Landlords Seek New Tenants: Power Generators
Date: Sunday, June 09, 2002 @ 20:07:00 UTC
Topic: Customers

The soft real-estate market in California is having the unintended consequence of encouraging commercial landlords to locate power-generation
systems on their properties, The Wall Street Journal reports. That, at least, is one of the considerations driving demand for on-site power plants, says Daniel Cashdan, chairman of RealEnergy Inc., which installs and operates such systems and sells electricity to the property owner at market rates. RealEnergy is operating or is in the process of installing power-generation systems at 37 office properties and two hotels in
California. And the company is in talks with about a dozen landlords in New York, and expects to have several systems installed by the end of the year, says Mr. Cashdan.
(Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2002)

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