Superconductors in General Relativity and Cosmology
Date: Friday, December 17, 2004 @ 22:26:21 UTC
Topic: Science

-----Mensaje original-----
De: K_loupwarp
Enviado el: Jueves 16 de Diciembre de 2004 05:20
Asunto: [cph_theory] Superconductors in General Relativity and Cosmology

hello i am inviting all of you to read my work on General Relativity and Cosmology of Higher Dimensional Spacetime Geometry..this e-print is at Conseil Nationale de la Recherche Spatiale de France CNRS-National Council of Space Research of France...

i use a abnormal coupling between eletrimagnetism and gravity using rotating superconductors....this is inspired in a research carried out by ESA European Space Agency..ESTEC
European Space technology and Engineering Center...also i am inviting all of you to browse the webpages in my eletronic signature in the end of this email to see my works at CERN-Centre Europeene por la Recherche Nucleaire-European Organization for Nuclear Research

My Works at CERN

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