Cosmological Constant
Date: Friday, March 25, 2005 @ 14:43:58 UTC Topic: Science
Einstein's original and imaginative term denotes a static model but not a completely permeating cosmos with the stuff between the stuff we can not see. He may have sensed it but fudged it might be. Ironically may turn out to be his greatest prediction .
What does the term cosmological constant theoretically signify?
Cosmological constant is a term referring to a smooth cosmic fluid like energy field (PRE) that pervades homogeneously (0 + -) all space. This term should produce a field equation in responds to a general relativity theory and describes a force why celestial objects do not exercise avulse conduct in a static cosmological constant.
This cosmological constant, conventionally denotes a parameter describing the PRE* density of space as an important contributor to the dynamical history of a static cosmos. Unlike ordinary matter, which can bind or disperse as it evolves, the PRE is a non - binding contiguous basic constituent and under ordinary circumstances is homogenous and isotropic throughout the cosmos.
Now may we posit a fundamental particle structure hypothesis: -Quantum thermal units form bonds as independed particles of which larger particles are composed.
So when we split matter apart than split molecules apart and then atoms, and then nuclei in continuum and then even the fundamental particles themselves. Should we be able to! We would have something like this "potential rest energy". The stuff the cosmological constant is made of.
Unlike ordinary matter a major percentage of PRE can not bind or disperse, it denotes the density in a CC and under normal circumstance appears as a smooth cosmic fluid like energy field (PRE) permeating all space homogeneously (almost) and consequently denotes a constant density of omega = 1( + - 0)*.
This should produce a field equation in responds to the general relativity theory and describe a force why objects do not exercise avulse conduct in a static cosmological constant.
With the introduction of potential rest energy and the progress in symmetries have opened new conceptual possibilities into discrete sub particle theories.
It seems this imaginative term C.C. describes a cosmos with implications of simplicity, logic and should describe how matter, energy, density and volume as relative factors of the cosmos.
On a theoretical plain, explains by a logical sequence how the cosmos can contract and expand and still not violate this term "cosmological constant":
Logical and philosophical observations provide physical evidence that the cosmos is not completely homogenous and suggests that potential rest energy may differ in thermal value.
1-- 67% as potential rest energy at "x" value
2-- 31 % as dark matter at ( "a" and "b") values. These are PRE thermal units that combine to form fmp- and graviton particles.
3-- While the remaining 2 % fmp+ ( a dark matter constituent needed to form lumpy matter) is at "z" value
Decidedly this is just a guestimate but I believe reasonably close.
Now imagine a three dimensional region of space, filled randomly with these contiguous points (QTU)
What is quantum thermal unit rearrangement? (QTUR)
The first law of quantum thermal unit rearrangement is; No two quantum thermal units can share the same point in space.
To thoroughly digest the" quantum thermal unit rearrangement" concept, we should start with a proposition. What is the mechanism to explain this function and extrapolate a quantum thermal unit rearrangement theory? Like sound or water for QTUR propagation, a contactual contiguous fluid like medium to fill the total volume is required. Sequentially vast quantities of quantum units are needed to simply fill this space
Let us posit a novel argument for general behavior and causation of these basic constituents. These varying values of PRE eventually form baryon particles and advance to more and more complex matter but do not increase their unit value in respect to volume in space. These new binding particles simply displace PRE units and resultantly claim that space. These new particles in possession of information transference capabilities initiate motion and thermal transference but the number of units and the overall volume remains a constant. What we are witnessing is a local coalescence of binding particles or formation of baryon matter. An increase of quantities of specific units in an expanding* local region only. Hypothetically we may extrapolate; each one cubic inch of space will contain (almost) the same number of pre units, inconsequential as to the type of matter. The number of PRE units will always remain (almost) constant. I realize that pre exhibits (three?) thermal flavors.
Local universe (bubble)
The local universe (bubble) is a constituent of the cosmos; it contains omega + - also a smooth cosmic fluid like energy (PRE) permeating all space that is not presently occupied by macro matter and dark matter (fundamental particles). A non - homogenous local universe can effect the masses and express expansion and contractile phenomenon.
PRE* ---potential rest energy
Fmp --- fundamental particles
+ - 0 * --- meaning very close to 1
Expanding *--- units coalesce or diffuse