On the Space-Vortex Structure of the Electron
Date: Monday, July 04, 2005 @ 21:27:24 UTC Topic: Science
Thanks again to Dr.Andrew Michrowski (PACENET) for this information. From Paramahamsa Tewari's letter: Dear Andrew,
Apeiron, Montreal, have published a new book "What is the Electron". One of the articles in the book, writtern by me, is enclosed. The paper, explaining all the properties and behavior of electron, shows clearly structural relationship between spatial reality and matter at the most fundamental level, hitherto not reached by quantum physics.
Kindly forward to the interested scientists/researchers.
Best wishes,
From the Introduction:
It was Rene Descartes, the French Mathematician and Philosopher who, perhaps for the first time in a scientific sense, assigned a reality to the medium of space as a property-less fluid-entity, already known at that time as ether. According to Descartes, large cosmic ether vortices existed throughout the universe. One such vortex carried the planets around the sun, and countless smaller vortices aggregated into different sizes of universal matter, filling the whole of space. He explained gravity by the pressure and impact of ether on bodies; and framed the principles of the inertial tendencies of matter for straight line motion based on the property of the fluidity of a space-substratum filled with ether vortices. The transmission of the then known magnetic forces and the force of gravity between the earth and the planetary bodies found explanations in Cartesian philosophy with physical contacts between the interacting entities mediated by the intervening ether. The theory of Descartes at that time was the most convincing natural philosophy and was based on a single dynamic ether as the only reality of the universe. The theory remained in acceptance for almost a century after publication of Newton's Principia.
Newton's laws of motion took into account the principle of inertia for straight line motion as conceived by Descartes [1], and Galileo's experimental discoveries on freely falling bodies and their motion on inclined planes; but ether was not invoked to explain the properties of mass, inertia (which were introduced in Newton's laws of motion) and the force of gravity. Thus the medium of space, except for its utility as a continuous fluid-substratum for the transmission of light waves, was again made inert and inactive for transmission of forces; and this led to the reintroduction of the principle of "action at a distance." Based on this principle, R. G. Boscovich (1711-87) tried to explain all physical effects and, further, Coulomb and Ampère invoked it in explaining the mutual action of forces between charged bodies and electric currents. In contrast, Faraday's researches led him to the conclusion that electromagnetic induction cannot take place without the intervening medium (field). Faraday introduced the concept of continuously varying electric and magnetic fields, signifying that space is a continuous substratum and "action at a distance" is not the basic principle. He also suggested that an atom could be a structure of fields of forces-electric, magnetic, and gravitational, existing around its central point. On the existence of ether, Faraday's belief was that it may have its utility in other physical effects, in addition to providing a medium for transmission of light. Based on Faraday's concepts, Maxwell wrote equations using hydrodynamics to model ether, postulating that it was as an incompressible fluid. Helmholtz conceived the ether vortex filament as electric current, and W. Thomson believed [2] that 'the magnetic energy is the kinetic energy of a medium occupying the whole space, and that electric energy is the energy of strain of the same medium.' Atomic structure as a vortex motion was also proposed by Thomson and others, and after the electron's discovery (1897), Larmor concluded that the electron is a structure in the ether and that all matter consisted of electrons only.
Serious problems arose (1905) with the concepts of the vortex structure of atoms/electrons in an incompressible fluid. One problem was that of the dissipation of vortex motion, since the streamlines in a vortex may tend to dilate outward (W. Thomson). Another problem pertained to the difficulty of the transmission of an electromagnetic field in this fluid at the enormous speed of light, for which, if its properties are considered akin to matter, the elasticity should be near to that of steel! While these difficulties were yet to be overcome, Einstein's Theory of Relativity (1905), proposed around the same time, postulated the medium of space as an empty extension, which meant no point of space had a velocity-vector (or "velocity field"), thus making the very existence of ether superfluous. The space-vortex structure of the electron, based on this writer's works [3], and described in this paper, provides solutions to both the above problems. The high elasticity required for the fluid-ether, as pointed out above, is avoided by postulating it as a nonmaterial and incompressible fluid devoid of any known property of matter, such as mass, density, discreteness, viscosity, elasticity, or compressibility, etc. Further, if the properties of "mass" and "charge" of an electron must be derived from the first principles proposed by Descartes, Faraday, Maxwell, and Thompson, then a massless and chargeless fluid that, as a vortex, can form the structure of an electron, must be assumed. That the proof of this assumption-that the universal substratum of space with nonmaterial* properties has real existence-is provided by deriving the basic properties of the electron (mass, charge, inertia, gravity, locality, etc.) from the space† vortex structure, and by explaining its behavior in physical as well as quantitative terms as experimentally observed. The other problem, that of the outward dissipation of the vortex motion, is solved by introducing a discontinuity in the energy-distribution at the vortex center, as discussed later.
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