Do you think Smith has a point? (Zero Point ?;-)
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2004 @ 23:13:20 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

Bob, Doc, Peter, and everyone on the "cc" list:
This is Don Smith's TransWorld Energy site, his perception of "Resonance Energy":
Do you think Smith has a point? Does it still boil down to Zero Point?

With thanks,
Hal Ade.

Jerry Decker [Keelynet] writes: Hola Hal!

I have no problem with people saying their claims are ideas or theories, it is when they claim them as FACT or hardware that my credulity shields go up.

Smith, like so many other con artists in the field has long been playing fast and loose with facts and reality. I see BAP also on your list as he is one who also has long been making claims of discovery, invention, con people into buying his material...refer back to the original 'Cold Fission Tube' scam where he intentionally lied to and ripped off many people including myself. He has not and will not change this modus operandi.

However, back to Smith, I first met him at a Tesla Convention where he had driven up from Houston. I was with Dan Davidson and we asked him if he brought his device, he said yes, we suggested with such a long drive, that he test it to verify it works before setting up for his demonstration. He agreed, took out this platform with a nicely wound coil arrangement and claimed it easily produces 1000 watts. He 'tuned' it and nothing happened. His load was an 8 watt fluorescent tube which would not light. Don said he had to go but could WE FIX IT FOR HIM? QUE???

He left, we used a multimeter he had provided and found the laser power supply was faulty, fortunately Don had spare parts, so we hooked it into the circuit and did resistance checks on the wiring finding no open circuits.

When we tried it, still would not even light the 8 watt lamp (remember he was claiming to tap the VAN ALLEN RADIATION BELTS to produce 1000 watts)....we hooked in an LED, it didn't even light.

Didn't deter Don in the least, despite his initial humble and charming demeanor, once fans starting blowing smoke up his skirt, he morphed into claiming his 'discoveries' would change not just electronics, but all science. Total nutcase without a working device.

Over the years, he put a battery in a suitcase with an inverter, installed a 110vac outlet and plugged in an oscillating fan as his 'demo' claiming this was free energy....and on and on...years and years no of him making ever more outrageous claims....such as that he could produce 50,000 watts from this little 18 guage wire coil......

And later claiming megawatts...saying he was on the board of many 'overseas' companies who were actively manufacturing his free energy circuits and placing into products. When countenanced about WHO these companies are, contact info, product info, etc...he says its proprietary or that he doesn't have to prove anything to anybody...and on and on with rants when anyone questions anything he says...translation...a deluded loser...I think more seeking FAME than money though he was charging $2000 for his circuit which he claimed 'even Boy Scouts had built' but that no engineer or technician could even remotely understand let alone build as a working device. Right...

Ok, just doe some searches on the internet and you will find pages and posts about Smith (and BAP for that matter) with the most ludicrous claims you could imagine. The above was just my personal experience with Smith and I won't EVEN go into the smarmy dealings of the Bapster.

One thing about Smith, he does weave an interesting theory, like the idiot Al Bielek, yet none of it has been proven in hardware to my knowledge by his 'claims of success' and more CRITICALLY those of independent testers and verification. That is the main proof that the claimants of discovery/invention AVOID AT ALL COSTS...because they KNOW they are lying and that no one can make it work. Tilley is one who has cast his activities in this mold.

Now to the 'document';

...electromagnetic energy is accessed via catalytic activity - either directly, as in the case of Solar Cells, or indirectly by mechanical means.

Definition of Catalysis (catalyst);

n. pl. ca7tal7y7ses (-sz) - The action of a catalyst, especially an increase in the rate of a chemical reaction.
...a single Resonance Energy Device (about the size of a shoe box) produces ample energy to power itself,

...Without specialized instrumentation it is impossible to tell resonance flux is occurring.

...Information on the earth's magnetic flux field is available to the public from the US Geological Survey Office in Colorado, USA. When examined and properly understood these maps yield important information regarding reflection, deflection, and absorption of incoming magnetic waves and action at a distance. When properly understood, these maps yield an ambient electromagnetic flux of 7.2 billion Volts at a point of measure.

...Flux moving into energy sinks provides the frictional force known as gravity.

...All electromagnetic energy harvesting methods include three things: a catalyst, a collector, and a pump. Catalysts include sensitization through doping with certain elements, as well as air and earth grounding.
...TransWorld Energy is bringing it to you.

Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Updated Date: 26-oct-2004
Creation Date: 04-may-2000
Expiration Date: 04-may-2005

I suspect this is a very old document which has been reposted on this site. So many years later (Smith was way back in 1992 or so) and STILL no working devices was BAPS claims of free energy and 'inventions/discovery', never proven, never marketed, never patented!!!

Alas, I WANT TO BELIEVE, but require proof, not just the ramblings of deluded people or known con artists out to make a buck from naive people who become confused with all the technospeak and use of buzzwords like Tesla, scalar, radiant, ZPE, suppression, conspiracy...anything that would obfuscate or be difficult/impossible to track and verify, INDEPENDENTLY, not just from their claims.

We will continue to search for a means to tap into ambient forces, whether they be gravity, electrostatics (lightning, ions), magnetic flux, zero point energy (zero point field), frequencies from space (cosmic 'energy'), etc...

But we aren't there yet....too many con artists, too many people clouding the field with bullshit, usually to scam others....and worst of all, almost no one funding any REAL research despite the huge commercial potential and the ability to resolve many of the earths current problems.

Those problems are not ONLY ecological, but also these incredibly stupid wars over control of OIL (never mind the EXCUSES of terrorism, etc..), not to mention the additional entanglements relating to religion and centuries old hostilities in which we have NO business interferring.

The sooner people begin funding real research into these areas, the sooner a Manhattan type project WILL DISCOVER a working free energy technology and ideally GIVE IT TO THE WORLD to be used, manufactured and marketed as freely as possible.

As for Smith, ask him where you can buy one of his free energy circuits/devices and get him to tell you just what it will produce in terms of power. And require a money back guarantee WHEN it doesn't work.

The proof of these con artists, despite their wondrous claims is they never have a product to sell you but man, they will be glad to sell you a franchise, stock, solicit a contribution or refer you to buy their books, CDs etc, further regurgitating their THEORY or something else that will provide them with income without the proof so many of us insist on having.

Feliz Navidad and Happy New Year (I can't write 'ano' with the correct notation, as 'ano means anus' and I'd rather not write Happy New Anus!)

Jerry Decker -
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