GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team
Date: Thursday, December 02, 2004 @ 20:11:18 UTC Topic: Devices
GMC which has claimed to have a production ready OU magnetic motor puts a hold on the LaFonte testing team giving no reason for the delay or any access to the inventors on the project. Read the group letter for the speculations and disapointment >>>
Hi all,
I called GMC Tuesday and asked when we could bring the test team in and I was told to call Wednesday afternoon. I just called and was told no
one was available to talk today and that information would be posted to the web site with respect to testing. He also told me that all people
coming to the tests would have to give their drivers license and social security number before they could attend. Also anyone from out of the country would have to show them their passport. I have worked for weeks day and night putting this team together, borrowed close to ten thousand dollars worth of testing equipment including a 7000 dollar gauss meter and a laptop controlled programmable load controller, thermal imaging equipment, oscilloscopes, multi-testers, and many other test instruments, purchased a laser guided infrared thermometer and have three video cameras ready with tripods and lighting and ran up a 400 dollar phone bill. At this point I can't talk direct to any of the people that welcomed the test team a few weeks ago, Richard and Billy. I was told to check the web site for any information regarding access to the motor. I had a fool proof test procedure in place that would have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt if this was or was not a true overunity motor and we were going to put it on the web through many multiple sites. I will let you all make your own conclusions as to where we stand with this hand picked, very qualified, well equipped, test team and ever getting to conduct our six hour test of the GMC motor.
Thanks for all the support guys,
Butch LaFonte
Group site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/free-energy/