and still ringing. You can see it in the glass cabinet in the foyer of the Clarendon, on the left as you go into the Martin Wood."

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