The Quest For Gravity Control
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2005 @ 12:38:03 UTC
Topic: General

Mark writes: Think you'll find this of interest...

"The Quest For Gravity Control, the movie in search of a beginning. Gravity control is an idea whose time has come. As a matter of fact, gravity control is an idea overdue.

This site is an invitation to anyone who can demonstrate gravity control on demand to be verified by scientists.

Antigravity research for a machine or device capable of achieving levitation by reacting with and against gravity has been the subject of scientists such as Nikola Tesla, John Keely, Thomas Townsend Brown and many others trying to crack the gravity barrier.

We believe that passionate science of today is on the verge of a new discovery destined to change our way of life forever.

The discovery of a new propulsion system we like to call gravity control. And this great experiment is now taking place within these pages."


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