Dennis Lee will start a 50 state free energy tour
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 @ 19:01:00 UTC
Topic: Investors

ex convict & high school drop out, Dennis Lee has been promising free energy in a few months . . . for the past 15 years.

right now, people are worried about available energy. A large percentage of
people believe the common conspiracy theory that big oil interests have long
suppressed secret ways to get free energy.

For over a century, con men claiming to have free energy have made a lot of money getting people's hopes up. (I offer a history of some at:

The lead person promising free energy in America is a dynamic character you would have to see to believe. He's got 2000 big time followers who have paid", "as much as $100,000 to become dealers in his technology. He's got a radio show,
buys TV advertising, got ad time on the Larry King show, has taken out full page
national newspaper ads, rented out places like the Philadelphia First Union Center
for his nationwide tours. He says big oil was behind occasional visits to jail. His
grass roots efforts have had him and his tapes seen by millions. Right now, his
followers are working hard to get 1.6 million Americans to pay a few dollars to
get advanced registrations to have free electricity machines installed on their homes.
Condemnation by scientists, the BBB and many states attorney generals have no
effect on this movement.
His name is Dennis Lee, and I believe he is the last of America's big time con men
who operate right out in the open for years.

I personally have been following this story for nearly 4 years. I now have names
of a number of prominent former insiders willing to talk on camera. I also have a
list of hundreds of victims of Dennis Lee going back 3 decades. These people are all across the United States and many are old people who have lost their life's savings.
Although Dennis occasionally does jail time, most efforts to bring him in fail for outrageous reasons. Pat Robertson lost $150,000 to him but won't talk about it.
Again, I have people who are both former allies of Dennis's and serious victims willing
to appear on camera if they can help be part of finally getting the attention of the authorities who can finally put an end to this. I have stacks of Dennis's tapes, literature and access to", "some new inside information that may be critical to put him away. We'd go to the authorities,", "but we feel that they'd only issue more lame cease and desist orders that just go ignored and
I'm part of a weak volunteer effort to help head off potential victims. Our web page", "on Dennis Lee's operation is at:

please give me a call,

Eric Krieg

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