Going Nuclear?
Date: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 @ 19:17:37 UTC
Topic: General

"...President Bush has proposed increasing the use of nuclear power as "one of the most promising sources of energy," including rehabilitating the country's 103 nuclear reactors and building more than 30 new ones nationwide.

Bush's plan follows on the heels of a 150-page report from the National Commission on Energy Policy calling for the US to invest billions in subsidies in reinvigorating the nuclear industry—approved by a board that includes a Harvard professor emeritus of environmental policy and a senior attorney for the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the nation's largest environmental action organization, with over one million members.

The most infamous pro-nuke convert is Patrick Moore, cofounder of Greenpeace. In 1986, after 15 years fighting nuclear testing, uranium mining, and toxic waste dumping, Moore suddenly left the international nonprofit to become a spokesman for nuclear energy. "Climate change is a wonderful example to demonstrate the limitations of science," he notes on his website, www.greenspirit.com.

In recent months, three other prominent environmentalists have publicly defected to the pro-nuke side. James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia Theory—that the earth's living matter functions as a single organism—criticized the Kyoto Treaty as a cosmetic attempt to hide the political embarrassment of global warming, in the Independent, (5/24/04), and complained that nuclear energy isn't popular because of "irrational fear fed by Hollywood-style fiction, the Green lobbies, and the media."...

Read the whole article here: Going Nuclear?

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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